ホストされているゾーンに割り当てられた4つのネームサーバーを含む、指定されたホストゾーンに関する情報を取得します。 詳細は次のリンクを参照してください。 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/cli/latest/reference/route53/get-hosted-zone.html
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id |
Route53のレコード一覧を表示するワンライナー | cloudpack.media : http://cloudpack.media/13578 |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id Z1R8UBAEXAMPLE |
get-hosted-zone — AWS CLI 1.16.13 Command Reference : http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/route53/get-hosted-zone.html |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id "/hostedzone/Z3B4FBNOV4X88L" |
Deploy Kubernetes for containerorchestration - Data Science and DevOps : http://ektar.github.io/2016/aws-kubernetes.html |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id /hostedzone/Z27NDWU34VPO2H |
aws-sandbox/route53 at master 揃 chase-seibert/aws-sandbox 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/chase-seibert/aws-sandbox/tree/master/route53 |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone \u003cspan class=\ |
[JAWS-UG CLI] Route53:#6 Hosted Zone作成 (CloudFormation) : http://qiita.com/tcsh/items/dcd72bfd807626fad8f0 |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id |
Automatic DNS for Kubernetes Ingresses with ExternalDNS · Ryan Eschinger Consulting : http://ryaneschinger.com/blog/automatic-dns-kubernetes-ingresses-externaldns |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id /hostedzone/Z24Z8xxxxxxxIN |
How do I Delegate a subdomain to Route53 - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/a/646514 |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id |
amazon web services - Bad starting token in AWS CLI for listing hosted zones - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38258108/bad-starting-token-in-aws-cli-for-listing-hosted-zones |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone |
aws route53 list-hosted-zones | technote : http://tech.withsin.net/2018/03/14/aws-route53-list-hosted-zones/ |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id " |
Building a durable Jenkins CI setup in AWS - Webscale Oy : http://webscale.fi/blogi/building-a-durable-jenkins-ci-setup-in-aws/ |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone \ |
基于Git的静网站,完全由AWS CloudFormation堆 - Python社区 | CTOLib : http://www.ctolib.com/aws-git-backed-static-website.html |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone --id ((aws route53 list-hosted-zones |
Amazon Route 53 Basics – IT From All Angles : http://www.itfromallangles.com/2018/07/amazon-route-53-basics/ |
aws route53 get-hosted-zone \ |
Resetting route53 public domain Nameserver records : aws : http://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/78b26w/resetting_route53_public_domain_nameserver_records/ |