ftp -r オプション
ftp -r boole.local:ftp -g -w 8 |
#295537 - ipvsadm: ActiveConn reports silly numbers - Debian Bug report logs : http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi@bug=295537;msg=25 |
ftp -r ./ |
Easily Serve a Directory via FTP (Example) : http://coderwall.com/p/dd9iaw/easily-serve-a-directory-via-ftp |
ftp -R /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content/ |
Virtualhost mapped to WordPress multisite sub-domains - Support - NethServer Community : http://community.nethserver.org/t/virtualhost-mapped-to-wordpress-multisite-sub-domains/6565 |
ftp -r:[RecvBuffers] Overrides the default SO_RCVBUF size of 8192 |
Troubleshooting faulty network connectivity, part 2: Essential network commands | Doug Vitale Tech Blog : http://dougvitale.wordpress.com/2011/12/11/troubleshooting-faulty-network-connectivity-part-2-essential-network-commands/ |
ftp -R *.*.*.* -g |
Persistence Handling in LVS : http://jlvs.infoscience.co.jp/persistence.html |
ftp -r -s /sbin/nologin ftp |
Install, Configure, and Secure FTP Server in Linux - Like Geeks : http://likegeeks.com/ftp-server-linux/ |
ftp -R /var/www/YOURFOLDERSITE |
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS – How to Install and Configure vsFTPd on Ubuntu | Martin's Blog : http://linux-sys-adm.com/ubuntu-16.04-lts-how-to-install-and-configure-vsftpd-on-ubuntu/ |
ftp -R /home/user1 |
[ ftp ] ubuntu 安裝 ftp 與設定權限 : http://oranwind.org/-ftp-ubuntu-an-zhuang-ftp-yu-she-ding-apache-du-qu-quan-xian/ |
ftp -R ftpserver.domain.com . /Scripts/ftp01 |
How do I FTP multiple files from the command line? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/358099/how-do-i-ftp-multiple-files-from-the-command-line |
ftp -R /home/ftp |
Gentoo VSFTPD Howto : http://wjholden.com/vsftpd-help.html |
ftp -r bashfull.mack.net -g -w 1 |
21. LVS: Services: multi-port : http://www.austintek.com/LVS/LVS-HOWTO/HOWTO/LVS-HOWTO.services.multi-port.html |
ftp -R /home/rararan/ chmod 755 -R/home/rararan/html/sites/default/ |
Linux | beomil ideas : http://www.beomil.org/programming/linux |
ftp -r *.*.*.* -g |
Persistence Handling in LVS : http://www.linuxvirtualserver.org/docs/persistence.html |