Command option Sample:gpupdate /Boot

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gpupdate /Boot オプション

gpupdate /boot at a command prompt or in the Everywhere search box to restart the computer after the refresh
    Automating administrative tasks, policies, and procedures - Windows Server 2012 R2 Essentials & Configuration (2014) :
GPUpdate /Boot or GPUpdate /Logoff and press Enter.Using the /Logoff command line switch is fine for all soft settings
    Windows Command Line Interface - DOCSLIDE.COM.BR :
gpupdate /boot Causes a computer restart after the Group Policy settings are applied. This is required for those Group Policy client-side extensions that do not process policy on a background update cycle but do process policy at computer startup. Examples include computer-targeted Software Installation. This option has no effect if there are no extensions called that require a restart
    Network administration commands for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory | Doug Vitale Tech Blog :
gpupdate /boot /force and press Enter
    Simple Step : Configuring AppLocker in Windows Server 2012 R2 | Just a random "Microsoft Server / Client Tech" info.. :
Gpupdate /Boot: Policy deiiklii uygulandkdan sonra kullancnn bilgisayarn kapatmak icin kullanlr
    14 | Mart | 2011 | Omer Ucler :
gpupdate /boot /sync
    27partners » Automated Windows Server 2008R2 installation from a Linux server without machine imaging :
Gpupdate /Boot Gpupdate /Target Gpupdate /Wait in detail
    Learn The Difference Between Gpupdate and Gpupdate [Force, Sync, Logoff, Boot, Target, Wait ]: Complete GPUpdate Commands :
gpupdate /Boot command to every computer
    Windows 8 Network Browsing Problems « miqrogroove :
gpupdate /boot do the same thing
    ITT:Handy Commands You Might Not Know : sysadmin :
gpupdate /boot on the problem machines. that should solve the problems"Altria"
    scheduler Problem - Antivirus / Security / Privacy :

gpupdate のオプション一覧