コマンドオプションサンプル:aws s3 presign


Amazon S3オブジェクトの事前署名済みURLを生成します。 詳細は次のリンクを参照してください。 https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ja_jp/cli/latest/reference/s3/presign.html

aws s3 presign s3://(bucket_name)" />
    S3にて制限時間付きダウンロードURLを発行する – AOSHI'sブログ : http://aoshi-s.net/s3-presigned/
aws s3 presign s3://1234567-bucket/LAMP_Single_Instance.template
     atlassian / localstack / issues / #42 - Unable to validate cloudformation template on S3 — Bitbucket : http://bitbucket.org/atlassian/localstack/issues/42/unable-to-validate-cloudformation-template
aws s3 presign s3://
    Amazon S3 署名付きURLの作成 - Codable Tech Blog  : http://blog.codable.co.jp/entry/2017/10/11/131753
aws s3 presign s3://(bucket_name)/takagi.png --expires-in 300
    S3にて Pre-Signed URLを発行する – サーバーワークスエンジニアブログ : http://blog.serverworks.co.jp/tech/2017/07/04/s3_presign/
aws s3 presign s3://uiuc-presigned-url-example/secret.txt --expires-in 604800
    S3 Presigned URLs | Technology Services - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign : http://cloud.illinois.edu/2017/07/20/s3-presigned-urls/
aws s3 presign s3://bucketname/test.txt aws s3 presign s3://foo-share/test.zip --expires-in 432000
    S3 の署名付きURLを使う - ablog : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/yohei-a/20180521/1526891984
aws s3 presign command
    【小ネタ】AWS CLIでS3のPre-Signed URLを生成できるようになっていました! | Developers.IO : http://dev.classmethod.jp/cloud/aws/generate-s3-pre-signed-url-by-aws-cli/
aws s3 presign into an attribute
    Assigning attributes with bash output - chef - Chef Mailing List : http://discourse.chef.io/t/assigning-attributes-with-bash-output/13625
aws s3 presign s3://example-bucket/example.jpg
    AWS CodeCommitのREADME.mdでなるべく簡便且つセキュアに画像を表示する - 体はドクペで出来ている : http://dokupe.hatenablog.com/entry/20180814/1534221218
aws s3 presign s3://bucket/nginx.tar)
    Hyper pull stopped working for docker hub - Discussion - Hyper.sh - Forum : http://forum.hyper.sh/t/hyper-pull-stopped-working-for-docker-hub/309
aws-s3-presign development by creating an account on GitHub." />
    GitHub - jspiewak/aws-s3-presign: Utility to create pre-signed S3 URLs for uploads : http://github.com/jspiewak/aws-s3-presign
aws s3 presign s3://[YOUR_BUCKET_NAME]/tmp/
    How to Share File Easily Using CLI with S3 Fullsour Medium : http://medium.com/@fullsour/how-to-share-file-easily-using-cli-with-s3-b0760a12de85
aws s3 presign s3://situla-42/private.txt --expires-in 30
    AWS S3: Introduction : http://mo.github.io/2017/03/06/aws-s3-intro.html
aws s3 presign s3://pjalajas-47.../image.iso --expires-in 604000"]
    E.W. Peter Jalajas - Google+ : http://plus.google.com/+EWPeterJalajasNbpt
aws s3 presign s3://bucket_name/file_path --expires-in 30\u003c/code\u003e\u003c/p\u003e\n\n\u003ch2\u003e\n\u003cspan id=\
    [AWS SDK for Go] S3の署名付きURLを取得する : http://qiita.com/sakayuka/items/1328c1ad93f9b982a0d5
aws s3 presign s3://example/hoge.tar.gz --expires-in 3600
    S3を使ってファイルの受け渡しを簡単にする : http://rombanet.com/blog/filepresent_with_s3
aws s3 presign s3://bucket/key to generate a presigned url:
    MediaInfo / Bugs / #1018 Can't read s3 file due to AccessDenied. : http://sourceforge.net/p/mediainfo/bugs/1018/
aws s3 presign s3://bucket_name/file_name
    amazon web services - Is there a way to generate a presigned url for an S3 object using AWS CLI? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28880119/is-there-a-way-to-generate-a-presigned-url-for-an-s3-object-using-aws-cli
aws s3 presign s3://private_resource
    https - wgetでS3バケットからファイルをダウンロードするにはどうすればよいですか? : http://stackoverrun.com/ja/q/4972293
aws s3 presign s3://bucket/dir/file.pdf --expires-in 86400
    Chata Katoさんのツイート: "awsのcliでs3のpre-signed-url作れるのか。なんだ。 => aws s3 presign s3://bucket/dir/file.pdf --expires-in 86400" : http://twitter.com/chata/status/1028627848922157056
aws s3 presign \
    Configuring a Pre-signed URL - Documentation - Outscale : http://wiki.outscale.net/display/DOCU/Configuring+a+Pre-signed+URL
aws s3 presign s3://cloudberry-examples/presentation.ppt
    AWS S3 Pre-Signed URLs for Temporary Object Access : http://www.cloudberrylab.com/blog/s3-pre-signed-url-guide/
aws s3 presign s3://our-s3-path/file.jpg.

    Presigned URL's are broken when file version is appended [#2976466] | Drupal.org : http://www.drupal.org/project/s3fs/issues/2976466
aws s3 presign s3://kabegiwa-secret/wawawa/s3_index.html --expires-in 3600
    S3で有効期限付きの署名付きURLを作成する - かべぎわブログ : http://www.kabegiwablog.com/entry/2017/11/23/090000
aws s3 presign aws s3 presign s3://bucketname/path/to/key.ext --expires-in 7200
    Provide an Expiring S3 Link : aws : http://www.reddit.com/r/aws/comments/7ku2kj/provide_an_expiring_s3_link/
AWS S3 Presign URL Issue Fix - Freelance Job in Web Development -
    AngularJS File Upload to AWS S3 Presign URL Issue Fix - Freelance Job in Web Development - $250 Fixed Price, posted August 8, 2018 - Upwork : http://www.upwork.com/job/AngularJS-File-Upload-AWS-Presign-URL-Issue-Fix_~01ddce596993db58e4/

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