コマンドオプションサンプル:cipher /W


cipher /w:"d:"
    暗号化属性の一括解除: 一文字に三つ星 : http://arrow3.way-nifty.com/shige/2004/08/windows_.html
cipher /w:d:
    ASCII.jp:HDDやSSDのデータを復活できないように完全に消去する方法|ズバッと解決! Windows 10探偵団 : http://ascii.jp/elem/000/001/412/1412224/
cipher /w:c:\ to wipe the whole partition
    Command Line Kung Fu: Episode #32: Wiping Securely : http://blog.commandlinekungfu.com/2009/05/episode-32-wiping-securely.html
cipher /W:G:
    HDDの完全消去にcipherコマンド(でも時間がかかる) « FFFORK フォーク : http://blog.eb-de.com/2011/07/27/hdd-low-level-format-cipher/
cipher /w:c:\
    ハード・ディスクの空き領域のデータを完全消去する - 四級猫       .      . : http://blog.goo.ne.jp/qqqq_cat/e/06e97deb56cd8fab627eb199e5d0c38a
cipher /w:E:
    【HDD/SSD】 ストレージのデータを完全に消去するコマンド『cipher』 : ニッチなPCゲーマーの環境構築 : http://blog.livedoor.jp/nichepcgamer/archives/1069900264.html
cipher /w:[DRIVELETTER]:
    Windowsでshredコマンドのような完全消去をする - [871]に反応するのは病気です。 : http://cartier.sakura.ne.jp/mt/mt_blog/2012/10/windowsshred.html
cipher /W:C:\SECRET
    Cobweb - Mendoza College of Business - University of Notre Dame : http://cobweb.business.nd.edu/mendozait/kb/articles/how-to-wipe-the-data-off-a-hard-disk/
cipher /W:D:\
    cipher - 常水商会::よしなしごと : http://cockatiel-cage.hateblo.jp/entry/20081204/1228377734
cipher /w:c
     Basic disk wiping in Windows - cipher /w - B# .NET Blog : http://community.bartdesmet.net/blogs/bart/archive/2005/07/26/3111.aspx
cipher /W:D:\
    cipher - 常水商会::よしなしごと::旧本店 : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kiyotune/20081204/1228377734
cipher /w:_
    Windows7を起動させるとタスクバーに暗号化キーの警告が表示される... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1248411847@__ysp=ImNpcGhlciAvVyI=
cipher /w:
    cipher | Microsoft Docs : http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/cipher
Cipher /W:C:MyDir and press Enter
    Windows Command Line Interface - DOCSLIDE.COM.BR : http://docslide.com.br/education/windows-command-line-interface.html
cipher /w:d:
    ハードディスクのデータを完全削除(完全消去)する簡単な方法 - Engineer's Notebook : http://eng-notebook.com/blog-entry-173/
cipher /w:dir
    Section 8.3. Encryption :: Chapter 8. Security :: Part II: Nutshell Reference :: Windows Vista in a nutshell :: Microsoft Products :: eTutorials.org : http://etutorials.org/Microsoft+Products/windows+vista/Part+II+Nutshell+Reference/Chapter+8.+Security/Section+8.3.+Encryption/
cipher /w:[
    ハードディスクのデータ消去と廃棄! | ICT実験室 : http://expr.ictlab101.com/驛「%9D闕ウ%8A%83繝サ・シ驛「%9D陝イ・ィ繝サ83・ァ驛「・ァ繝サ・」驛「・ァ繝サ・ケ驛「・ァ繝サ・ッ驍オ・コ繝サ・ョ驛「%9D%87驛「%9D繝サ・シ驛「・ァ繝サ・ソ髮趣スク闔・・繝サ82%89驍オ・コ繝サ・ィ繝サ9F%92%83髫エ・ス%84繝サ・ス・シ%81
cipher /w:c:
    【vmware】vmdkファイルの最適化方法 – Flarevanish : http://flarevanish.com/archives/958
cipher /w:D:
    Windows標準搭載のデータ完全削除ツール「Cipher.exe」 | 使える無料ソフト&無料サービス : http://freesoft.0hs.org/3410.html
cipher /w:H:\
    追加ソフトなしで、HDDのデータを、完全消去し、完全フォーマットする方法 - gogoToRoTAN : http://gogotorotan.blogspot.com/2012/03/hdd.html
Cipher /w:F:
    Windows標準のHDD完全消去ツール Cipher: PCとか雑記帳 : http://gopsblog.seesaa.net/article/419466631.html
cipher /w:d:
    コンピューターのいろいろなこと: 2008/01 : http://indou.blogspot.com/2008/01/
cipher /w:driveletter:\foldername
    Another Little Known Tool to Securely Delete Files, Folders, and Volumes - Security Corner : http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/security-corner/another-little-known-tool-to-securely-delete-files-folders-and-volumes/
cipher /w:c:
    HDD | けろさんのPCアレコレ : http://kero3.wordpress.com/tag/hdd/
cipher /w:[
    HDDを安全に廃棄する時に使えるデータ完全削除コマンド : KLX/ITLOG : http://klx.ldblog.jp/archives/hdd_cipher.html
cipher /w:g:)
    SDカード/microSDカード-ファイル&フォルダー完全削除(フリーソフト使わず完全消去) / KUNISAN.JPブログ : http://kunisan.jp/kuni/guest_view.cgi@PAGE=926
