コマンドオプションサンプル:gpresult /H


gpresult /h c:\reports.html
    GPResult Tool: How To Check What Group Policy Objects are Applied : http://activedirectorypro.com/gpresult-tool/
gpresult /h Extract.html
     Check your Group Policies settings (applies to your computer and user account) : http://akril.net/2013/08/25/check-your-group-policies-settings-applies-to-your-computer-and-user-account/
gpresult /h gpreport.html
    Handy command line utilities for basic troubleshooting in a Windows domain environment | Ardamis : http://ardamis.com/2012/09/23/handy-command-line-utilities-for-basic-troubleshooting-in-a-windows-domain-environment/
gpresult /h shows:
    GPO Version Mismatch problems and Windows Hello - Ars Technica OpenForum : http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php@f=17&t=1383167
gpresult /h GPReport.html
    gpresult /h GPReport.html - hogetahogekoのコメント / はてなブックマーク : http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/343875815/comment/hogetahogeko
gpresult /H filename.html -- creates an HTML-formatted view of the group policy settings
    Top 10 command-line commands for managing Windows 7 desktops-清音俗世留-51CTO博客 : http://blog.51cto.com/10500561/1718775
Gpresult /h report.html /f
    Group Policy - GPResult Examples - The Sysadmins : http://blog.thesysadmins.co.uk/group-policy-gpresult-examples.html
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html
    イベントID:1096グループポリシーエラー - treedown’s Report : http://blog.treedown.net/entry/2015/09/14/093913
gpresult /h:gpreport.html /user:NormalUser" it would produce both Computer and Normal User GP data
    Win-Fu Official Blog: Allow computer policy RSOP data for limited users : http://blog.win-fu.com/2014/03/allow-computer-policy-rsop-data-for.html
Gpresult /h Report.html
    Creating Group Policy Reports by using "Rsop.msc” and “Gpresult /h Report.html” | Yuval Sinay : http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/yuval14/2011/10/17/creating-group-policy-reports-by-using-quotrsopmsc-and-gpresult-h-reporthtml/
GPResult /H C:\Temp\GPResult.html
    Configuring Quality of Service for Lync Online – Microsoft : http://blogs.perficient.com/microsoft/2014/12/configuring-quality-of-service-for-lync-online/
gpresult /h fails to generate reporting data for any setting configured by the Security Configuration Engine (SCE) extension. The error message is
    Windows 10 Updates March 22, 2018 | Born's Tech and Windows World : http://borncity.com/win/2018/03/23/windows-10-updates-march-22-2018/
gpresult /h results.html
    Internal Co-authoring check list – Qorus Breeze Proposals Helpdesk and Knowledge Center : http://breezesupport.qorusdocs.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003471969-Internal-Co-authoring-check-list
GPResult /H gpresult.html on an affected client. Open the gpresult.htm and drill down into the MitigationOptions error until you find the details shown below
    How to fix “Windows failed to apply MitigationOptions settings” GPUpdate error on W10 1709 | Colin Ford : http://colinfordblog.wordpress.com/2018/03/08/how-to-fix-windows-failed-to-apply-mitigationoptions-settings-gpupdate-error-on-w10-1709/
gpresult /H GPO_export.html
    クラウド トーク: Horizon Air でトラブルが発生した際の対処について |VMware Communities : http://communities.vmware.com/blogs/cloudtalk/2016/04/09/horizon-air-驍オ・コ繝サ・ァ驛「%9D繝サ8C・サ・・9B驛「%9D繝サ82・カ・・9D驍オ・コ隶・8E繝サ8C・ア繝サ80%95雋・98繝サ・ー驍オ・コ雋・84繝サ9C%80驍オ・コ繝サ・ョ繝サ9F%87繝サ・セ繝サ9C%83繝サ・ヲ驍オ・コ繝サ・ォ驍オ・コ繝サ・、驍オ・コ%84驍オ・コ繝サ・ヲ
gpresult /H c:\temp\results.html My output file never gets created
    run remote commands - PowerShell General - Ask the Experts - IDERA Community : http://community.idera.com/powershell/ask_the_experts/f/learn_powershell_from_don_jones-24/23253/run-remote-commands
gpresult /H gpo.html
     #828 (Bridged Windows 7 Connection Not Functional) OpenVPN Community  : http://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/ticket/828
gpresult /H
