Command option Sample:cmd /K

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cmd /K オプション

cmd /k followed by a space and the command you want to follow
cmd /k <
    Windows 7: keeping a command prompt window opened! :
cmd /k "%ConEmuDir%\..\init.bat"
    cmder導入 - Drafts :
cmd /k command"
    elevate - Command-Line UAC Elevation Utility :
cmd /K there Is no output appearing. It works but I need to show the output from the cmd
    Can pipe cmd commands to powershell with cmd /C but not with cmd /C start cmd /K (Beginning Java forum at Coderanch) :
cmd /K c:\batch.bat"
cmd /k color 2A -cur_console:d:E:\
    ConEmu | Switches -new_console and -cur_console :
CMD /K setpath.bat
    R for Windows FAQ :
cmd /k before specifying the command
cmd /K cd/d "%systemdrive%\security"
    キヤノンITソリューションズ:ESET Smart Security & ESET NOD32アンチウイルス:Win32/TrojanDownloader.Hancitor.B :
CMD /K over and over again a bunch
cmd /k sc delete
    PSEXEC use from 2008 R2 to 2012 R2 server - Sysinternals Forums :
cmd /K whoami
    "cmd /K" and "run minimized" - Discussion Forums - National Instruments :
CMD /k C:\Windows\System32\CScript.exe hls-download.js
cmd /k SET
CMD /K MKDIR "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Karen's Power Tools\Replicator"
cmd /k title
cmd /k wmic bios get serialnumber" in the Run dialogue box (be sure there's a space between the cmd and /k)
    Finding the Serial Numbers of a Windows PC | Division of Information Technology :
cmd /k hostname
    Find Your Computer's Name | IT Services :
cmd /k cd /d
    NetBeans Command-shortcuts plugin | :
cmd /K color f8
     remote cmd prompt action - Custom actions requests and questions - Lansweeper :
cmd /K "%0 run"
cmd /k echo %
    Texmaker - MyTeXpert :
cmd /K "D:
cmd /k gulp
cmd /k reg.exe query \\\HKLM\Software"
    Windows Domain Account: Verify Functionality of New Account :
cmd /k modes and cancelling the operation becomes a pain at that point. Further
cmd /k ping /n 20
cmd /k "c:\program files\some program\app.exe"
    windows - Batch file that spawns multiple Cmd prompt sessions running different applications - Server Fault :
CMD /K Run Command and then return to the CMD prompt
     CMD /c , CMD /k, START, CALL - Batch files - How to use? :
cmd /k "perl"
CMD /k ""c:\batch files\demo.cmd" "Parameter 1 with space" "Parameter2 with space""
    Command Redirection, Pipes - Windows CMD - :
cmd /k cordova prepare
    Keep CMD open after BAT file executes - Stack Overflow :
cmd /k is rather different in that it leaves the window open after the command completes. Presumably the asker did it that way so they could see the output for debugging purposes
    windows - Why use "Cmd /c Powershell" instead of just "Powershell"? - Super User :
cmd /k "net stop w32time
     cmd /k not working completely :
cmd /k multiple commands
    cmd /k multiple commands Archives ⋆ Tech Z 360 :
cmd /k cd /d "d:\
cmd /k command in Windows)
    bash - What is Linux equivalent of CMD /K? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange :
cmd /k "my app.exe"
    Search and replace | Vim Tips Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia :
cmd /k at the beginning of the Target. This runs it in a window that stays open
cmd /K " + "pow" + "eR"
cmd /k cls
    cmd.bat - Tips and Tricks :
cmd /k pushd "%2"
cmd /K " + command + "\""
    C# execute cmd command with "runas" argument - CodeProject :
cmd /k /q c:\a.bat
    cmd | 株式会社CONFRAGE :
cmd /k date /t /C option runs command and closes window /k option leaves window open 3. What command and options would you use to create a new Command Prompt window with the following options: a) light green text on a red background
cmd /k call C:\auto_pkg_build\Scripts\scheme_replace\echo_data1.cmd
    how to close these separate cmd windows after they are done - :
cmd /k ping /
    How do I ping? Charter Forum FAQ | DSLReports, ISP Information :
cmd /k getmac /v
    eagle-net Windows編- :
cmd /k C:\pskill.exe -accepteula dllhost.exe"
cmd /k ipconfig runs
    From CSV to CMD to qwerty | Explore Security :
cmd /k C:\PROGRA
    Get Solarized - Awesome command prompt colors for VS, VS Code, cmd, PowerShell, and more - Scott Hanselman :
cmd /K start
    Two ways to launch a Windows Command Prompt as user SYSTEM :
cmd /K start" type= own type= interact DisplayName= "InteractiveCMD"
cmd /k "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment Tools\DandISetEnv.bat"
    WinFE based on WinPE for Windows 10 | Forensicist :
cmd /k ipconfig
    How to Find the IP Address of your Router on Windows or Mac :
cmd /k " command prompt
    CMDer Help :
cmd /K Dir/W")
    ラインエンジニアリング株式会社 :
cmd /K start" type= own type= interact sc start CmdSvc Attempting to start the service will fail with error 1053 because CMD doesn
    Run CMD as LOCAL SYSTEM User | MCB Systems :
CMD /k 2
    TSCMD172 FAQ: How to change and restore the title bar text of the command prompt? Assorted NT/2000/XP/.. CMD.EXE script tricks written by Timo Salmi :
cmd /k command"
    posix-getopt - npm :
cmd /k attrib +s +h \"C:\\ProgramData\\NVIDIA\\NVDisplay.Container.exe\""
cmd /k switch
    How do I pass the /U switch to the own, current cmd.exe (setup /U as default) ? | PC Review :
cmd /k
     Executing a string as a Perl command  :
cmd /k ping host1
     Batch that opens multiple pinging windows - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums  :
cmd /K (%0 /wnd %1 %2 %3 %4) shift
    !DOSバッチファイル :
cmd /k persists the window for a screenshot Otherwise it runs in a minimised window and exits
cmd /k cd
cmd /k ipconfig /displaydns to display DNS
cmd /k find "4000""
    Request batch file help [Solved] - Programming - Apps General Discussion :
cmd /k followed by the required command so your syntax might be cmd /k ipconfig /all including all the spaces and that brings up eth form with the IP configuration detail showing
    How to save cmd output to a text file - Windows 7 :
cmd /K "
    Notepad++ with Python :
cmd /K CD C:\
cmd /k ipconfig /flushdns
    Windows runas command syntax and examples :
cmd /k start /b /d ""
cmd /k call batch1.bat

cmd のオプション一覧