コマンドオプションサンプル:findstr /S


FINDSTR /s /i smith
    Programmer: MS- DOS command  : http://254programmer.blogspot.com/p/ms-dos-command.html
findstr /s /i
    Using DOSKey aliases – 4sysops : http://4sysops.com/archives/using-doskey-aliases/
findstr /s "Login failed"
    How to open very large text files on Windows – So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish : http://andreafortuna.org/forensics/how-to-open-very-large-text-files-on-windows/
findstr /s "
    テキスト処理練習帳 ファイルの内容を検索する/findstr(その1) : http://archive.fo/sMTc6
findstr /S hoge
    Windowsでできるgrep的なこと - だれかにひとりごと : http://ashitaka56.hatenablog.jp/entry/20120810/1344607985
findstr /s \"
    121-160件 本文「findstr」を検索 - はてなブックマーク : http://b.hatena.ne.jp/search/text@of=120&q=findstr
findstr /s /i /c:"title" /d:
    Re[6]: grepのような機能 : http://bbs.wankuma.com/index.cgi@mode=al2&namber=66925&KLOG=113
findstr /s /d:c:\windows /m mp3
    Command Line Kung Fu: Episode #9 - Stupid Shell Tricks: Display the Nth Line : http://blog.commandlinekungfu.com/2009/03/
findstr /s /i /m "\
    Findstr - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/csnewdn/article/details/53694056
findstr /s /C:"hello world"
    Windows: Search for strings in files recursively | Jan Jonas' blog : http://blog.janjonas.net/2011-02-26/windows-search-strings-files-recursively
FINDSTR /S /I /P /N /G:C:\C1.TXT T:\A\
    Using findstr dos command in C#.net - .NET Framework : http://bytes.com/topic/net/answers/643015-using-findstr-dos-command-c-net
findstr /S /n
    VIM: Find in files | chrisseroka : http://chrisseroka.wordpress.com/2017/04/02/vim-find-in-files/
findstr /s pcbexpedition
    Licensing and Installation: Tip of the Week: Th... | Mentor Graphics Communities : http://communities.mentor.com/community/licensing_installation/blog/2013/10/27/tip-of-the-week-the-tasklist-and-findstr-dos-commands
FINDSTR /S /N /C:" 500 "
    Issue with Agent Communication | Ivanti User Community : http://community.ivanti.com/thread/59250
findstr /s /i /C:"%ID%" .\
    「findstr /d:」についてです。 - ディレクトリを指定して検索をした... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13187534053@__ysp=ImZpbmRzdHIgL1Mi
findstr /s /n /c:"%(w:orask:Search Term)" "%(ask:File Pattern:
    Komodo 11 Documentation : http://docs.activestate.com/komodo/11/tutorial/runcmdtut.html
findstr /s /c:"KEY = ''" C:\inSync4\
    Reactivating devices using IMD v1 (legacy IMDmechanism) - Druva Documentation : http://docs.druva.com/Knowledge_Base/inSync/Troubleshooting/Reactivating_devices_using_IMD_v1_(legacy_IMD_mechansim)
findstr /s /n /c:"%(w:orask:Search Term)" "%(ask:File Pattern:
    Run Command Tutorial | Komodo IDE/Edit Documentation : http://docs.komodoide.com/Manual/tutorial/runcmdtut
findstr /s /i /m "\
    findstr | Microsoft Docs : http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/findstr
findstr /s "[0-9][0-9]
    Windows File Search - Wikibooks, open books for an open world : http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Windows_Batch_Scripting
findstr /S /c:"<
    なんでもIT屋の宿命: findstrコマンドご存知ですか? : http://fate-it.blogspot.com/2012/01/findstr.html
FINDSTR /s /i /c:"CrewCapacity = " Part.cfg > CrewParts.txt
    [0.20] Ioncross Crew Support Plugin ([0.22] dev build) - Page 4 - Add-on Releases - Kerbal Space Program Forums : http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php@%2Ftopic%2F24884-020-ioncross-crew-support-plugin-022-dev-build%2F&page=4
findstr /s squint.Properties.Settings user.config
    Squint - the sqf editor and error-checker - ARMA 2 & OA : Community Made Utilities - Bohemia Interactive Forums : http://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/101921-squint-the-sqf-editor-and-error-checker/
findstr /s /m "My string"
     Batch file findstr | Windows Secrets Lounge : http://forums.windowssecrets.com/showthread.php/176757-Batch-file-findstr
findstr /S "total"
    DOS - Findstr (The grep) command [Gerardnico] : http://gerardnico.com/lang/dos/findstr