    [SOLVED] Group policy not applying to map network drive? - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/1537621-where-does-gpreport-html-get-saved-to-on-a-windows-7-pc
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html
    Quick Tip: Using PowerShell to generate a GPO report : http://dereknewton.com/2012/09/quick-tip-gpo-report-powershell/
gpresult /h > c:\gpresult.htm) you will NEVER get the citrix-section of the gpo
    GPRESULT and RSoP don't show "Citrix Group Policy" node or apllied Citrix Policy Settings - XenApp Policies - Discussions : http://discussions.citrix.com/topic/279779-gpresult-and-rsop-dont-show-citrix-group-policy-node-or-apllied-citrix-policy-settings/
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html
    GPRESULT | dosprompt.info : http://dosprompt.info/commands/gpresult.asp
gpresult /h Saves the report in HTML format at the location and with the file name that is specified by the FILENAME parameter. Cannot be used with /u
    Network administration commands for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory | Doug Vitale Tech Blog : http://dougvitale.wordpress.com/2013/02/07/network-administration-commands-for-microsoft-windows-and-active-directory/
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html f
    Processing of Group Policy failed. Windows attempted to read file sysvolpolicies and was not successful - [SOLVED] enterprise IT : http://enterpriseit.co/microsoft-active-directory/processing-group-policy-failed-windows-attempted-read-file-sysvol-policies/
GPresult /H report.html (or any name) and out will pop an HTML file that shows the full RsOP that
    Group Policy: Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop - PDF Free Download : http://epdf.tips/group-policy-fundamentals-security-and-the-managed-desktop64659.html
gpresult /h [path to file] for a nice HTML report
    Windows 10 Anniversary Update Issues - Microsoft - Church IT Network : http://forum.churchitnetwork.com/t/windows-10-anniversary-update-issues/116@page=3
Gpresult /h c:\temp\gp.html
     Issues with WSUS and Windows updates - Windows - Server management  : http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2224369
gpresult /h gpresultsh.html
     Windows Server 2008 : Group Policy Command-Line Tools - Viewing Group Policy Settings with gpresult - Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Azure, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 Tutorials : http://guides.wmlcloud.com/windows/windows-server-2008----group-policy-command-line-tools---viewing-group-policy-settings-with-gpresult.aspx
GPRESULT /h this WMI filter does not appear
    WMI filter does not appear in GPRESULT on client devices - Windows Server 2008 R2 - RESET Forums (homeservershow.com) : http://homeservershow.com/forums/topic/11789-wmi-filter-does-not-appear-in-gpresult-on-client-devices/
gpresult /h C:\temp\result.html /scope computer
    Notes from the Field: GPO vs Local Policies | JDeployment : http://jayrbarrios.com/2017/02/07/note-from-the-field-gpo-vs-local-policies/
gpresult /h report1.html) and the policy was not getting applied
    Windows Server | Jean-Paul van Ravensberg : http://jvr.cloud/tag/windows-server/
gpresult /h c:\gpresult.html
  : http://kb.northwestern.edu/page.php@id=70119&no_frill=1
gpresult /H gpo.html and look for startup.vbs and logoff.vbs and INI Path
    How To Get A Complete Group Policy (GPO, RSoP) Report For Support – Liquidware Customer Support : http://liquidwarelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/210633463-How-to-check-if-LwL-ProfileUnity-Client-Startup-exe-and-logoff-settings-were-pushed-down-through-GPO
     [Samba] Windows 8 polices are not applied  : http://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2014-October/186132.html
gpresult /h reveals this error:
    Software Install Policy results in GP Core Failure - Mark Minasi's Tech Forum : http://newforum.minasi.com/post/software-install-policy-results-in-gp-core-failure-8327624
gpresult /H GPReport.html
