コマンドオプションサンプル:findstr /F


FindStr /F:file a path length of more than 80 chars will be truncated
    Programmer: MS- DOS command  : http://254programmer.blogspot.com/p/ms-dos-command.html
findstr /f:list.txt "
    テキスト処理練習帳 ファイルの内容を検索する/findstr(その1) : http://archive.fo/sMTc6
findstr /f:FileList.txt def
    Windows File Search - Wikibooks, open books for an open world : http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Windows_Batch_Scripting
findstr /F:/
    Windows 7 and Vista Guide to Scripting, Automation, and Command Line Tools - PDF Free Download : http://epdf.tips/windows-7-and-vista-guide-to-scripting-automation-and-command-line-tools.html
findstr /F:/ "mirror"
    Re: HTTrack as a test probe - HTTrack Website Copier Forum : http://forum.httrack.com/readmsg/16886/16885/index.html
findstr /F:/ Timer
    Jakarta Slideの問題 - HHeLiBeXの日記 正道編 : http://hhelibex.hatenablog.jp/entry/20090305/1236248173
findstr /f:file.list "
    findstr(ファイル内の指定文字列を検索) : http://jj-blues.com/cms/command-findstr/
FINDSTR /F:files.txt option requires that filenames within files.txt must NOT be quoted. The file will not be found if the name is quoted
     batch file - FindStr with regex - Stack Overflow - Recalll  : http://recalll.co/app/@q=batch%20file%20-%20FindStr%20with%20regex%20-%20Stack%20Overflow
findstr /f:list.z /a:%%b%%f "
    findstrでカラー表示する - ロステク : http://seesaawiki.jp/acerolaslime/d/findstr繝サ・、繝サ%87繝サ・・繝サ・ォ繝サ・・鬯ッ%98繝サ・シ繝サ%89繝サ・ス繝サ・シ繝サ・ィ繝サ・、繝サ・ケ繝サ・、
FindStr /F:file a path length of more than 80 chars will be truncated
    Findstr - Search for strings - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/findstr.html
findstr /f tempres.rsm /c %searchinput%
    "Findstr" command to variable & File count w/ Subdirectories - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17944241/findstr-command-to-variable-file-count-w-subdirectories
findstr /f:/ "hi there"
    LeoLink®: January 2012 : http://tech.leolink.net/2012/01/
findstr /F:/ "pleiades"
    JavaScript - 正規表現でページにないものを探すのには(9459)|teratail : http://teratail.com/questions/44202
findstr /F:target_file_list.txt "ab"
    findstr【コマンド】とは|「分かりそう」で「分からない」でも「分かった」気になれるIT用語辞典 : http://wa3.i-3-i.info/word11915.html
Findstr /f:/ "a b c"
    Using the FOR Statement (Tips.Net) : http://windows.tips.net/T013196_Using_the_FOR_Statement.html
findstr /f:/
    テクノロジーカンファレンスがSurfaceで埋まる日は来るか - Build Insider : http://www.buildinsider.net/column/arton/003
findstr /f:/ "Foo"
    How to disable Windows Desktop Search explorer integration after installing Office 2007 - Scott Hanselman : http://www.hanselman.com/blog/HowToDisableWindowsDesktopSearchExplorerIntegrationAfterInstallingOffice2007.aspx
findstr /f:/ fox
    Findstr - DOS コマンド一覧 - Programming Field : http://www.pg-fl.jp/program/dos/doscmd/findstr.htm
FINDSTR /F:filelist.txt /I foo
    PPT - FINDSTR コマンドを使った ソースコード検索 PowerPoint Presentation - ID:1247509 : http://www.slideserve.com/Anita/findstr

findstr のオプション一覧