コマンドオプションサンプル:copy /V


COPY /v aaa.txt bbb.txt
    コマンドプロンプトのコピー機能についてCOPY /v aaa.txt bbb.txt/vオ... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q14188591644@__ysp=ImNvcHkgL1Yi
COPY /V commands do not compare data
    Robocopy "Robust File Copy" - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/copy.html
copy /V from.txt to.txt
    copyコマンドで中断時に再開してコピーする : http://tooljp.com/windows/doc/copy-command/copy-V.html
COPY /V with subsequent SYS0031 (Device not functioning) causes immediate exit of session
     #40 (COPY /V with subsequent SYS0031 (Device not functioning) causes immediate exit of session) 4OS2  : http://trac.netlabs.org/4os2/ticket/40
copy /v command verifies files after they are copied. The copy /a command specifies that the file is an ASCII text file. References LabSim for PC Pro
    Which copy command switch should you use y a o v Explanation The copy y command : http://www.coursehero.com/file/p1u9l1n/Which-copy-command-switch-should-you-use-y-a-o-v-Explanation-The-copy-y-command/

copy のオプション一覧