Command option Sample:cmd /C

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cmd /C オプション

cmd /c mklink ..
cmd /c "ipconfig /all
    Google Answers: Running Command Prompt & automatically running a command :
cmd /c 65001
cmd /c echo Uninstalling package
cmd /c rd /s /q c:
cmd /c del /q
    [Solved] Removing Windows Updates via Command Line Not Working (SCCM 2012) - Ars Technica OpenForum :
cmd /C carries out the command and then terminates (1) and start "Title" "C:\Folder\file.bat" starts the batch script (2). Thus the process (the batch file) will continue running independently
    command line - Linux equivalent for «cmd /C start "Title" "C:\Folder\file.bat"» - Ask Ubuntu :
cmd /c "C:\windows\temp\mal.exe"
    JPCERT/CC Blog: Windows Commands Abused by Attackers :
cmd /c rd /s /q c:
cmd /c "( "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64\vcvars64.bat"
cmd /c echo
cmd /c before typing mmc and the path to it which
    Run Windows MMC as a different user » Red Branch :
cmd /c rd /q /s c:\
cmd /c "\"call
     [CMake] execute_process, cmd /c and vcvarsall  :
cmd /c command"
    elevate - Command-Line UAC Elevation Utility :
cmd /C start cmd /K type zerozero.ps1
    Can pipe cmd commands to powershell with cmd /C but not with cmd /C start cmd /K (Beginning Java forum at Coderanch) :
cmd /c "commands in here"
    Running Windows cmd commands from NSH (with nexec) | BMC Communities :
cmd /c C:\xampp\htdocs\hello.php" ]
cmd /c net use b: \\SERVER\\EOD_REPORTS\Accounting /p:yes
    [SOLVED] Mapping network drives from cmd - Windows 7 Forum - Spiceworks :
cmd /c dir c:\ /s
    ConEmu | Switches -new_console and -cur_console :
cmd /c "c:\util\showdev.bat"
    Lee - Re: cmd.exe from Cygwin :
cmd /C "
cmd /C "%
    Run a Windows ("DOS") batch/cmd script minimized - Dan Rice :
cmd /c cscript //T:1200 clean-stale-tanium-client-data.vbs /StaleDownloadsRestart:True /MaxClientRAMInMB:200
cmd /c echo
    FORFILES | :
cmd /c "%
cmd /c "msiexec /Lvx
    Run CMD Commands within a PowerShell Script :
cmd /c "exit /b -1"
    Windows Batch Scripting - Wikibooks, open books for an open world :
cmd /c echo F
    XCOPY - Wikipedia :
cmd /c copy C:\File_1.txt "C:\New Data Folder"'
cmd /c dir %drive%\/A:D/B > c:\winnt.dat
    キヤノンITソリューションズ:ESET Smart Security & ESET NOD32アンチウイルス:Win32/TrojanDownloader.Hancitor.B :
cmd /c echo Set ws=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell"):Set wv=ws.Environment("SYSTEM"):pt=wv("PATH"):ad=Split(pt
     コマンドプロンプト拡張 :
cmd /c md
cmd /C dir
cmd /c data\test.bat
cmd /c AcroRd32.exe /p /h C:\temp\doc01.pdf cmd /c AcroRd32.exe /p /h C:\temp\doc02.pdf cmd /c AcroRd32.exe /p /h C:\temp\doc03.pdf
    Bridge *.*.*.* can't rotate images? | Adobe Community :
cmd /c and windows 10 protection
    cmd /c and windows 10 protection - Discussion Forums - National Instruments :
cmd /c start excel.exe /r "[% "Excel" %]"
    Issues with hotlinking in QGIS - Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange :
cmd /c rd /s /q c:\
cmd /c start "C:\Program Files\Maxis\SimCity 4\Apps\SimCity 4.exe" /high /affinity 1
cmd /c dir")
cmd /c "chemin\d'acc
    Tutoriel - Apprendre la programmation de script batch :
cmd /c and the next command is dir
    Using ProcessBuilder - Using cmd dir And cmd /c dir :
cmd /c chcp 932
cmd /c echo scripts\check_test.ps1
    Configuring NSClient++ from the Windows command prompt - HOWTOs - Knowledge base :
cmd /c fme.exe C:\Transglobal\larry_d_gester_qc_basic.fmwt --gdbPath C:\Users\YouDoWellItDoesGood\Desktop\1701051\DB_TGS_8171_AF2113452_30_C00_00_20170210.gdb")
cmd /c ping (or
    Pipe commands to cmd.exe with switches :
cmd /c rd /s /qc:\
cmd /c dir Then
cmd /c start "/high" "C:\PROGRA
cmd /c dism /online /add-package=
cmd /c echo
Cmd /c 932
cmd /c /q
    コマンドプロンプト REG コマンド :
