あなたのものを列挙します。 詳細は次のリンクを参照してください。 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/cli/latest/reference/iot/list-things.html
aws iot list-things --attribute-name "Area" --attribute-value "Akihabara" |
【新機能】AWS IoTの新しい概念「Thing Types」でThingの属性を効果的に使う | Developers.IO : http://dev.classmethod.jp/cloud/aws-iot-support-thing-types/ |
aws iot list-things Simulate a Thing A thing uses MQTT pub/sub (or a RESTful API) to synchronize with its shadow in AWS IoT. To report its state over MQTT |
AWS IoT (Beta) Developer Guide - PDF : http://docplayer.net/5049643-Aws-iot-beta-developer-guide.html |
aws iot list-things --attribute-name "wattage" --attribute-value "75" |
How to Manage Things with the Registry - AWS IoT : http://docs.aws.amazon.com/iot/latest/developerguide/thing-registry.html |
aws iot list-things --attribute-name "wattage" --attribute-value "75" |
AWS IoT Developer Guide - PDF Free Download : http://edoc.site/aws-iot-developer-guide-pdf-free.html |
aws iot list-things \u003cspan class=\ |
[JAWS-UG CLI] IoT #11 IoT Thingの削除 : http://qiita.com/tcsh/items/fbb27386c67e44832692 |
aws iot list-things and I got: |
aws cli - AWS IoT CLI - list-things returning empty list - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/49279575/aws-iot-cli-list-things-returning-empty-list |
aws iot list-things --attribute-name |
AWS IoT - Developer Guide IoT Developer Guide AWS IoT Components What Is AWS IoT? AWS IoT provides secure, bi-directional communication between Internet-connected devices such as - [PDF Document] : http://vdocuments.mx/aws-iot-developer-guide-iot-developer-guide-aws-iot-components-what-is-aws-iot.html |
aws iot list-things --region eu-west-1 |
Lambda – mage-net.net : http://www.mage-net.net/2017/07/06/lambda/ |
aws iot list-things --attribute-name |
The Lifecycle of an AWS IoT Thing : http://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServices/the-lifecycle-of-an-aws-iot-thing |