icacls /T オプション
icacls /T /C /Q /RESET | Windows 10: Folder got corrupted, is now undeletable : techsupport : http://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/640mve/windows_10_folder_got_corrupted_is_now_undeletable/ | |
icacls /T /C" command does not set the access permissions for the files and for the subfolders in Windows Server 2003 | The "icacls /T /C" command does not set the access permissions for the files and for the subfolders in Windows Server 2003, in Windows Vista, or in Windows Server 2008 if the inheritance flag is removed from the folder : http://support.microsoft.com/ja-jp/help/2028627/the-icacls-t-c-command-does-not-set-the-access-permissions-for-the-fil | |
icacls /T /C" command does not set the access permissions for the files and for the subfolders in Windows Server 2003 | Windows Vista articles, fixes and updates - letter T : http://kbupdate.info/windows-server-2003-t.php | |
icacls /T or within Explorer (Properties > Security > Advanced > Change Permissions > Replace all child...). If the files are the same | Copy NTFS permissions to another folder : http://www.techexams.net/forums/off-topic/93726-copy-ntfs-permissions-another-folder.html |