コマンドオプションサンプル:find -iregex


find -iregex '     Using elif or else if? [Archive] - Kubuntu Forums : http://www.kubuntuforums.net/archive/index.php/t-60563.html
find -iregex '    [JDK-8073249] Fix all files to contain exactly one newline at the end of file (and enhance 'jcheck' to enforce this policy) - Java Bug System : http://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8073249
find -iregex '    Cron Jobs For Ubuntu : http://forums.sentora.org/showthread.php@tid=2652
find -iregex '    How to install and use cscope – Code Yarns 溪昨汳サ : http://codeyarns.com/2017/08/24/how-to-install-and-use-cscope/
find -iregex '    regular expression - How to use find command to search for multiple extensions - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange : http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/15308/how-to-use-find-command-to-search-for-multiple-extensions
find -iregex '    survietamine's microblog : http://survietamine.tumblr.com/
find -iregex '    Webserver From Scratch - Pinguy OS Forum : http://forum.pinguyos.com/Thread-Webserver-From-Scratch
find -iregex "    Java JBoss Linux : http://blog.stelmisoft.pl/
find -iregex "    Photo Workflow : http://www.gdargaud.net/Hack/WorkFlow.html
find -iregex "    Shell Script To Transfer Image & Video Files From Any Camera and Rename Them According To Date Taken – nixCraft : http://bash.cyberciti.biz/misc-shell/transfer-image-video-from-digital-camera/
find -iregex and about three times faster than find -iname. By the way    fd-find 3.1.0 - Docs.rs : http://docs.rs/crate/fd-find/3.1.0
find -iregex and about three times faster than find -iname. By the way    fd是一个,快速和用友好的find替代 - Python社区 | CTOLib : http://www.ctolib.com/sharkdp-fd.html
find -iregex and about three times faster than find -iname. By the way    GitHub - sharkdp/fd: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find. : http://github.com/sharkdp/fd
find -iregex reg    find - ファイルやディレクトリを検索するコマンド - renoji.com : http://renoji.com/IT.php@Contents=ShellScript_Bash%2FCmd_find.html