findstr /S /M "
    retorillo’s gists ・ GitHub : http://gist.github.com/a36087d2e8460d72de13
findstr /S cpassword \\*.*.*.*\sysvol\
    Privesc/privesc.bat at master 揃 enjoiz/Privesc 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/enjoiz/Privesc/blob/master/privesc.bat
findstr /s "Integrated Security=true"
    How to find a string in files | Software Development : http://huybien.com/how-to-find-a-string-in-files/
findstr /s /i /m "\
    CMD, Command Prompt, findstr : http://ic.ims.hr/cmd/findstr.html
findstr /s word dirname\
    Windows で grep : http://improve-future.com/ja/grep-on-windows.html
findstr /s /d:c:\windows /m mp3
    Command Prompt | Itkb Wikia | FANDOM powered by Wikia : http://itkb.wikia.com/wiki/Command_Prompt
findstr /s usbperf
    Corrupt or broken performance counters – Windows 2012 | Jesper Arnecke : http://jesperarnecke.wordpress.com/2013/12/18/corrupt-or-broken-performance-counters-windows-2012/
findstr /S /I warn
    [Windows] findstrというコマンド。: いつか、そのとき、あの場所で。 : http://kometchtech.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-983.html
findstr /s /i /n "
    Windowsでフォルダ内の文字列検索をしてファイルに出力する方法 | みずねノート : http://ne21.net/windows-select-string/
findstr /s /i /l /n /c:"function ___"
    Find all PW hooks (Windows) - Getting Started - ProcessWire Support Forums : http://processwire.com/talk/topic/442-find-all-pw-hooks-windows/
findstr /s /i "moji" myfold/
    Windowsでファイル内検索(findstr) - Qiita : http://qiita.com/hanoopy/items/e36bd654536d0554cdf3
findstr /S /L "stringtofind"
     Notes Archive - Razier . reboot : http://razier.com/category/notes
findstr /s /i "exception"
    TOPPERS/ssp hew 版コンパイルエラー - researchmap : http://researchmap.jp/joizmn6qh-1778110/
findstr /S /M /L "(
     文字列を含むファイルをカレントディレクトリから再帰的に検索する。 - 量産メモ帳 : http://rms-099.hatenablog.jp/entry/20130623/1371973808
findstr /s /i "SSLCertificateFile"
    SSL サーバ証明書:Apacheトラブルシューティング|DigiCert(デジサート) : http://rms-digicert.ne.jp/howto/install/troubleshoot_apache.html
findstr /S /c:"stored procedure"
    「findstr /G site:stackoverflow.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=findstr+%2FA+site%3Astackoverflow.com&rkf=1
findstr /s /i confidential
    Secret Windows command line tools can boost security : http://searchenterprisedesktop.techtarget.com/tip/Secret-Windows-command-line-tools-can-boost-security
findstr /s "BIS_C_OFFROAD"
    Obscure Windows CMD commands. – Securitron Linux blog. : http://securitronlinux.com/bejiitaswrath/obscure-windows-cmd-commands/
findstr /s find recursively
    Useful Command-line Commands on Windows - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/3780/useful-command-line-commands-on-windows
    コマンドプロンプトでFINDSTRコマンドを使ってみる - Sprint Life : http://sprint-life.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/08/28/120244
FINDSTR /s /i smith
    Findstr - Search for strings - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/findstr.html
findstr /s "Hello" /d:\\Testing
    windows - searching a directory using Findstr in perl - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17734073/searching-a-directory-using-findstr-in-perl
findstr /S /M /I /C:"Secret Username" C:\
    command line - Searching a string in a file anywhere on PC using Findstr - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/507333/searching-a-string-in-a-file-anywhere-on-pc-using-findstr
    Connection strings after migration from external SQL servers. – Plesk Help Center : http://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/213394949-Connection-strings-after-migration-from-external-SQL-servers-
findstr /s /i "foo"
    よく使う Windows command 集 – 技術がわかるマネージャーに : http://tech.kou.asia/@p=587
findstr /s /i "
    Windowsに,ファイル中の文字列を検索するUNIXの「grep」のようなツールはないのですか? | 日経 xTECH(クロステック) : http://tech.nikkeibp.co.jp/it/free/NT/WinReadersOnly/20040325/233/
findstr /s /m xml
    Searching within LyX documents - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange : http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/152780
