コマンドオプションサンプル:logman -ets


logman -ets or logman query -ets shows the with-ets collectors. xperf -Loggers only sees the with-ets collectors. I don
    Fink @ Mozilla » Blog Archive » ETW: Event Tracing for Windows, part 4: collection : http://blog.mozilla.org/sfink/2010/11/03/etw-part-4-collection/
logman -ets start TestTrace -pf TestTrace.ctl
    Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) – Japan WDK Support Blog : http://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/jpwdkblog/2011/12/27/event-tracing-for-windows-etw/
logman -ets query (This is for Windows Server 2008) or logman -ets query providers (This is for Windows Server 2003)
     Dynamics AX Tracing (Part 2) - Microsoft Dynamics AX Community : http://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/axinthefield/archive/2011/03/25/dynamics-ax-tracing-part-2
logman -ets FabricTraces
    NodeAgentSFUtility.exe fails with "connection denied" exception when running POA on standalone cluster with windows security. 揃 Issue #353 揃 Azure/service-fabric-issues 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/Azure/service-fabric-issues/issues/353
logman -ets start TestTrace -pf TestTrace.ctl
    Randy Riness @ SPSCC aggregator : http://riness1.rssing.com/chan-54249865/all_p113.html
logman -ets before and after launching ProcMon
    c - How to get events in real-time using ETW (StartTrace etc.)? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/44745461/how-to-get-events-in-real-time-using-etw-starttrace-etc

logman のオプション一覧