コマンドオプションサンプル:gpresult /SCOPE


gpresult /Scope Computer /v
     Check your Group Policies settings (applies to your computer and user account) : http://akril.net/2013/08/25/check-your-group-policies-settings-applies-to-your-computer-and-user-account/
gpresult /SCOPE COMPUTER /R and get the Security Group list
    GPO Version Mismatch problems and Windows Hello - Ars Technica OpenForum : http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php@f=15&t=1396307
gpresult /scope computer
    リアル痴漢電車 : http://cyborg.relove.org/memo-nikki/702.html
gpresult /scope computer /r". Look for the
    Umbrella Deployment Documentation : http://deployment-umbrella.readme.io/docs/appx-d-configuring-ad-servers-on-windows-server-2003-r2
gpresult /scope:computer
    移動プロファイルかの判断について - 移動プロファイルを使用しているか否かを、... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q13112161343@__ysp=ImdwcmVzdWx0IC9TQ09QRSI=
     [framework] multihandler rc :?  : http://dev.metasploit.com/pipermail/framework/2009-October/005179.html
gpresult /Scope User /v'. 'Net user' lists all the accounts assigned to the local system
    DigitalResidue's Forensics: 2016 : http://digitalresidue.blogspot.com/2016/
gpresult /scope computer /user I see the name of my master image machine and the computer policies that apply to it. If I do gpupdate /force and rerun gpresult it shows the proper name of the client VM and the right policies being applied. It seems to me that the client VMs are using either cached policies or credentials after the MCS update. This is with Windows 7 with XD 7.11 controllers. Any ideas
    Group policy seems to be cached from the master image - XenDesktop 7.x - Discussions : http://discussions.citrix.com/topic/390680-group-policy-seems-to-be-cached-from-the-master-image/
GPResult /scope:computer. We still get an error about the User side not having data (bottom window)
    Group Policy: Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop - PDF Free Download : http://epdf.tips/group-policy-fundamentals-security-and-the-managed-desktop64659.html
gpresult /scope computer /r on the Exchange servers to see if they were showing as members of any of the restricted groups (see article for further detail
    DAG | Troubleshooting Exchange : http://exchangemaster.wordpress.com/tag/dag/
GPResult /scope:computer /Z
     Issues with WSUS and Windows updates - Windows - Server management  : http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2175398
gpresult /Scope User /v gpresult /Scope Computer /v gpresult /h
    Collection of handy PowerShell commands 揃 GitHub : http://gist.github.com/pythoninthegrass/26a61390fd60510af363c2a7f650e925
gpresult /scope computer /z > gpresult.txt
    audit_scripts/audit_windows_simple.bat at master 揃 vanhauser-thc/audit_scripts 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/vanhauser-thc/audit_scripts/blob/master/audit_windows_simple.bat
gpresult /scope computer /v
    Device Entitlement for Desktop Sync – Egnyte : http://helpdesk.egnyte.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000097531-Device-Entitlement-for-Desktop-Sync
gpresult /Scope Computer /v
    Verify Settings with Group Policy Results Tool or GPResult.exe in Windows 8.1 : http://i0v0i.info/group-policy-results-tool-windows
gpresult /scope computer
    リアル痴漢電車 : http://ish.chu.jp/blog/archives/2006/03/post_173.html
gpresult /Scope Computer /v"
    IT Infrastructure Solutions : http://itinfrasol.blogspot.com/
gpresult /Scope Computer /v
    Which Active Directory Group Policies are being Applied to your Accounts | jermsmit.com : http://jermsmit.com/which-active-directory-group-policies-are-being-applied-to-your-accounts/
    AD参加クライアントにおけるWSUSの適用 - QA@IT : http://qa.atmarkit.co.jp/q/996
gpresult /scope computer /h blah.html)
    GPO audit policies not applying « rakhesh.com : http://rakhesh.com/windows/gpo-audit-policies-not-applying/
    Emissary Trojan Changelog: Did Operation Lotus Blossom Cause It to Evolve? - Palo Alto Networks Blog : http://researchcenter.paloaltonetworks.com/2016/02/emissary-trojan-changelog-did-operation-lotus-blossom-cause-it-to-evolve/
gpresult /scope:computer /v
    [AD] ログオンスクリプト、ログオフスクリプトを複数のグループポリシーで設定した場合の挙動について | インフラSEの運用・構築メモ : http://rtaki.sakura.ne.jp/infra/@m=201406
gpresult /Scope Computer /v or rsop.msc
    windows server 2012 r2 - Local Group Policy not shown in GPResult or RSOP - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/825277/local-group-policy-not-shown-in-gpresult-or-rsop
gpresult /scope computer /h c:\report.html gpresult /scope user /h c:\report.html
     Group Policy - gpresult.html : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ie/ja-JP/b090b68e-5a63-42b1-9182-227d9b942f5f/group-policy-gpresulthtml@forum=winserverGP
gpresult /Scope Computer /v
    Windows Firewall Group Policy - Outbound File Sharing Whitelisting - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/29217974/windows-firewall-group-policy-outbound-file-sharing-whitelisting
gpresult /scope computer
    Module 9: Managing the User Environment by Using Group Policy : http://studylib.net/doc/8811768/module-9--managing-the-user-environment-by-using-group-po
gpresult /scope user /h rsop.html
    group policy - Windows 7 Gpupdate failed - Super User : http://superuser.com/q/1106551
Gpresult /scope computer /f /x c:\gpresult.xml
    インストール時または設定時に、ユーザー権利がない、またはユーザー権利を読み取れないというエラーが発生する : http://support.symantec.com/ja_JP/article.TECH228988.html
gpresult /scope computer /r". Look for the
    Required permissions for the OpenDNS_Connector user – Cisco Umbrella : http://support.umbrella.com/hc/en-us/articles/230672247-Configuring-AD-Servers-on-Windows-Server-2003-R2
gpresult /scope:computer
    gpresultコマンド | 日経 xTECH(クロステック) : http://tech.nikkeibp.co.jp/it/article/COLUMN/20071204/288614/
gpresult /SCOPE USER /V
    のんべんだらりぃ〜 for Twitter - はてなグループ::ついったー部 : http://twitter.g.hatena.ne.jp/chiaki1220jp/@word=%2A[ActiveDirectory]
GPRESULT /SCOPE COMPUTER command at the command prompt
    What should you do? - VCEguide.com : http://vceguide.com/what-should-you-do-1131/
gpresult /scope:computer
    samba/GPO - Chaperone : http://web.chaperone.jp/w/index.php@samba%2FGPO
    Episode153 - Paul's Security Weekly : http://wiki.securityweekly.com/Episode153
gpresult /Scope Computer /v
    How To See Applied Group Policies in Windows 10 : http://winaero.com/blog/see-applied-group-policies-windows-10/
GPRESULT /scope computer /v on Vista gives an "ERROR access denied ..