    ポリシーでコンピュータの構成の部分 - ハードウェア・サーバー 解決済み| 【OKWAVE】 : http://okwave.jp/qa/q8248544.html
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html
    コマンドプロンプト その他のコマンド : http://pasofaq.jp/windows/command/other7.htm
GPResult /H GPResult.html
    Philip Flint » 2010 » April : http://philipflint.com/2010/04/
gpresult /H GPReport.html
    質問!ITmedia - ポリシーでコンピュータの構成の部分 : http://qa.itmedia.co.jp/qa8248544.html
gpresult /h didn
    GPO errors due to SYSVOL replication issues « rakhesh.com : http://rakhesh.com/windows/gpo-errors-due-to-sysvol-replication-issues/
GPResult /H command to output of the Group Policy Result in HTML format in C:\Temp folder so that an engineer could check it. And that
    GPResult | Geek Notebook : http://ryentang.wordpress.com/tag/gpresult/
gpresult /h report.html
    GP Preferences for Internet Explorer 11 - Group Policy Software - SDM Software | Configuration Experts : http://sdmsoftware.com/group-policy-blog/group-policy-preferences/gp-preferences-for-internet-explorer-11/
GPRESULT /H 001.html
    「gpresult /Z site:social.technet.microsoft.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=gpresult+%2FH+site%3Asocial.technet.microsoft.com&rkf=1
gpresult /H filename.html -- displays the Group Policy settings in HTML code
    Query group policy settings with gpresult /R - Top Windows command-line commands : http://searchenterprisedesktop.techtarget.com/photostory/4500257329/Top-Windows-command-line-commands/3/Query-group-policy-settings-with-gpresult-R
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html from the command line to access information about Group Policy results
    windows 7 - Local Group Policy not updating. RSOP and GPResult show stale data - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/516426/local-group-policy-not-updating-rsop-and-gpresult-show-stale-data
gpresult /h C:\gpresult.html and not gpresult /h C:gpresult.html
     Group Policy - gpresult.html : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ie/ja-JP/b090b68e-5a63-42b1-9182-227d9b942f5f/group-policy-gpresulthtml@forum=winserverGP
gpresult /h LGPO-Administrators.html and press Enter. The gpresult command with the /h option generates an HTML file that will be used to determine if the local user group policy for administrators has been applied. This option is only available on Windows Vista
    Planning Workgroup and Standalone Local Group Policy Configuration - Windows 7 Tutorial : http://sourcedaddy.com/windows-7/planning-workgroup-and-standalone-local-group-policy-configuration.html
gpresult /h gpreport.html
    Windows Firewall Group Policy - Outbound File Sharing Whitelisting - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29217974/windows-firewall-group-policy-outbound-file-sharing-whitelisting
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html f
    group policy - Windows 7 Gpupdate failed - Super User : http://superuser.com/q/669347
gpresult /h rsop-gpresult.htm
    Configure LEM Audit Policy Information - SolarWinds Worldwide, LLC. Help and Support : http://support.solarwinds.com/Success_Center/Log_Event_Manager_(LEM)/Configure_LEM_Audit_Policy_Information
    Required permissions for the OpenDNS_Connector user – Cisco Umbrella : http://support.umbrella.com/hc/en-us/articles/230902488-Required-permissions-for-the-OpenDNS-Connector-user
Gpresult /h gpresult.html was showing failed status for Registry in component status:
    Machine domain group policy failed to apply : http://vstepic.blogspot.com/2014/07/machine-domain-group-policy-failed-to.html
gpresult /H hoge.html
    gpresult【コマンド】とは|「分かりそう」で「分からない」でも「分かった」気になれるIT用語辞典 : http://wa3.i-3-i.info/word14352.html
gpresult /h gp.html
    samba/GPO - Chaperone : http://web.chaperone.jp/w/index.php@samba%2FGPO
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html
    windows コマンドプロンプト: GPRESULT : http://windows-cmd.blogspot.com/2011/03/gpresult.html
GPResult /h c:\temp\gpo-report.html /f
