コマンドオプションサンプル:dir /P


dir /p /s
    コマンドプロンプト : http://7ujm.net/etc/Command.html
DIR /P displays the contents a page at a time
    CMD Command | Cyber Gate Company : http://cgc.com.kw/windows-basic-command-list/
DIR /P displays the contents a page at a time
    Basic DOS commands - Sophos Community : http://community.sophos.com/kb/en-us/13195
DIR /p (shows one page at a time)
    CMD Commands Every Windows User Must Know | NDTV Gadgets360.com : http://gadgets.ndtv.com/laptops/features/cmd-commands-every-windows-user-must-know-788347
dir /p
    What are some examples of common DOS commands?  : http://kb.iu.edu/d/aerh
dir /p - If the directory has a lot of files and you cannot read all the files you can use this command and it will display all files one page at a time
    Windows - DOS Commands : http://kb.wisc.edu/page.php@id=903
dir /p doesn't work
    DOSBox / Bugs / #138 dir /p doesn't work : http://sourceforge.net/p/dosbox/bugs/138/
DIR /p pausing not working
    batch file - DIR /p pausing not working...? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14896948/dir-p-pausing-not-working
dir\/p inform\u00e1tica"
    dir S a H a R a(@saha_dir5)さん | Twitter : http://twitter.com/dirbarrap
DIR /P and press enter when a screen is full of files (about 6 lines)
    /P /W switches for DIR and other commands : http://www.atarimax.com/freenet/freenet_material/7.PortfolioSupportArea/7.TipsandTricks/showarticle.php@11
dir /p "c:\program files"
  : http://www.dennougedougakkai-ndd.org/alte/1ste/DOS-Postzeitung/01.html
DIR /P /W and get a page-by-page view along with wide format:
    Beginner's Guide to the Windows Command Prompt : http://www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/how-to-use-dos-command-prompt/
dir /p pause each screenful
    Dir Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia : http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia/term/41420/dir
dir /p windows\system32
    Beginners Guides: Windows Command Prompt - PCSTATS.com : http://www.pcstats.com/articleview.cfm@articleid=1723&page=4
dir /p /w"
    第一回「dirコマンドを使ってみる」 : http://www.tk.airnet.ne.jp/seiitiro/pcsquare/software/msdos_on_windows/msdos01.html
dir /p and with if the folder was very long show only 10 list and witn click on enter
    dir /p in linux how may? | Web Hosting Talk : http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php@t=624895
dir /p pause each screenful dir /ad only folders dir
    Dir dictionary definition | dir defined : http://www.yourdictionary.com/dir
DIR /P command - Pause after each full screen of information -
    Groupe DIR B - N6 - N5 - Premier trimestre 2017/2018. - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch@v=-G4UWghEJPU

dir のオプション一覧