fsutil 8dot3name strip / | command line - Copy short 8.3 filename in long mode (Windows) - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/46358385/copy-short-8-3-filename-in-long-mode-windows | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip /f /s C: | short/long name creation issue in file table on PC's with 8dot3 disabled [Archive] - Flexera Community Forums : http://community.flexerasoftware.com/archive/index.php@t-220704.html | |
Fsutil 8dot3name strip /l mylogfile.log /s D:\MyData | Fsutil : FAT and NTFS file system management command line utility - bits and bytes : http://ntcoder.com/bab/2014/10/21/fsutil-fat32-and-ntfs-file-system-management-command-line-utility/ | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip /l SS64.log /s D:\datafiles | RD - Remove Directory - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/fsutil.html | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip /s /l C:\8dot3name_strip.log C: | Increase performance of your Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 – Let IT know : http://letitknow.wordpress.com/2012/10/05/increase-performance-of-your-server-2008-r2/ | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip /s /v C:\ | John Paul Cook : Performance and Security Implications of 8.3 File Names : http://sqlblog.com/blogs/john_paul_cook/archive/2014/04/04/performance-and-security-implications-of-8-3-file-names.aspx | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip /s /v E:\ | John Paul Cook : Performance and Security Implications of 8.3 File Names : http://sqlblog.com/blogs/john_paul_cook/archive/2014/04/04/performance-and-security-implications-of-8-3-file-names.aspx | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip /s /v E:\inetpub\wwwroot | security - Fixing the IIS tilde vulnerability - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/670658/fixing-the-iis-tilde-vulnerability | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip /s /v K:\ | Windows Server 2012 File Server Tip: Disable 8.3 Naming (and strip those short names too) – Jose Barreto's Blog : http://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/josebda/2012/11/13/windows-server-2012-file-server-tip-disable-8-3-naming-and-strip-those-short-names-too/ | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip /s \\uncpath work | Newest 'usn' Questions - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/fsutil | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip /s C:) | win10-secure-baseline-gpo/README.md at master ‘µ mxk/win10-secure-baseline-gpo ‘µ GitHub : http://github.com/mxk/win10-secure-baseline-gpo/blob/master/README.md | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip /t | batch file - Windows Short name does not match long name - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29704688/windows-short-name-does-not-match-long-name | |
FSUTIL 8dot3name strip [/t] [/s] [/f] [/l log_file] [/v] DirectoryPath | RD - Remove Directory - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/fsutil.html | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip | command line - Copy short 8.3 filename in long mode (Windows) - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/46358385/copy-short-8-3-filename-in-long-mode-windows | |
Fsutil 8dot3name strip DirectoryPath | Fsutil : FAT and NTFS file system management command line utility - bits and bytes : http://ntcoder.com/bab/2014/10/21/fsutil-fat32-and-ntfs-file-system-management-command-line-utility/ | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip c: | 16660 – Discordance between doc and behavior for R.home() on windows : http://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi@id=16660 | |
fsutil 8dot3name strip f: | Short File Names Archives - Working Hard In IT : http://blog.workinghardinit.work/tag/short-file-names/ |
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