コマンドオプションサンプル:find -path


find -path '    regular expression - Understanding -regex with GNU find - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange : http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/105688/understanding-regex-with-gnu-find
find -path '    Techy: Find and replace on Linux excluding SVN folders » Richy's Random Ramblings : http://blog.rac.me.uk/2009/09/07/techy-find-and-replace-on-linux-excluding-svn-folders/
find -path "./foo/    find - ファイル検索 - LumberMill's Notes : http://www.lumber-mill.co.jp/notes/tips/120213_find.html
find -path "./foo/    find コマンドの便利な使いかた|Accidents will happen!! : http://ameblo.jp/hibiki0224/entry-10848870912.html
find -path "/mnt" -prune -o -name    tips:script:find / ChangeLog::hjk : http://kreisel.fam.cx/webmaster/clog/2009-07-04-2.html
find -path . -name '    macos - Why doesn't 'find' prune the way I think it should? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/207034/why-doesnt-find-prune-the-way-i-think-it-should