Command option Sample:aws ssm list-commands

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Lists the commands requested by users of the AWS account.Show details from next link.

aws ssm list-commands \
    Caching my custom docker image - Build Environment - CircleCI Community Discussion :
aws ssm list-commands --command-id "0831e1a8-a1ac-4257-a1fd-c831b48c4107"
    list-inventory-entries — AWS CLI 1.16.13 Command Reference :
aws ssm list-commands --filters key=InvokedAfter
    ssm - GoDoc :
aws ssm list-commands --filters key=InvokedAfter
    Network.AWS.SSM.GetCommandInvocation :
aws ssm list-commands --command-id 8a196058-445e-4960-9efb-be746ecf98dc
    Sonic Execute :
aws ssm list-commands --instance-id
    ruby - How can I trigger an event or notification when an AWS SSM RunCommand Script completes executing on my EC2 Instance? - Stack Overflow :
aws ssm list-commands --command-id
    AWS : Simple Systems Manager (SSM) - 2018 :

aws のオプション一覧