コマンドオプションサンプル:gpresult /Z


gpresult /z does spit this info out
    Creating an extended object, having issues | BMC Communities : http://communities.bmc.com/thread/108054@start=0&tstart=0
GPRESULT /Z and your new policy should be there
    [SOLVED] Group policy not applying to map network drive? - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/1982890-gpo-not-applying
GPRESULT /Z command
    GPO created - but doesnt show as active with GPRESULT /Z when logged into AppServer - Profile Management - General - Discussions : http://discussions.citrix.com/topic/306194-gpo-created-but-doesnt-show-as-active-with-gpresult-z-when-logged-into-appserver/
gpresult /z Displays all available information about Group Policy. This includes detailed settings that were applied with a precedence of 1 and higher. Because /z produces lots of information
    Network administration commands for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory | Doug Vitale Tech Blog : http://dougvitale.wordpress.com/2013/02/07/network-administration-commands-for-microsoft-windows-and-active-directory/
gpresult /z > %USERPROFILE%\
    Command-4 Windows XPでグループポリシーの変更が反映されない:Windows管理者のためのネットワークコマンド実践テクニック|gihyo.jp … 技術評論社 : http://gihyo.jp/admin/feature/01/network-command/0004
gpresult /z /s dc1
     Windows Server 2008 : Group Policy Command-Line Tools - Viewing Group Policy Settings with gpresult - Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Azure, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 Tutorials : http://guides.wmlcloud.com/windows/windows-server-2008----group-policy-command-line-tools---viewing-group-policy-settings-with-gpresult.aspx
gpresult /z >policy.txt). /
    How to Use the Group Policy Results (GPResult.exe) Command Line Tool? | Mashtips : http://mashtips.com/how-to-use-the-group-policy-results-gpresult-exe-command-line-tool/
gpresult /z > gp.txt
    ハゲでも使えるWindows:グループポリシーの結果どうなるんだよ? : http://menushowdelay.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1799.html
gpresult /z >%LOGPATH%\gpresult_z.log
    徒然なるままに 【メモ】Windowsの情報調査簡易版バッチ : http://norimaki2000.blog48.fc2.com/blog-entry-1405.html
    Emissary Trojan Changelog: Did Operation Lotus Blossom Cause It to Evolve? - Palo Alto Networks Blog : http://researchcenter.paloaltonetworks.com/2016/02/emissary-trojan-changelog-did-operation-lotus-blossom-cause-it-to-evolve/
gpresult /z /h outputfile.html
    Windows Command Lines - Various work by roothaxor : http://roothaxor.github.io/Windows/
gpresult /z > c:\kekka.txt 3)
    「gpresult /Z site:social.technet.microsoft.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=gpresult+%2FZ+site%3Asocial.technet.microsoft.com&rkf=1
GPResult /Z -- The /Z parameter can be used if you need to see both GPOs and policy settings applied to the computer
    Four utilities can verify Group Policy object settings : http://searchenterprisedesktop.techtarget.com/tip/Four-utilities-can-verify-Group-Policy-object-settings
gpresult /z > policy_a.txt
    Windows Server 2008 フォーラム : http://server543.rssing.com/chan-15169144/latest.php
gpresult /z and found this policy:
    active directory - How do I find the source of a policy listed in gpresult /z? - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/415587/how-do-i-find-the-source-of-a-policy-listed-in-gpresult-z
gpresult /z > policy_a.txt
     グループポリシーの適用結果(RSOP:結果セット)がおかしい : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ja-JP/bb46dbeb-9e7d-43b9-83d6-c9aca1c3ac09/rsop@forum=windowsserver2008ja
gpresult /z >C:\batch\policy.txt
    GPResult - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/gpresult.html
gpresult /z >1.txt
    Module 9: Managing the User Environment by Using Group Policy : http://studylib.net/doc/8811768/module-9--managing-the-user-environment-by-using-group-po
GPRESULT /Z /USER targetusername
    Endpoint Prevent Agent installation fails with 1603 when installing chrome dependencies. : http://support.symantec.com/en_US/article.TECH235167.html
gpresult /Z > %GPResultz% echo - GPO info collected :EndGetGPOInfo goto exit rem --- Get Firewall info :GetFWInfo echo. > %FWInfo% netsh advfirewall show allprofiles > %FWInfo% echo - FW info collected :EndGetFWInfo goto exit rem --- Get Netstat information :GetNetstat ver