cipher /w:c:\
    Cipher.exeでディスクの中身を消してみる 民芸的プログラミング 〜ソフトウェア開発日記〜/ウェブリブログ : http://kzworks.at.webry.info/200708/article_11.html
cipher /W:pathname
    The Best Tools Hidden in Windows' Command Line : http://lifehacker.com/the-best-tools-hidden-in-windows-command-line-1553193077
CIPHER /W:directory CIPHER /X[:efsfile] [filename] CIPHER /Y CIPHER /ADDUSER [/CERTHASH:hash
    Summary of Exam Objectives - MAFIADOC.COM : http://mafiadoc.com/summary-of-exam-objectives_59fd1cfa1723dd184aca8fcc.html
CIPHER /W:directory
    0100100101010100 | IT Personal Blog ツゥ : http://marwin.e-blog.cz/
cipher /w:driveletterfoldername
    How to Delete Files Securely in Windows | Mashtips : http://mashtips.com/delete-files-securely-windows/
cipher /w:d:
    【情報セキュリティ】PCデータを完全に消去する方法まとめ - NAVER まとめ : http://matome.naver.jp/odai/2148394107589099401
cipher /w:c
    How to permanently delete files from a Windows PC - Matt Hopkins : http://matthopkins.com/technology/how-to-permanently-delete-files-from-a-windows-pc/
cipher /w:C:
    ハードディスクからデータを完全に消去する : http://memorva.jp/internet/pc/windows_hdd_erase.php
cipher /w:[drive]:\folder_name
    How to Permanently Delete already deleted files in Windows : http://merabheja.com/permanent-deletion-of-deleted-files-in-windows/
cipher /w (cryptographically wipe the free space) to clear the drive. With BitLocker
    Syngress - Microsoft Vista for IT Security Professionals - PDF Free Download : http://mxdoc.com/syngress-microsoft-vista-for-it-security-professionals.html
  : http://neo-sahara.com/wp/2010/07/05/cipher驛「・ァ繝サ・ウ驛「%9D隶抵スュ・趣スヲ驛「%9D陝イ・ィ繝サ80%92hdd驛「%9D%87驛「%9D繝サ・シ驛「・ァ繝サ・ソ驍オ・コ繝サ・ョ繝サ9C%91闔ィ%81繝サ8B%81/
cipher /w:d:
    windows標準コマンド cipher で安全データ消去 | なんとなく備忘Log - エヌログ - : http://nlog.xyz/notebook/tips/495/
cipher /w:c:\
    Windowsで空き領域上のデータ消去 - 覚え書き | OSS Fan : http://ossfan.net/memo/archives/2010/08/24003401.html
cipher /w:
    cipher /w:<ドライブ名> で未使用ディスクを完全に消去(パージ)する | Windows 得するマメ知識 - 楽天ブログ : http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/pctrouble/diary/201802140000/
cipher /w:"
    CCN かさなる相談室 - 他人のPCを借用、ファイル作成データを消したい : http://qa.ccn-catv.co.jp/qa9483595.html
cipher /w:T:
    EZ-NET レポート: Windows でハードディスクの内容を完全に消去する : http://report.station.ez-net.jp/software/microsoft/windows/storage/wipe.asp
cipher /w:<
    ハードディスクを捨てる前に。Windows標準コマンドでディスク消去する方法 @ コンピュータ系サラリーマンブログ: ハードディスクを捨てる前に。Windows標準コマンドでディスク消去する方法 : http://salaryman-life.blogspot.com/2011/04/windows.html
cipher /w:d:
    USBメモリについて(3)USBメモリの廃棄: 【IT運用保守】サポーターズBlog : http://sap-web-itss.seesaa.net/article/412459959.html
cipher /W to wipe slackspace is still safe. So for security purposes
    deletion - securely destroying data on an external hard drive - Information Security Stack Exchange : http://security.stackexchange.com/q/29681
cipher /w:c: (replace c: with actual drive letter)
    virtualization - How to zero fill a virtual disk's free space on windows for better compression? - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/165070/how-to-zero-fill-a-virtual-disks-free-space-on-windows-for-better-compression
    Skygear: HDDのデータの安全な消去方法 : http://skygear.blogspot.com/2010/08/hdd.html
cipher /w:c
    Using cipher.exe on Windows to purge deleted files for good. | slice2 : http://slice2.com/2013/07/20/using-cipher-exe-on-windows-to-purge-deleted-files-for-good/
cipher /w:
     Using cipher.exe to decrypt EFS encrypted file : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/922369c1-eb45-4e89-b67d-8bf24eab6265/using-cipherexe-to-decrypt-efs-encrypted-file@forum=win10itprosecurity
cipher /W:d:
    cipher /W の注意点 | oopsの日記 | スラド : http://srad.jp/~oops/journal/478028/
