Command option Sample:gpupdate /Wait

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gpupdate /Wait オプション

gpupdate /wait:
    Network administration commands for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory | Doug Vitale Tech Blog :
Gpupdate /Wait: Uygulam olduumuz policy deiikliinin bekleme suresidir. Varsaylan sure olarak 600 saniyedir
    14 | Mart | 2011 | Omer Ucler :
gpupdate /wait:1
     GP Folder Redirect problem :
Gpupdate /Wait in detail
    Learn The Difference Between Gpupdate and Gpupdate [Force, Sync, Logoff, Boot, Target, Wait ]: Complete GPUpdate Commands :
gpupdate /wait:0
    コマンドプロンプト: Active Directory :
gpupdate /wait:0" at the start (prior to your powercfg step) as well. If it resets the policy refresh
    Keep computer awake during long software install? : SCCM :

gpupdate のオプション一覧