コマンドオプションサンプル:gpresult /X


gpresult /x Saves the report in XML format at the location and with the file name that is specified by the FILENAME parameter. Cannot be used with /u
    Network administration commands for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory | Doug Vitale Tech Blog : http://dougvitale.wordpress.com/2013/02/07/network-administration-commands-for-microsoft-windows-and-active-directory/
GPResult /X:File.xml will output the results as XML to a filename
    Group Policy: Fundamentals, Security, and the Managed Desktop - PDF Free Download : http://epdf.tips/group-policy-fundamentals-security-and-the-managed-desktop64659.html
gpresult /x gpo.xml
    PlayPowershell/Get-Started.ps1 at master 揃 KurtDeGreeff/PlayPowershell 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/KurtDeGreeff/PlayPowershell/blob/master/Get-Started.ps1
gpresult /x gpresultsx.xml
     Windows Server 2008 : Group Policy Command-Line Tools - Viewing Group Policy Settings with gpresult - Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Azure, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 Tutorials : http://guides.wmlcloud.com/windows/windows-server-2008----group-policy-command-line-tools---viewing-group-policy-settings-with-gpresult.aspx
GPRESULT /X report.xml
     gpresult /h を実行すると「エラー: ポインターが無効です」と表示される : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ja-JP/9cca95e1-8446-460b-96cb-878d6ccad539/gpresult-h-@forum=activedirectoryja
gpresult /X hoge.xml
    gpresult【コマンド】とは|「分かりそう」で「分からない」でも「分かった」気になれるIT用語辞典 : http://wa3.i-3-i.info/word14352.html
gpresult /X C:\report.xml
    How to automatically inventory your PCs in a domain, using GPO? | AIDA64 : http://www.aida64.co.uk/knowledge-base/how-automatically-inventory-your-pcs-domain-using-gpo
gpresult /X myGroup.xml
    What Roles Does A User Have in vSphere? | DoubleCloud => Private Cloud + Public Cloud : http://www.doublecloud.org/2011/11/what-roles-does-a-user-have-in-vsphere/
GPRESULT /X to generate RSOPs then send them up to the PPGPCR server for storage and processing. When we do this
    Troubleshooting | PolicyPak : http://www.policypak.com/support-sharing/ppgpcr-getting-started.html

gpresult のオプション一覧