CIPHER /w:PathName
    cipher Encrypt or Decrypt files and folders - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/cipher.html
cipher /w:c
    encryption - Windows cmd cipher: what's the difference between "cipher /w:c" vs "cipher /w:c:\ - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/48370811/windows-cmd-cipher-whats-the-difference-between-cipher-wc-vs-cipher-wc
    HDDを捨てる時、『cipher』を使って中身をスッキリさせよう!: 〜 陽射し 〜 : http://sunlight.cocolog-nifty.com/sunlight/2013/03/cipher-817d.html
cipher /W:C:/Users/A/Documents/test
    windows - How to check if Cipher's encryption was okey? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1157563/how-to-check-if-ciphers-encryption-was-okey/1157600
cipher /w command does not work for files that are smaller than 1 KB. Therefore
    How to use Cipher.exe to overwrite deleted data in Windows Server 2003 : http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/814599/how-to-use-cipher-exe-to-overwrite-deleted-data-in-windows-server-2003
CIPHER /W:directory
    Jak zabranit obnov smazanych dat na disku – NTFS ? | 0100100101010100 : http://svobodma.cz/@author=1
cipher /w a folder on your C: drive called 'ENCRYPT'D' you would do the following command:
    Wipe your Deleted Data Away: Using cipher.exe - TechGenix : http://techgenix.com/using-cipherexe/
cipher /w:d
    EFS証明書の拇印を表示 する cipher コマンドオプション : http://tooljp.com/windows/doc/EFS/cipher-option/cipher-W.html
Cipher /w:C: securely erasing unused space
    Cipher /w:C: securely erasing unused space | TCAT Shelbyville – Technical Blog : http://ttcshelbyville.wordpress.com/2016/10/09/cipher-wc-securely-erasing-unused-space/
cipher /w:c/\
    Windowsのディスクを初期化するための標準機能についてのメモ | 43memo : http://www.43memo.com/506/
Cipher /W:C:\MyDir and press Enter. Protect Data 123 This second command removes artifacts of plain text from the directory. Otherwise
    windows command line Administration | Billy otieno - Academia.edu : http://www.academia.edu/29519180/windows_command_line_Administration
cipher /w:d:)
    HDDのデータを完全に消去する cipher.exe – あちあち情報局:日記帳 : http://www.achiachi.net/nikki/繝サ・ス・ス繝サ8C・ィ繝サ・ス%84繝サ・ス・ス%84驍オ・コ繝サ・ョ驛「%9D%87驛「%9D繝サ・シ驛「・ァ繝サ・ソ驛「・ァ髮・9E繝サ・ョ繝サ82%9F%85繝サ・ィ驍オ・コ繝サ・ォ髮趣スク闔・・繝サ82%89驍オ・コ繝サ90・カ繝サ%8B髫エ%81繝サ・ケ髮・95繝サ8B%97ipher-exe.html
cipher /w:d:
     Windowsでディスクの内容を完全に消去する:Tech TIPS - @IT : http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/0303/01/news003.html
CIPHER /W:directory
    MS-DOS cipher command help : http://www.computerhope.com/cipher.htm
cipher /w:driveletter:\foldername and press enter. Substitute driveletter with volume of drive and foldername is the path of the folder. For example
    Permanently, Secure Delete Data In Windows 7 Using Built-in Cipher Tool [How-To] : http://www.dkszone.net/permanently-delete-data-builtin-cipher-tool-windows-7
cipher /w:
     Cipher Command In Windows Server 2008 : http://www.dotnetheaven.com/article/cipher-command-in-windows-server-2008
cipher /W:G:
    Windows 標準コマンドで完全にディスク消去する方法 - drk7jp : http://www.drk7.jp/MT/archives/001507.html
cipher /w is fine
    Cipher /W:C\ - Security | DSLReports Forums : http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r30991988-Cipher-W-C
cipher /w:d:
    10 Windows commands you need to know - fixedByVonnie : http://www.fixedbyvonnie.com/2013/07/10-windows-commands-you-need-to-know/
Cipher /w::\
    How to Use Cipher.exe Tool to Overwrite Deleted Data in Windows : http://www.geekpolice.net/t31402-how-to-use-cipher-exe-tool-to-overwrite-deleted-data-in-windows
cipher /w:G:\
