Command option Sample:aws stepfunctions start-execution

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Starts a state machine execution.Show details from next link.

aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn
    Building High-Throughput Genomics Batch Workflows on AWS: Workflow Layer (Part 4 of 4) | AWS Compute Blog :
aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn arn:aws:states:eu-west-1:051581810722:stateMachine:HasFirmwareChanged
    AWS Step Functions for networkers the CLI approach - IT Playground Blog :
aws stepfunctions start-execution \
    Serverless User Activation Mechanism with Amazon Lambda, Amazon Step Functions and DynamoDB Triggers – while (learning) print(blog); :
aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn "
    executing it from ec2 cli or using a script 揃 Issue #13 揃 aws-samples/sync-buckets-state-machine 揃 GitHub :
aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn
    AWS Step Functions | Noise :
aws stepfunctions start-execution \\\n --state-machine-arn \x3cSTATE_MACHINE_ARN\x3e\n --input \"
    How to use AWS Step Functions to iterate and sequentially process jobs :
aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn STATE_MACHINE_ARN --input file://schedule-lambda-input.json --region us-east-1
    How To: Schedule a one-time invocation of an AWS Lambda function. | Sudar's blog :

aws のオプション一覧