    Using GPResult to Diagnose Group Policies Issues | Windows OS Hub : http://woshub.com/diagnose-group-policies-issues-with-gpresult/
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html
    RSoP and GPResult - Must-Know Tools When Using Group Policy - 404 Tech Support : http://www.404techsupport.com/2010/05/11/rsop-and-gpresult-must-know-tools-when-using-group-policy/
gpresult /h res.htm
    September | 2016 | The Admin Admin Podcast : http://www.adminadminpodcast.co.uk/2016/09/
gpresult /H and then test.html
    Group Policy Troubleshooting - Directory Services | Coursera : http://www.coursera.org/learn/system-administration-it-infrastructure-services/lecture/NKERN/group-policy-troubleshooting
gpresult /h %temp%\report.htm /f /scope computer
    Troubleshooting - Windows could not search for new updaets 800B0001 : http://www.cryer.co.uk/brian/windows/troubleshooting/windows_update_800B0001.htm
gpresult /h and couldn't find anything as to why it would fail. DNS checked out fine and no one had any complications there. We also had 2 other computers that grabbed 4-5 drives correctly but missed one. Is there any big reason that sticks out in anyone
    Group Policy Failing to Apply - Microsoft Windows | DaniWeb : http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/threads/496342/group-policy-failing-to-apply
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html f
    DFS Replication service stopped replication : http://www.darrylvanderpeijl.com/dfs-replication-service-stopped-replication/
gpresult /h c:\report.html
     gpresult can't create html report : http://www.edugeek.net/forums/windows-7/128362-gpresult-cant-create-html-report.html
GPResult /h Report.htm /f . The /h generates a file name in a HTML format. The /f overwrites an existing file (Report.htm) if it exists. To run GPResult in the command line
    Why You Should Use GPResult and Abandon RSOP.MSC : http://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/11356/Why-You-Should-Use-GPResult-and-Abandon-RSOP-MSC.html
GPResult /h switch. This new /h switch provides HTML output that shows practically the same result and the Wizard-driven results of the GPMC as well
    4 Tips and Tricks for Microsoft Windows Group Policy | Global Knowledge Blog : http://www.globalknowledge.com/blog/2013/02/07/4-tips-and-tricks-for-microsoft-windows-group-policy/
gpresult /h c:\gpresult.htm
    How to apply a Group Policy Object to individual users or computer : http://www.grouppolicy.biz/2010/05/how-to-apply-a-group-policy-object-to-individual-users-or-computer/
gpresult /h and the error code I received is as follows:
    Q&A: How to find out if a machine has a certain GPO applied? | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/question/receiving-error-when-trying-to-force-a-gpupdate
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html /f
    How to Generate a Group Policy Report | Mohammed Wasay : http://www.mowasay.com/2017/10/how-to-generate-a-group-policy-report/
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html from the command line to access information about Group Policy results
    Group Policy Failing - Windows Server Support - Neowin : http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1341718-group-policy-failing/
gpresult /H gpols.htm
    Network Penetration Testing | TofC: www.networkpentest.net  : http://www.networkpentest.net/p/windows-command-list.html
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html from the command line to access information about Group Policy results
    Known Issues - OES 2015 SP1: Domain Services for Windows Administration Guide : http://www.novell.com/documentation/oes2015/acc_dsfw_lx/data/b1914h3d.html
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html
    シトリックス炎の掲示板 Citrix(MetaFrame) BBS : http://www.pbsystems.co.jp/bbs/citrix/@id=17687
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html f