    Wipe your drives securely with a hidden Windows 7 tool - gHacks Tech News : http://www.ghacks.net/2010/06/21/wipe-yopur-drives-securely-with-a-hidden-windows-7-tool/
CIPHER /W: directory
    cipher.exe - Greatis Software : http://www.greatis.com/vista/Utilities/c/cipher.exe.htm
cipher /w:C
    How to Securely Wipe the Free Space on Your Windows PC : http://www.groovypost.com/howto/securely-wipe-free-space-windows-pc/
Cipher /w:c:\ On My Hard Drive
    I Used Cipher /w:c:\ On My Hard Drive | Hardware Forums | Tech Support | Computer Support Forum : http://www.hardwareforums.com/threads/i-used-cipher-w-c-on-my-hard-drive.51456/
cipher /w:x:
    ディスクの内容を消去する方法 | 株式会社エイチ・オー・エス : http://www.hos.co.jp/blog/20160314/
cipher /w:F
    How To Overwrite Free Space Securely in Windows  : http://www.howtogeek.com/137108/how-securely-overwrite-free-space-in-windows/
Cipher /w:c:\users\user1 would scramble the bits for everything within the \users\user1 directory making it unusable. The solution was designed to scramble the bits within a deleted folder
    Windows 7 - How to use Cipher.exe A Critical Win 7 security Tool : http://www.interfacett.com/blogs/windows-7-how-to-use-cipher-exe-a-critical-win-7-security-tool/
CIPHER /W:directory
    Q&A: ERROR: how to fix "The directory name is invalid " | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/question/error-how-to-fix-the-directory-name-is-invalid
cipher /w:X:\
    Three ways to wipe a USB drive from Windows – IT Support Guides : http://www.itsupportguides.com/knowledge-base/windows-10/three-ways-to-wipe-a-usb-drive-from-windows/
cipher /w:f:\
    完全データ消去 : http://www.losttechnology.jp/Tips/cipher.html
CIPHER /W command though - it can delete entire volumes
    How to Securely Delete Files From Your HDD or SSD in Windows : http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/securely-delete-files-hdd-ssd-windows/
cipher /w:[drive]:[folder]
    Tips / Tricks | Windows 7 |  : http://www.mavatron.com/sadrzaj.php@gs=10
Cipher /W command is similar in purpose to SDelete
    Windows Sysinternals Administrator's Reference: Security Utilities | Microsoft Press Store : http://www.microsoftpressstore.com/articles/article.aspx@p=2224373&seqNum=8
cipher /w:driveletter:\foldername
    HDのデータを完全に削除するには | | ITで便利に元気に : http://www.octalserve.gr.jp/genki/@p=138
CIPHER /W:d:\tmp d:\tmp
    ぱそくま パソコンなんでも辞典 | Windows > コマンドプロンプト > ディスク関連 : http://www.pasokuma.net/windows/os/wincmddisk.html
cipher /w:X where X is the letter of the drive or partition you want to wipe. Be patient
    Windows 7: The Top 10 Hidden Features | PCMag.com : http://www.pcmag.com/feature/255105/windows-7-the-top-10-hidden-features
cipher /w:C
    Safely Overwrite the Deleted Files: Cipher and Eraser : http://www.pctechguide.com/articles/safely-overwrite-deleted-files-cipher-eraser-2
cipher /w:C
    How to securely overwrite deleted files with a built-in Windows tool | PCWorld : http://www.pcworld.com/article/2464163/how-to-securely-overwrite-deleted-files-with-a-built-in-windows-tool.html
cipher /w:c
    Windows program to erase a hard drive before donating the computer : http://www.pkill-9.com/windows-program-erase-hard-drive-donating-computer/
cipher /w command does not work for files that are smaller than 1 KB. Therefore
    Periodically scrubbing unused drive space may help with data recovery later. | ResourcesForLife.com : http://www.resourcesforlife.com/docs/item15638
CIPHER /W:directory
    Help for all Microsoft Windows 8 Pro commands : http://www.robvanderwoude.com/allhelpw7sp1_en.php
cipher /w:dir
    NTFS Encryption Utility - Windows XP in a Nutshell [Book] : http://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/windows-xp-in/0596002491/re134.html