    gpresult scope computer v error access denied - Page 1 - AirySoftware : http://www.airysoftware.com/info/gpresult-scope-computer-v-error-access-denied.htm
gpresult /scope computer /v > computerpolicy.txt
    Fixlet | Install SideLoad_Example App | bigfix.me : http://www.bigfix.me/cdb/fixlet/2475
GPResult /scope [user
    MCTS 70-640 - Microsoft Official Course Chapter 6 Study Guide - Implenting Group Policy Infrastructure Flashcards - Cram.com : http://www.cram.com/flashcards/mcts-70-640-microsoft-official-course-chapter-6-study-guide-2457464
gpresult /scope computer /h gpresult.htm
  : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/29024682/On-a-domain-workstation-running-Windows-10-I-can't-turn-on-Windows-Firewall.html
GPRESULT /SCOPE COMPUTER command at the command prompt
    MCTS 70-640 Trial Test 4 : http://www.free-online-training-courses.com/mcts-70-640-trial-test-4/
gpresult /Scope Computer /v
    How to See Which Group Policies Are Applied to Your PC and User Account  : http://www.howtogeek.com/116184/how-to-see-which-group-policies-are-applied-to-your-pc-and-user-account/
gpresult /Scope Computer /v". As you can see
    Check Which Group Policies are Applied To Windows 10 PC, User Account : http://www.ilovefreesoftware.com/04/tutorial/check-group-policies-applied-windows-10-pc-user-account.html
gpresult /Scope Computer /v
    How to See All the Group Policies Applied to Windows - Make Tech Easier : http://www.maketecheasier.com/see-all-group-policies-windows/
gpresult /scope computer /v
    How To See All the Group Policies Applied to My Account and Windows PC | Next of Windows : http://www.nextofwindows.com/how-to-see-all-the-group-policies-applied-to-my-account-and-windows-pc
    Existing Scripts - Metasploit Unleashed : http://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/existing-scripts/
gpresult /SCOPE computer /V for computer policies or gpresult /SCOPE user /V for user policies and it will bring up a list of applied group policies for your computer. You can also run it against remote computers as well. Just be sure to run the command prompt as an administrator for best results
    Using Resultant Set of Policies (RSOP) to See What Policies are Applied to Your Computer - Online Computer Tips : http://www.onlinecomputertips.com/support-categories/pc-troubleshooting/647-rsop
gpresult /scope computer
    Exam Prep Questions | MCSE Prep: Setting Up, Managing, and Troubleshooting Security Accounts and Policies | Pearson IT Certification : http://www.pearsonitcertification.com/articles/article.aspx@p=402458&seqNum=9
gpresult /SCOPE user /r
    gpresult ERROR: Access Denied : sysadmin : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/4ocm2l/gpresult_error_access_denied/
gpresult /scope computer /z
    グループポリシーの適用結果(RSOP:結果セット)がおかしい - Socapnw : http://www.socapnw.com/330192.html
gpresult /scope user'
     disable changing proxy settings issues vi9a AD : http://www.techexams.net/forums/ad-infra-70-294/35525-disable-changing-proxy-settings-issues-vi9a-ad.html
gpresult /Scope Computer /r
    February 2015 – Page 3 – TechRid : http://www.techrid.com/2015/02/page/3/
gpresult /Scope Computer /v
    How to See Which Group Policies are Applied to Your PC and User Account - TeckLyfe : http://www.tecklyfe.com/how-to-see-which-group-policies-are-applied-to-your-pc-and-user-account/
gpresult /scope computer /h gpo.html" and got "Access denied". I'm in the Administrators group and UAC prompts are turned off
    GPResult in Windows 10 Solved - Windows 10 Forums : http://www.tenforums.com/performance-maintenance/38326-gpresult-windows-10-a.html
    シャットダウン時にインデックスが破損する問題 | 鉄飛テクノロジー : http://www.teppi.com/support/fileblog_support/001_support_shutdown/
gpresult /Scope Computer /v
    Verify Settings with Group Policy Results Tool or GPResult.exe in Windows 8.1 : http://www.thewindowsclub.com/group-policy-results-tool-windows

gpresult のオプション一覧