     gpresult -r under standard user login - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums  : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/microsoft-networking-services/gpo/505363-user-policies-not-getting-updated
GPRESULT /h gpresult-as-ADMIN.html
    Other: What must I send to PolicyPak support in order to get the FASTEST support? | PolicyPak : http://www.policypak.com/knowledge-base/troubleshooting/what-must-i-send-to-policypak-support-in-order-to-get-the-fastest-support.html
gpresult /h GPReport.html
    2012 ~ Quick Computer Tips : http://www.quickcomputertips.com/2012/
GPRESULT /h Report.htm /f will generate a detailed Group Policy Result
    Group Policy Software Deployment: Extraction to Installation - Simple Talk : http://www.red-gate.com/simple-talk/sysadmin/general/group-policy-software-deployment-extraction-to-installation/
gpresult /h file.htm
    reddit: the front page of the internet : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/62aexp/ads_some_security_groups_not_showing_up_in/
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html
    Help for all Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate commands : http://www.robvanderwoude.com/allhelpw7_en.php
gpresult /h C:\results.html
    Blog - \\server-adventures : http://www.serveradventures.com/the-adventures/troubleshooting-domain-logon-logoff-issues-windows
GPRESULT /H gpreport.htm
     Local Security Policy console does not display Advanced Audit Policies when enforced through GPO - Ondrej Sevecek's English Pages : http://www.sevecek.com/EnglishPages/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx@ID=25
GPRESULT /H 001.html
    グループポリシーの適用結果(RSOP:結果セット)がおかしい - Socapnw : http://www.socapnw.com/330192.html
gpresult /h 4.10
  : http://www.support.nec.co.jp/DownLoad.aspx@file=readme_sas.txt&id=3140100402
GPRESULT /H GPReport.html
     WMI - Windows Management Instrumentation - BATCH SCRIPTS : http://www.sysnative.com/forums/windows-tips-and-tricks/3319-wmi-windows-management-instrumentation-batch-scripts.html
gpresult /h and /v show that the DDP an DDCP are denied
     Group Policy question : http://www.techexams.net/forums/off-topic/79287-group-policy-question.html
gpresult /h gp.htm
    How to map network share using group policy based on AD group? - SOLVED - TechRepublic : http://www.techrepublic.com/forums/discussions/how-to-map-network-share-using-group-policy-based-on-ad-group-solved/
GPRESULT /h %userprofile%\results.html then zip up the file and attach it to your next post
     [SOLVED] GPUpdate /Force Fails to Apply - Tech Support Forum : http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f217/solved-gpupdate-force-fails-to-apply-834066.html
gpresult /h gpo.html" but what I've noticed is that in Windows 10
    GPResult in Windows 10 Solved - Windows 10 Forums : http://www.tenforums.com/performance-maintenance/38326-gpresult-windows-10-a.html
gpresult /h to create a report of the GPOs and settings that applied
    GUID Chase – Group Policy troubleshooting | Geoff @ UVM : http://www.uvm.edu/~gcd/2013/01/guid-chase-group-policy-troubleshooting/
gpresult /h fails to generate reporting data for any setting configured by the Security Configuration Engine (SCE) extension. The error message is "Requested value 'SeDelegateSessionUserImpersonatePrivilege' was not found". The Group Policy Management Console fails to show the privilege in the Settings tab for a GPO where the setting has been configured
    Microsoft rolls out batch of new cumulative updates for Windows 10 PCs | Windows Central : http://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-rolls-out-batch-new-cumulative-updates-windows-10-pcs
gpresult /H Test.html
    Gpresult : Displays the Resultant Set of Policy RSoP information - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch@v=DdVvZovEYE4
GPRESULT /H report.html
    山市良のえぬなんとかわーるど: 続報:Windows 10 4 月の累積更新 KB3147458 で gpedit.msc のエラー (とそれに隠れて別のバグも) : http://yamanxworld.blogspot.com/2016/04/windows-10-4-kb3147458-gpeditmsc.html

gpresult のオプション一覧