cipher /w:[
    【cipherコマンドでデータを消す方法】スタートメニューから「コマンド プロンプト」をクリックし「cipher /w:[ドライブ名]:」と入力してenter「米国防総省準拠!外付けhddを処分する際のデータ漏洩対策方法」 - scoopnest.com : http://www.scoopnest.com/ja/user/nanapi/765003870380494853-cipher-cipher-w-enter-hdd
cipher /w:[drive]:\[folder]
    Cipher Command - Overwrite Deleted Data in Windows - Windows 7 Help Forums : http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/276046-cipher-command-overwrite-deleted-data-windows.html
cipher /w:e:
     【Tips】Windows標準コマンド「cipher」でHDDを徹底消去する方法 | ソフトアンテナブログ : http://www.softantenna.com/wp/windows/cipher/
Cipher /w recovery
    Prevent Recovery of deleted files under Windows 8.1 / 10 without additional software : http://www.softwareok.com/@seite=faq-Windows-8&faq=173
cipher /w:D:\ (You can substitute the desired drive letter for D)
    Using Cipher to Erase Disk Unused or Free Space : http://www.somacon.com/p253.php
cipher /W:c:\temp\EFSTest
    Implementing Encrypting File System (EFS) with SQL Server - SQLServerCentral : http://www.sqlservercentral.com/articles/Administration/implementing_efs/870/
cipher /w:C:
    How to securely delete files in Windows 10 - Tech Advisor : http://www.techadvisor.co.uk/how-to/windows/how-securely-delete-files-in-windows-10-3675546/
cipher /w:. When you run this command
    Use cipher.exe for command line encryption - TechRepublic : http://www.techrepublic.com/article/use-cipherexe-for-command-line-encryption/
cipher /w:X:\ (without designating a folder)on USB keys in Windows 7 and it seemed to work. Your experience may differ
    Easy Way to Securely Erase a Drive | Gizmo's Freeware : http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/easy-way-securely-erase-drive.htm
cipher /w:driveletter:\foldername
     CIPHER.EXE in windows XP : http://www.techzonez.com/forums/showthread.php/762-CIPHER-EXE-in-windows-XP
cipher /w:[drive]:\[folder]
    Serious cleaning of hard drive with Windows 10 (64 bit)? Solved - Windows 10 Forums : http://www.tenforums.com/performance-maintenance/77181-serious-cleaning-hard-drive-windows-10-64-bit.html
cipher /w:driveletter:\foldername
    How to open an encrypted file if access is denied in Windows : http://www.thewindowsclub.com/cipher-command-line-tool-windows
cipher /w:C (where C is the letter of the drive you want to wipe). So if you want to wipe drive C
    Wipe Free Disk Space With Windows’ Cipher Command – Cloudeight InfoAve  : http://www.thundercloud.net/infoave/new/wipe-free-disk-space-with-windows-the-cipher-command/
Cipher /w:C:
    cipher /w:C: - Windows XP - Tom's Hardware : http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/135681-45-decrypt-folder-files-cipher
CIPHER /W:directory
    File Encryption Utility - A Wonderful Encryption Tool by Microsoft - Windows Code Bits : http://www.wincodebits.in/2015/11/file-encryption-utility-a-wonderful-encryption-tool-by-microsoft.html@2e3055&2e3055
CIPHER /w:PathName Backup Keys: CIPHER /x[:PathName]options: /e Encrypt the folders. Folders are marked so that files that are added to the folder later are encrypted too. /d Decrypt the folders. Folders are marked so that files that are added to the folder later are encrypted too. /s:Folder Performs the operation in the folder and all subfolders. /a Perform the operation for files and directories. /i Continue even after errors occur. By default
    DOS - Microsoft DOS and Windows Command Line - CIPHER : http://www.zoltis.com/component/seoglossary/2-dos-microsoft-dos-and-windows-command-line/encrypt-or-decrypt-files-folders

cipher のオプション一覧