コマンドオプションサンプル:find -atime


find -atime -2    Linuxユーザのためのチップス: findコマンドでファイルを探す : http://watermans-linuxtips.blogspot.com/2009/02/find.html
find -atime -7    ◇ディレクトリとファイルの検索◇初心者のためのLinuxサーバー構築講座(CentOS 自宅サーバー対応)☆お便利サーバー.com☆ : http://www.obenri.com/_command/find01.html
find -atime [+-]n n    find - ファイルやディレクトリを検索するコマンド - renoji.com : http://renoji.com/IT.php@Contents=ShellScript_Bash%2FCmd_find.html
find -atime +1    command line - How to delete a file that has not been accessed recently? - Ask Ubuntu : http://askubuntu.com/questions/833329/how-to-delete-a-file-that-has-not-been-accessed-recently
find -atime +12 -name    インシデントを調査する : http://web.mit.edu/rhel-doc/4/RH-DOCS/rhel-sg-ja-4/s1-response-invest.html
find -atime +120    find exec rm を駆使して、最終アクセス日からN日以上経過しているファイルを削除する - Database JUNKY : http://hit.hateblo.jp/entry/2017/06/14/192051
find -atime +3 (you can read all about that in the man page for find). In order to avoid losing any more important things I decided to change this from 3 days to 90 days. To do this you'll want to edit the /etc/defaults/periodic.conf file and find the variable called daily_clean_temps_days. In my file it looks like    Stop OSX deleting /tmp so frequently | Western Devs : http://www.westerndevs.com/stop-osx-deleting-tmp-so-frequently/
find -atime +3    find:ねこすけのシェルスクリプト : http://sh.nekosuke.com/000013.htm
find -atime +30 -exec rm    Findコマンドでファイル名のみ表示 - Findコマンドでファイル名のみ表... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1269182782@__ysp=ImZpbmQgLWF0aW1lIg==
find -atime +30 -exec rm    プログラミング情報局 Linux findコマンド : http://program571.blog91.fc2.com/@mode=m&no=162
find -atime +7 -delete    Replacing Atime With Relatime in the Kernel - Slashdot : http://linux.slashdot.org/story/07/08/08/1810243/replacing-atime-with-relatime-in-the-kernel
find -atime 1    LinuxServer ファイルシステム ファイルやコマンドの検索 | エンジニア転職求人情報×IT人材紹介@SAK : http://www.sakc.jp/blog/archives/10527
find -atime 10'    基本システムコマンド : http://www110.kir.jp/study/jissen/script3021.html
find -atime 3    find command : 14 Ways to find files in Unix and Linux : http://www.adminschoice.com/find-command-15-ways-to-find-files-in-unix-and-linux
find -atime 5 -type f    UNIX INTERVIEW QUESTIONS : http://www.kalyanhadooptraining.com/2013/10/unix-interview-questions.html
find -atime 5 -type f    Unix Interview Questions on FIND Command : http://www.folkstalk.com/2011/11/unix-interview-questions-on-find.html
find -atime and friends (with the legacy -amin alias). Elliott added color and -w to dmesg    toybox news : http://landley.net/toybox/
Find -atime changing access times    Solved: Hewlett Packard Enterprise Community - Find -atime changing access times - Hewlett Packard Enterprise Community : http://community.hpe.com/t5/General/Find-atime-changing-access-times/td-p/2654570
find -atime command on a file server when I need to locate files based on their modification time    Sync writes, or: Why is my ESXi NFS so slow, and why is iSCSI faster? | Page 2 | FreeNAS Community : http://forums.freenas.org/index.php@threads%2Fsync-writes-or-why-is-my-esxi-nfs-so-slow-and-why-is-iscsi-faster.12506%2Fpage-2
find -atime n Manpage Not Correct    findutils - Bugs: bug #14619, find -perm +... broken in 4.2.25 [Savannah] : http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/@45483
find -atime n    Linux-find - Amahi Wiki : http://wiki.amahi.org/index.php/Linux-find
find -atime n    Ten useful uses of command find : http://www.garron.me/en/go2linux/how-to-use-find-command-linux-mac-examples.html
find -atime or find -mtime    Eric Blake - Re: timestamp confusion : http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2007-06/msg00436.html
find -atime which denotes last accessed time of the file and find ctime denotes last changed time. + sign is used to search for greater than    10 Examples of find command in Unix and Linux | System Code Geeks - 2018 : http://www.systemcodegeeks.com/shell-scripting/bash/10-examples-find-command-unix-linux/
find -atime which denotes last accessed time of the file and find    10 Example of find command in Unix and Linux : http://javarevisited.blogspot.com/2011/03/10-find-command-in-unix-examples-basic.html