コマンドオプションサンプル:fsutil sparse setflag


fsutil sparse setflag '    How to mount an .iso image in Windows 8.1 marked as sparse file? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/818303/how-to-mount-an-iso-image-in-windows-8-1-marked-as-sparse-file
fsutil sparse setflag 'filename'     TipAndDoc/storage/filesystem lab : http://lab.mitty.jp/trac/lab/wiki/TipAndDoc/storage/filesystem
fsutil sparse setflag "%    捏造ファイルを拡散してみるスレ : http://awabi.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/download/1293649993/l30
fsutil sparse setflag " : http://cdist2.perforce.com/perforce/r15.2/bin.tools/jnltool.pl
fsutil sparse setflag ".iso" 0    Fail to mount image files in windows server 2012 - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/424794/fail-to-mount-image-files-in-windows-server-2012
fsutil sparse setflag "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Hyper-V\Virtual hard disks\testserver.vhdx" 0    Restoring VHDX Hyper-V - Restore - UrBackup - Discourse : http://forums.urbackup.org/t/restoring-vhdx-hyper-v/4038
fsutil sparse setflag %%i.TXT    "xcpt.bat" - eXtended CoPy Test BATch for Windows7 HP 64bit(x64) : http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA053879/xcpt_bat.htm
fsutil sparse setflag %1 0    Unset the "sparse' flag of a file 揃 GitHub : http://gist.github.com/Zingam/878357f3e6bef3c90259
fsutil sparse setflag %FILE%    coLinux : http://tayu.github.io/old/coLinux.html
fsutil sparse setflag %i    Windows 7 質問スレッド Part19 : http://mimizun.com/log/2ch/win/1290509806/
fsutil sparse setflag .\test.nul 0    windows 7 - How to remove sparsefile attribute - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/995944/how-to-remove-sparsefile-attribute
fsutil sparse setflag .\test.nul    windows 7 - How to remove sparsefile attribute - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/995944/how-to-remove-sparsefile-attribute
fsutil sparse setflag [file]    fsutil - How to create 1G zeroed sparse file in windows? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/314310/how-to-create-1g-zeroed-sparse-file-in-windows
fsutil sparse setflag __    qbittorrent 308 corrupt files : http://qbforums.shiki.hu/index.php@topic=1729.0
fsutil sparse setflag <    平原眺望: Windows OSアーカイブ : http://blog.tokachi-lab.com/archives/cat1/windows-os/
fsutil sparse setflag    How To Deal With 都parse FilesOn NTFS (native Solution) - Windows Tutorials | Dream.In.Code : http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/topic/251822-how-to-deal-with-sparse-files-on-ntfs-native-solution/
fsutil sparse setflag    Full CD-based(iso) distro install and config steb-by-step HOWTO (based on Xubuntu-7.10) | coLinux | FANDOM powered by Wikia : http://colinux.wikia.com/wiki/AccessingWindowsDrivesWithSamba
fsutil sparse setflag 0    「fsutil volume filelayout site:superuser.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=fsutil+sparse+queryflag+site%3Asuperuser.com&rkf=1
fsutil sparse setflag    John's Linux Blog: Sparse files on Windows : http://blog.chrysocome.net/2013/07/sparse-files-on-windows.html
fsutil sparse setflag 0    Mounting VHD Error Message "Sorry, there was a problem mounting the file" - Server Talk by Michel Luescher : http://www.server-talk.eu/2015/02/17/mounting-vhd-error-message-sorry-there-was-a-problem-mounting-the-file/
fsutil sparse setflag 4g.img    hnakamur’s blog: NTFSのsparse file : http://hnakamur.blogspot.com/2008/11/ntfssparse-file.html
fsutil sparse setflag 4g.imgC:\>fsutil sparse queryrange 4g.img    hnakamur’s blog: NTFSのsparse file : http://hnakamur.blogspot.com/2008/11/ntfssparse-file_24.html
fsutil sparse setflag 6gb.img    sohatachの日記 : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/sohatach/@of=10
fsutil sparse setflag bigfile.txt    xplorer2 blog: The long and the (8.3) short of it in path names : http://zabkat.com/blog/05Jun11-sparse-file-creation.htm
fsutil sparse setflag C:\10GB_    How to reserve disk space to save yourself from a world of pain : http://tomssl.com/2016/04/01/how-to-reserve-disk-space-to-save-yourself-from-a-world-of-pain/