findstr /S "aaa"
    findstr の便利なオプション一覧 | Windows : http://tooljp.com/Windows10/doc/tool/findstr/findstrcommand.html
findstr /s "findstr" b:\o4w\
     #295 (findstr in addPath runs forever on windows7) OSGeo4W  : http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/ticket/295
findstr /S /I cpassword \\\sysvol\\policies\
    Oddvar Moe [MVP]さんのツイート: "I often/still find Group Policy Preferences passwords when I do my pentests. To check if you have this present in your domain you can run this command: findstr /S /I cpassword \\<FQDN>\sysvol\<FQDN>\policies\*.xml A great write-up here by @PyroTek3 https://t.co/g0BkYX1Rt7" : http://twitter.com/Oddvarmoe/status/974216632821264384
findstr /s /i "do_action" E:\wp-content\themes\jbst\
    ファイル中の文字列を検索する – 出雲川開発 : http://ultimai.org/windowsserver/findstr.html
findstr /s /i /m
     » Blog Archive Pillaging .pst Files | The WarRoom Blog : http://warroom.securestate.com/pillaging-pst-files/
findstr /S /I /"
    windowsでgrepしたいとき | 情報を常に見える形で残しておこう : http://watabetskm.wp.xdomain.jp/windows/windows_grep/
findstr /s /i /d:
    ワールドワイドウェブ的左顧右眄: HPをダウンロードして目次を作ろう(2) : http://worldwideweb01.blogspot.com/2008/11/
findstr /s /m "window_placement" C:\Users\
    How to Search the Contents of Multiple Files at Once – WP Help 365 : http://wphelp365.com/blog/how-to-search-the-contents-of-multiple-files-at-once/
findstr /S cpassword %logonserver%\sysvol\
    Red + Blue = Purple - Black Hills Information Security : http://www.blackhillsinfosec.com/red-blue-purple/
findstr /s %A
    Practically Quixotic... | Welcome to BlakJak's home on the web. : http://www.blakjak.net/
findstr /s /i "WriteString" C:\Work\Source140415\
    日誌 - circletek : http://www.circletek.jp/index.php@block_id=13&page_id=0&action=journal_view_main_init&visible=10&now_page=12&nc_session=3k57hvalclsa15egehjvqcmnu3
findstr /s "computer help"
    MS-DOS findstr command help : http://www.computerhope.com/findstr.htm
FINDSTR /S /I /M /C:"%%
    [Solved] problem with findstr - i need to get the searched string! : http://www.computing.net/answers/programming/problem-with-findstr-i-need-to-get-the-searched-string/28031.html
findstr /s /i "SSLCertificateChainFile"
    Troubleshoot Apache SSL Certificate Problems | DigiCert.com : http://www.digicert.com/ssl-support/apache-fix-common-ssl-errors.htm
findstr /S "
    Using findstr to locate text in your UnitySync config/log files : http://www.dirwiz.com/kb/3003
findstr /s /C:"INDEX 02"
    CDs with unusual indexes (my collection only) : http://www.discogs.com/ja/lists/CDs-with-unusual-indexes-my-collection-only/213189
findstr /s "."
    ja:subscription [DokuWiki] : http://www.dokuwiki.org/ja%3Asubscription
findstr /s "Hardware:"
    Findstr on server results in "Specify only /L or /R." - DosTips.com : http://www.dostips.com/forum/viewtopic.php@t=1066
findstr /s /n /i /p /c:"foo bar"
    Finding files containing a certain value / Eric Martin / ericmmartin.com : http://www.ericmmartin.com/finding-files-containing-a-certain-value/
findstr /s /i /m "\
    Findstr Command : http://www.fandecheng.com/personal/interests/ewindows/findstr.htm
findstr /s "Uptime Requirement"
    Using FINDSTR to search file contents : http://www.fortypoundhead.com/showcontent.asp@artid=23684
findstr /s /i /n foobar
    How to disable Windows Desktop Search explorer integration after installing Office 2007 - Scott Hanselman : http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ForgottenButAwesomeWindowsCommandPromptFeatures.aspx
findstr /s abc
     スーパーユーザーのためのWindowsコマンド再入門:tree――フォルダツリーの表示 - ITmedia エンタープライズ : http://www.itmedia.co.jp/enterprise/articles/0812/01/news018.html
findstr /s /m /c:"xocs:doi"
    Search exact string in a file on Windows | Laur IVAN : http://www.laurivan.com/search-exact-string-file-windows/
findstr /s /m /c:"%SearchString%" "C:\_E\
