UTF-8入力(プレーンテキストまたはSSML)をバイトストリームに合成します。 詳細は次のリンクを参照してください。 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/cli/latest/reference/polly/synthesize-speech.html
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
AWS-CLI から Amazon Polly を使う - 猫背で進め : http://alea12.hateblo.jp/entry/2017/08/07/174927 |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
Amazon Polly Text To Speech With aws-cli and Twilio - Alestic.com : http://alestic.com/2016/11/amazon-polly-text-to-speech/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
Tech day: Facial recognition on my magic mirror - Luminis Amsterdam : http://amsterdam.luminis.eu/2018/06/05/tech-day-facial-recognition-on-my-magic-mirror/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
RubyでAmazon Pollyを使ってWebサイトの読み上げ音声合成してみた - once upon a time, : http://archive.fo/MCGUJ |
aws polly synthesize-speech --text-type text --text |
command line - run aws polly with shell variables - Ask Ubuntu : http://askubuntu.com/questions/988327/run-aws-polly-with-shell-variables |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
Amazon Polly 文章から音声へ、47の声と24の言語 | Amazon Web Services ブログ : http://aws.amazon.com/jp/blogs/news/polly-text-to-speech-in-47-voices-and-24-languages/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech \\\n --output-format mp3 --voice-id Joanna \\\n --text \"Hello my name is Joanna.\" \\\n joanna.mp3" |
Text-to-speech based on deep learning for Web site using Amazon Polly and Ruby : http://blog.chezo.uno/text-to-speech-for-web-site-using-amazon-polly-and-ruby-adc1923212cb |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
Rubyで深層学習を使った音声合成Amazon Pollyを使ってWebサイトの読み上げ音声合成してみた - once upon a time, : http://chezou.hatenablog.com/entry/amazon-polly-with-ruby |
aws polly synthesize-speech --text "Classmethod is blog company." --voice-id Joanna --output-format mp3 speech.mp3 |
Amazon PollyをAWS CLIから使ってみる #reinvent | Developers.IO : http://dev.classmethod.jp/cloud/aws/amazon-polly-using-aws-cli/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
音声の速度 - Amazon Polly : http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/polly/latest/dg/get-started-cli-exercise.html |
aws polly synthesize-speech --output-format mp3 --text "Here is my text" --voice-id Joanna output.mp3 |
A text-to-speech tool using AWS Polly - Eric Heikes : http://ericheikes.com/text-speech-tool-aws-polly/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech --text |
Polly は emoji を喋れるか? - FIVETEESIXONE : http://fiveteesixone.lackland.io/2016/12/14/does-polly-speak-emoji/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
amazon-polly-developer-guide/ssml-synthesize-speech-cli.md at master 揃 awsdocs/amazon-polly-developer-guide 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/awsdocs/amazon-polly-developer-guide/blob/master/doc_source/ssml-synthesize-speech-cli.md |
aws polly synthesize-speech --region eu-west-1 --output-format mp3 --voice-id Joanna --text \" |
Playing with text to speech in emacs (part 1) - The joy of programming : http://joy.pm/post/2016-12-16-playing_with_text_to_speech_in_emacs_(part_1)/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
mp3 | Noise | Page 2 : http://noise.getoto.net/tag/mp3/page/2/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech -output-format mp3 -voice. Is there a an app for recording voice notes that syncs to cloud i use the notes recorder app. Android: speech to text recognization i |
Voice Recorder Speech To Text, Best Academic Writing Service in California - nutriradar.com : http://nutriradar.com/undertake.php@voice-recorder-speech-to-text |
aws polly synthesize-speech --text-type ssml --output-format "mp3" --voice-id "Salli" --text " |
How to generate more MP3 files at the same time in Amazon Polly using Python code? : http://python-forum.io/Thread-How-to-generate-more-MP3-files-at-the-same-time-in-Amazon-Polly-using-Python-code |
aws polly synthesize-speech --text " |
AWS Pollyでシステムアラートをしゃべらせてみる : http://qiita.com/yuichi_bl/items/34df28ad32cdb7f7b9e1 |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
java - Voice speed control in Amazon Polly? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/43905431/voice-speed-control-in-amazon-polly |
aws polly synthesize-speech --output-format=mp3 --text= |
[音声合成] 深層学習を駆使したテキスト読み上げサービスの Amazon Polly を AWS CLI で試してみた ~ AWS re:Invent Day2 – PSYENCE:MEDIA : http://tech.recruit-mp.co.jp/event/post-11049/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech --output-format mp3 --voice-id Amy --text "Hello my name is peter." peter.mp3 |
Amazon Polly Speech - Scargill's Tech Blog : http://tech.scargill.net/amazon-polly-speech/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech --output-format mp3 --voice-id Joanna --text 'Hello |
Windows10のAWS CLI経由でAmazon Pollyを使用してみる - uepon日々の備忘録 : http://uepon.hatenadiary.com/entry/2017/08/27/220054 |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ --lexicon-names LexA LexB \ --output-format mp3 \ --text "Hello |
[PDF] Amazon Polly - 開発者ガイド - AWS Documentation - Free Download PDF : http://updoc.site/download/amazon-polly-aws-documentation_pdf |
aws polly synthesize-speech -\-\text-type ssml -\-\output-format |
[AWSAI] Convert Your Text into an MP3... - Information Technology Professional Examination | Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/ITexam/posts/awsai-convert-your-text-into-an-mp3-file-with-amazon-polly-and-a-simple-python-s/1883769318306665/ |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
眠すぎる朝のPolly|ハンズラボエンジニアブログ|ハンズラボ株式会社 : http://www.hands-lab.com/tech/entry/2260.html |
aws polly synthesize-speech \ |
Techmeme: Some high-ranking Reddit moderators say they're losing hope in the site's future as users from the pro-Trump subreddit harass others, inflate vote counts, more (Bryan Menegus/Gizmodo) : http://www.techmeme.com/161201/p3 |
aws polly synthesize-speech --output-format mp3 --voice-id Mizuki --text " |
» Amazon Polly を使って Twitter のタイムラインを喋らせてみる TECHSCORE BLOG : http://www.techscore.com/blog/2016/12/07/talk-twitter-timeline-with-amazon-polly/ |