fsutil sparse setflag C:\1GB.dat    How to reserve disk space to save yourself from a world of pain : http://tomssl.com/2016/04/01/how-to-reserve-disk-space-to-save-yourself-from-a-world-of-pain/
fsutil sparse setflag C:\coLinux\swap.img    Kazuho@Cybozu Labs: [メモ] coLinux : http://labs.cybozu.co.jp/blog/kazuho/archives/2006/06/colinux_memo.php
fsutil sparse setflag C:\path\to\5G.ext3    Full CD-based(iso) distro install and config steb-by-step HOWTO (based on Xubuntu-7.10) | coLinux | FANDOM powered by Wikia : http://colinux.wikia.com/wiki/Full_CD-based(iso)_distro_install_and_config_steb-by-step_HOWTO_(based_on_Xubuntu-7.10)
fsutil sparse setflag C:\Temp\sample.txt    平原眺望: Windows OSアーカイブ : http://blog.tokachi-lab.com/archives/cat1/windows-os/
fsutil sparse setflag C:\TestFile.bin    Of Filesystems And Other Demons: April 2012 : http://fsfilters.blogspot.com/2012/04/
FSUTIL SPARSE setflag drive    FSUTIL VOLUME : http://www.tekweb.dk/manuals/command/commands/F/FSUTILSP.HTM
fsutil sparse setflag e:\test1.txt    Windowsのコマンドプロンプトによるデータ内の一部をゼロデータ(NULLブランクデータ)へ変更する方法(fsutil file setzerodata) : http://www.wannko.net/command/file/sparse.html
fsutil sparse setflag filename 0     How dumb is this!? Storage Spaces missing capacity solved! : http://www.eightforums.com/general-support/55582-cant-mount-iso-files-natively-anymore.html
FSUTIL sparse setflag filename FSUTIL sparse queryrange filename FSUTIL sparse setrange filename Beginning_offset Length Eg : fsutil sparse queryflag "C:\My Test.txt"    DOS - Microsoft DOS and Windows Command Line - FSUTIL : http://www.zoltis.com/component/seoglossary/2-dos-microsoft-dos-and-windows-command-line/file-and-volume-utilities
FSUTIL sparse setflag filename    RD - Remove Directory - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/fsutil.html
fsutil sparse setflag hoge.txt    FSUTILツールとスパースファイル - @port139 Blog : http://port139.hatenablog.com/entry/20091116/1258350454
fsutil sparse setflag lvmtest.img    SSDを運用してくときに実行したい4つの寿命対策 - 道すがら講堂 : http://archive.fo/CXOpC
fsutil sparse setflag new_fs    やめるブログ: 2008.06 : http://vcxzasdf.blogspot.com/2008/06/
fsutil sparse setflag newroot_fs    やめるブログ: 2008.06 : http://vcxzasdf.blogspot.com/2008/06/
fsutil sparse setflag PATH_TO_ISO 0    Can't mount any downloaded .ISO file with File Explorer unless I manually remove the sparse attribute from the file - Bug Reports - 袖Torrent Community Forums : http://forum.utorrent.com/topic/98882-cant-mount-any-downloaded-iso-file-with-file-explorer-unless-i-manually-remove-the-sparse-attribute-from-the-file/
fsutil sparse setflag site:superuser.com    「fsutil volume filelayout site:superuser.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=fsutil+sparse+setflag+site%3Asuperuser.com&rkf=1
FSUtil Sparse SetFlag sparse_file.img    5.1. quasardb daemon — quasardb 2.1.0 documentation : http://doc.quasardb.net/2.1.0/reference/qdbd.html
FSUtil Sparse SetFlag temp%%i     CryptoLocker Prevention - Page 3 : http://www.edugeek.net/forums/how-do-you-do/159149-cryptolocker-prevention-3.html
FSUtil Sparse SetFlag temp    fsutil - How to create 1G zeroed sparse file in windows? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/314310/how-to-create-1g-zeroed-sparse-file-in-windows
fsutil sparse setflag test.nul    「fsutil volume filelayout site:superuser.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=fsutil+sparse+setflag+site%3Asuperuser.com&rkf=1
fsutil sparse setflag test.sparse     Sparse files - B# .NET Blog : http://bartdesmet.net/blogs/bart/archive/2004/05/16/274.aspx
fsutil sparse setflag YOURFILENAMEHERE 0    Change sparse attribute from an .iso file on Windows 8.1 - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/753253/change-sparse-attribute-from-an-iso-file-on-windows-8-1
fsutil sparse setflag YOURFILENAMEHERE 1    Change sparse attribute from an .iso file on Windows 8.1 - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/753253/change-sparse-attribute-from-an-iso-file-on-windows-8-1
fsutil sparse setflag    Windows XPの正体 強化されたコマンドライン・ツール(中編) 2.ディスク/ファイル関連ツール(2) - @IT : http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/fwin2k/xp_feature/013commandtool/commandtool3.html


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