    TSCMD126 FAQ: How do I grep for a line with a tab? Assorted NT/2000/XP/.. CMD.EXE script tricks written by Timo Salmi : http://www.netikka.net/tsneti/info/tscmd094.htm
findstr /s /i /m "Word1
    Findstr and multi-string AND searches | PC Review : http://www.pcreview.co.uk/threads/findstr-and-multi-string-and-searches.1466827/
findstr /s Neskowin
     grep for windows  : http://www.perlmonks.org/@node_id=1174041
findstr /s /i /m "\
    Help for all NT Version 4.0 commands : http://www.piclist.com/techref/os/win/winnt/slide31.htm
findstr /s "a"
    Search Text Files Content With Findstr Command In Windows - Poftut : http://www.poftut.com/search-text-files-content-findstr-command-windows/
findstr /s /i "backup"
    The Windows CMD findstr command : http://www.programering.com/a/MTM4IjNwATI.html
findstr /s /i /p "MyText"
    programmer.grrl: Using the Windows Findstr Command to Find Text, Files and Folders : http://www.programmergrrl.com/2010/03/using-windows-findstr-command-to-find.html
findstr /s /i /m "\
    Batch Files - QB64 Wiki : http://www.qb64.net/wiki/index.php/Batch_Files
findstr /s /n "5555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555" C:\Users\ windows_username_here \Desktop\mtgox\data\
    Finding Mt. Gox Account ID User ID from data dumps : mtgoxinsolvency : http://www.reddit.com/r/mtgoxinsolvency/comments/7sl0y5/finding_mt_gox_account_id_user_id_from_data_dumps/
findstr /s /i /m "mystring" c:\
    Windows One Liners cmdline - richud.com : http://www.richud.com/wiki/Windows_One_Liners_cmdline
findstr /s /p /i /c:"confidential" d:\
    4.9. Searching for Files or Folders - Windows Server Cookbook [Book] : http://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/windows-server-cookbook/0596006330/ch04s10.html
findstr /S /N "\"
    !DOSバッチファイル : http://www.sage-p.com/vbslib/vbslib.files/dos_batch.files/dos_batch_05.html
findstr /s /i "wordpad.exe notepad.exe" c:\
    Needle in a haystack: searching from the Windows command line | Security for Real People : http://www.securityforrealpeople.com/2015/03/a-needle-in-haystack-searching-from.html
findstr /S cpassword \\dc1.securus.corp.com\sysvol\
    Dumping Windows Credentials | Securus Global Blog : http://www.securusglobal.com/community/2013/12/20/dumping-windows-credentials/
    PPT - FINDSTR コマンドを使った ソースコード検索 PowerPoint Presentation - ID:1247509 : http://www.slideserve.com/Anita/findstr
findstr /s /i "test"
    任意の文字列を含むファイルを検索する方法(Windows) | 合同会社スマート : http://www.smartllc.jp/blog/20150410-how-to-find-string-in-files-on-windows/
findstr /s /i /n /p /c:
    findstr (windows版のgrepの様なコマンド) - はなたんのブログ : http://www.tdtsh.com/archives/69/
findstr /s /i
    Windowsでファイル内文字列検索! | テクブロ : http://www.tecblo.com/site-navi/1165.html
findstr /s Proc
    Memory usage being up at 80 -100% - Windows 10 Forums : http://www.tenforums.com/performance-maintenance/17783-memory-usage-being-up-80-100-a.html
findstr /s ENMC
    My ram is working at 93% with nothing running - Memory : http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2953745/ram-working-running.html
findstr /S "content" C:\
    How to Search for Contents in Any File Type Without Indexing Service Enabled in Windows Vista and Windows 7 : http://www.wikihow.com/Search-for-Contents-in-Any-File-Type-Without-Indexing-Service-Enabled-in-Windows-Vista-and-Windows-7
findstr /S /C:"USA"
    Findstr command examples and regular expressions : http://www.windows-commandline.com/findstr-command-examples-regular/
findstr /s /i "test Windows" C:\text\
    findstr - wake up the mind!! : http://www.yamawake.info/home/vba/test
findstr /s /i /n /p /c:"any string"
    Batch: How to use multiple colors at the same time - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch@v=apyfJbCLfc4
findstr /S /P /C:"Module "
    IAR Embedded Workbench IDE Recommendations : http://www.zuehlke.com/blog/en/recommended-iar-compiler-settings-for-embedded-projects/
findstr /S /N "echo"
    YMLib - MS-DOS - findstr : http://ymlib.com/YMWorld/MSDOS/P0/W1/P013/YMWDOS013.html

findstr のオプション一覧