バケットのウェブサイト設定を設定します。 詳細は次のリンクを参照してください。 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/cli/latest/reference/s3api/put-bucket-website.html
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket |
s3のstatic website hostingをcliしてみる - note I/O (レプリケーション) : http://acairojuni.hatenablog.jp/entry/engine/432.html |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket |
artctrl-tech : http://artctrl.me/tech/index.html |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket bridge.shyp.com --website-configuration file://aws/aws-website-config.json --region us-west-1 |
How we Automate Mobile and Web Projects at Shyp with CircleCI - CircleCI : http://circleci.com/blog/how-we-automate-mobile-and-web-projects-at-shyp-with-circleci/ |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket wp.xxx.xxxxx.com --website-configuration file://webhosting.json |
WordPress の StaticPress プラグインで Amazon S3 に静的なサイトを構築する(出来るだけ AWS CLI で頑張るぞ編) | cloudpack.media : http://cloudpack.media/4312 |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket my-bucket --website-configuration file://website.json |
put-bucket-website — AWS CLI 1.16.13 Command Reference : http://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/s3api/put-bucket-website.html |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket |
Quick static websites on AWS S3 and CloudFront with the AWS CLI : http://engineering.ifdb.com/2017/10/quick-static-websites-on-aws-s3-and-cloudfront-with-the-aws-cli/ |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket |
create-s3-bucket.sh 揃 GitHub : http://gist.github.com/ultimagriever/c42bd142f270a068fa8e1cc80569085b |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket tw-kyle-io --website-configuration file://website.json. Note that the use of IndexDocument is misleading: I never actually created a file in S3 |
Using Amazon S3 + CloudFront + Certificate Manager to get seamless static HTTPS support - nTh among all : http://kyle.io/2016/04/using-amazon-s3-cloudfront-certificate-manager-get-seamless-static-https-support/ |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket |
AWS Hugo Hosting, HowTo · Joseph Lust : http://lustforge.com/2016/02/27/hosting-hugo-on-aws/ |
aws s3api put-bucket-website \\\n --bucket |
Private static website hosting on AWS S3 Philippe Medium : http://medium.com/@pvinchon/private-static-website-hosting-on-aws-s3-54664725b9e7 |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket "wnt.workapart.org" --website-configuration ' |
s3のstatic website hostingをcliしてみる – note: in /out : http://note.acairojuni.com/etc/2013/11/96.html |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket |
AWS: create new public website - Pastebin.com : http://pastebin.com/CrfC2AdS |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket www.azinchenko.com --website-configuration file://azinchenko.com.redirects.json |
AWS: S3 хостинг статического сайта | RTFM: Linux, DevOps и системное администрирование : http://rtfm.co.ua/aws-s3-xosting-staticheskogo-sajta/ |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket www.x12345.com --website-configuration file://redirect.json |
AWS CLIを使ってS3をWeb公開 | Siguniang's Blog : http://siguniang.wordpress.com/2014/03/23/hosting-a-static-website-on-amazon-s3-with-aws-cli/ |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket www.x.com --website-configuration |
s3 : http://snippets.aktagon.com/tags/1220-s3 |
aws s3api put-bucket-website --bucket |
Creating an S3 Website Redirect From the CLI - Stuff… And Things… : http://stuff-things.net/2017/05/03/creating-an-s3-website-redirect-from-the-cli/ |