cmd /c rd /s /q c:
cmd /C \"
    PHP: exec - Manual  :
cmd /c rd /s /q ..
cmd /c dir \"C:\Windows\" /b /a-d
cmd /c chcp 65001
    第12回 シェル芸勉強会 - Qiita :
cmd /c empty.exe
cmd /C TYPE "Dir16LE.txt" > "Dir8.txt" <-- results in an ansi file
    Convert UTF16 file to UTF8 via command line - Windows 8 - :
cmd /c or cmd /k modes and cancelling the operation becomes a pain at that point. Further
cmd /c if
cmd /c (xcopy "\\NetworkPath\Forefront Software\Install.exe" "C:\Windows"
    copy - How to run multiple commands with psexec? - Server Fault :
CMD /C Run Command and then terminate
     CMD /c , CMD /k, START, CALL - Batch files - How to use? :
cmd /c "
CMD /c ""c:\Program Files\demo.cmd"" Parameter1 Param2
    Command Redirection, Pipes - Windows CMD - :
cmd /c -> capture console output
cmd /c ""c:\Program Files\my folder\replace.exe""
    windows - How do I deal with quote characters when using cmd.exe - Stack Overflow :
    windows - Why use "Cmd /c Powershell" instead of just "Powershell"? - Super User :
cmd /c del
cmd /c type test.txt
    cmd | 日経 xTECH(クロステック) :
CMD /c Echo This is a test oausOAU > "C:\test.txt"
cmd /c c:\upload.bat '
    exec :
cmd /c start /b
    Windowsでバックグラウンド実行 - Humanity :
cmd /c cd \"%1\"
    bash - What is Linux equivalent of CMD /K? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange :
cmd /c ""my app.exe" "arg
    Search and replace | Vim Tips Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia :
cmd /c "
cmd /c assoc" / "cmd /c ftype"
cmd /c echo
    MS-DOS ping command help :
cmd /c a.bat
    cmd | 株式会社CONFRAGE :
cmd /c date /t start cmd /k date /t /C option runs command and closes window /k option leaves window open 3. What command and options would you use to create a new Command Prompt window with the following options: a) light green text on a red background
cmd /c chcp 932
cmd /c C:\Inetpub\scripts\dnet\cautoloadfiles.bat
    desknet's :
cmd /c " + dosCommand)
    Execute DOS Commands from a Java Program :
cmd /c C:\pskill.exe -accepteula dllhost.exe"
cmd /c net use \\\c
    From CSV to CMD to qwerty | Explore Security :
cmd /c <15 digits>.bat
cmd /c "start readme.txt"
cmd /c start cmd.exe /K \"dir
    Java Program to open the command prompt and insert commands - GeeksforGeeks :
CMD /C "app.exe >
    IAR Build Actions (pre-build and post-build) :
cmd /c "application.exe > output.txt 2>
    IAR【カスタマーサポート】FAQ :
cmd /c CCU8 /TML620504F /MS /near /SD /SL65 /Ot /Oa /SS512 /W3 /Lv /D_ML620Q504 /DLAZURITE_IDE /Faobj\ /IC:\LAZURI
cmd /c " command prompt. Use the Edit > Edit cmd /k Commands menu item to enter commands separated by a comma (no spaces
    CMDer Help :
cmd /c del /Q C:\\Laser\\
    How to run command-line or execute external application from Java :
cmd /c "echo off
    5 Tips to Manage Your Windows Clipboard Like a Pro :
cmd /c cd"
    Java外部プロセス起動メモ(Hishidama's Java Process Memo) :
cmd /c "
    [PowerShell] Lower Memory Consumption When using "cmd /c" instead of ".\" to run exe? - Web Design & Programming - Neowin :
CMD /c 2
    TSCMD172 FAQ: How to change and restore the title bar text of the command prompt? Assorted NT/2000/XP/.. CMD.EXE script tricks written by Timo Salmi :
cmd /c command"
    posix-getopt - npm :
cmd /c sample.bat
cmd /c ""app.exe" some parameter"
    Taskkill - DOS コマンド一覧 - Programming Field :
cmd /c mklink /j "c:\SPRTVL\source\dashboard\_build\default\lib\web\include" "c:\SPRTVL\source\dashboard\apps\web\include"
    rebar3 :
cmd /c 'net user "username" /domain'
cmd /c (
cmd /c exit 9
    Sandboxie - Start Command Line :
cmd /c batfile.bat'
cmd /c 50220
cmd /c
cmd /c mybat.bat or
cmd /c ""C:\Users\BGC6U8
cmd /c del /f /q
    Delete directory/folder from command line :
cmd /c del
cmd /c del
    Windows ファイル自動削除 FORFILES | 優技録 :
cmd /c del

cmd のオプション一覧