この操作では、アーカイブをボールトに追加します。 詳細は次のリンクを参照してください。 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/cli/latest/reference/glacier/upload-archive.html
aws glacier upload-archive --account-id - --vault-name TestVault --body /backup/dump2014-02-10.sql.gz |
Amazon Glacier : 戯言 : http://abiys.blog.jp/archives/63424454.html |
aws glacier upload-archive --account-id |
Cloud Data Archiving Using Amazon Glacier Solution : http://cloud.netapp.com/blog/cloud-archiving-from-on-premises-to-amazon-glacier |
aws glacier upload-archive \ |
Glacier Selectを使ってみた | Developers.IO : http://dev.classmethod.jp/cloud/aws/how-to-use-glacier-select/ |
aws glacier upload-archive --account-id - --vault-name my-vault --body archive.zip |
upload-archive — AWS CLI 1.16.6 Command Reference : http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/glacier/upload-archive.html |
aws glacier upload-archive --vault-name my-vault-name --account-id - --archive-description |
Upload/download to/from AWS Glacier using aws-cli 揃 GitHub : http://gist.github.com/hfreire/89a2bd48b683a8078549fec908b31efc |
aws glacier upload-archive --vault-name my-vault --account-id - --body my-file.zip |
May | 2018 | koding notes : http://kodingnotes.wordpress.com/2018/05/ |
aws glacier upload-archive --account-id %ACCOUNT_ID% --vault-name %VAULT_NAME% --archive-description %ZIP_DESC% --body %ZIP_FILENAME% |
AWS Glacier にCLIでアーカイブをアップロード/ダウンロードする : http://qiita.com/fkooo/items/9c49a084a1926def627b |
aws glacier upload-archive --body 201701291452-backupmaker.yourcompany.com-backup.tar.gz.enc --account-id - --vault-name summitroute_backup --archive-description 201701291452-backupmaker.yourcompany.com-backup |
Using AWS for backups - Summit Route : http://summitroute.com/blog/2017/01/29/using_aws_for_backups/ |
aws glacier upload-archive --account-id - --vault-name foo-vault --body foo.zip |
I need a simple way to backup files to Amazon glacier from the command line? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/546507/i-need-a-simple-way-to-backup-files-to-amazon-glacier-from-the-command-line |
aws glacier upload-archive --account-id - --vault-name 'deleteMeIn2020' --archive-description " |
Maltfield Log/2018 Q3 - Open Source Ecology : http://wiki.opensourceecology.org/wiki/Maltfield_Log/2018_Q3 |
aws glacier upload-archive --account-id - --vault-name |
21x9.org | Systemadministration : http://www.21x9.org/ |
aws glacier upload-archive --account-id |
How to upload a folder to AWS Glacier using AWS CLI - Quora : http://www.quora.com/How-do-I-upload-a-folder-to-AWS-Glacier-using-AWS-CLI |
aws glacier upload-archive --account-id xx --vault-name testvault --body testfile.txt --profile glacierprofile |
Why profile and account-id in glacier and where to see vault? : aws : http://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/87idor/why_profile_and_accountid_in_glacier_and_where_to/ |