Command option Sample:dir /X

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dir /X オプション

dir /x will give me the short file
    Google Answers: how do I get the short 8.3 filename AND path?? :
dir /X 2017/06/01 19:45 17
dir /X command you can get the shortnames like PROGRA
    Error prepending < FME_HOME>/plugins/ to path environment variable - FME Knowledge Center :
dir /X - 8:3 path name is not working on one drive [closed]
    windows - dir /X - 8:3 path name is not working on one drive - Server Fault :
dir /X and you discover that missing short name you should expect the followings:
    command line - Get DOS path instead of Windows path - Stack Overflow :
dir /x > nul
dir /x /p" (/x shows the short names
    5 Ways to Print Folder and Directory Contents in Windows :
DIR /X displays the short file names and extensions linked by a single dot
    Batch files - Tips for using DIR :
dir /x in parent directory to find 8 character names of sub-dirs:
     Find out DOS path name (8 character) for the directory :
DIR /X Command - Display short names for non-8dot3 file names -
    Groupe DIR B - N6 - N5 - Premier trimestre 2017/2018. - YouTube :

dir のオプション一覧