  : http://support.umbrella.com/hc/en-us/article_attachments/216401808/getconnector.txt
gpresult /z >policy.txt)
     local Security Policy -  : http://sys.blogsky.com/1389/03/02/post-751/
gpresult /z >policy.txt)
    Performing Resultant Set of Policy Queries with the GPRESULT Tool - TechGenix : http://techgenix.com/resultant-set-policy-queries-gpresult/
gpresult /z /scope computer'). Running gpresult
    WWoIT - Wayne's World of IT: Refreshing Computer Account AD Group Membership : http://waynes-world-it.blogspot.com/2008/03/refreshing-computer-account-ad-group.html
GPResult /Z -- The /Z parameter can be used if you need to see both GPOs and policy settings applied to the computer
    What is the best way to find out what sites are added to trusted sites when GPO is used? : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/29086337/What-is-the-best-way-to-find-out-what-sites-are-added-to-trusted-sites-when-GPO-is-used.html
gpresult /z >c:\users\%username%\desktop\GPResult%TIME::=%.txt
    Article: Utilities for Group Policy Reporting | ITNinja : http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/gpresult-verbose-one-liner
gpresult /z Extremely verbose output of GPO (Group policy) settings as applied to the current system and user
    Network Penetration Testing | TofC: www.networkpentest.net  : http://www.networkpentest.net/p/windows-command-list.html
gpresult /z on each machine with no difference on any one them (many times over a week)
     gpresult -r under standard user login - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums  : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/microsoft-networking-services/gpo/55089-gpo-for-user-works-on-one-computer-but-not-another
gpresult /z >policy.txt
    2012 ~ Quick Computer Tips : http://www.quickcomputertips.com/2012/
gpresult /z >policy.txt from command prompt
    MCSE Practice Tests : http://www.quizmoz.com/quizzes/MCSE-Practice-Tests/f/Free-MSCE-Practice-Test-Active-Directory.asp
gpresult /z /scope computer. That's what I've always used. I've never used gpresult /r to begin with
    Querying a GPO with GPResult : sysadmin : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/6wsc09/querying_a_gpo_with_gpresult/
gpresult /z Extremely verbose output of GPO (Group policy) settings as applied to the current system and user
    SecurityJunkie: March 2012 : http://www.securityjunkie.co.uk/2012/03/
gpresult /z >policy.txt
    Using GPResultexe - Maintaining Windows Server 2000 2003 : http://www.serverbrain.org/maintaining-2000-2003/using-gpresultexe.html
gpresult /z arp -a net share net use net user administrator net user /domain net user administrator /domain tasklist /fi WATERBUG/TURLA hostname whoami ver ipconfig -all ping www.google.com query user net user net view net view /domain tasklist /svc netstat -ano
    Living off the land and fileless attack techniques : http://www.slideshare.net/ThreatIntel/living-off-the-land-and-fileless-attack-techniques
gpresult /z > policy_a.txt
    グループポリシーの適用結果(RSOP:結果セット)がおかしい - Socapnw : http://www.socapnw.com/342991.html
gpresult /z displays Group Policy info regarding current computer and user
    Useful Windows Commands - TAKSATI : http://www.taksati.org/useful-windows-commands/
gpresult /z > gpresult.log
    How to map network share using group policy based on AD group? - SOLVED - TechRepublic : http://www.techrepublic.com/forums/discussions/how-to-map-network-share-using-group-policy-based-on-ad-group-solved/
gpresult /z >against both of the users logged onto the same machine. An extract from those >is as follows:>>Working user:>>USER SETTINGS>--------------> CN=pupiltest
    Reducing IE security settings - Windows 2000/NT - Tom's Hardware : http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/219394-46-group-policy-applies-users-others
gpresult /Z >C:\permission.txt
    How to check user account permissions : http://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.100002675

gpresult のオプション一覧