コマンドオプションサンプル:nbtstat -a


nbtstat -A 192.168.11.xx
    sambaサーバの設定をする | 旅の終わりは、起業の始まり : http://ameblo.jp/uriyo/entry-10671202857.html
nbtstat -A IP-ADDRESS
    Angry IP Scanner - NetBIOS : http://angryip.org/faq/netbios.html
nbtstat -A to get the NetBIOS name from just the IP. This works across subnets and there's no need to be in the same domain. Also
    hostname - How to find a computer name in a LAN from the IP address? - Ask Ubuntu : http://askubuntu.com/questions/126467/how-to-find-a-computer-name-in-a-lan-from-the-ip-address
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
     T  : http://bayes.sigmath.es.osaka-u.ac.jp/ftanaka/T/604.html
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    価格.com - 『ネットワークドライブが使えなくなりました』 バッファロー AirStation HighPower WHR-300HP2 のクチコミ掲示板 : http://bbs.kakaku.com/bbs/K0000533853/SortID=17445471/
nbtstat -a IP
    LAN内のPCのコンピュータ名(NetBIOS名)からIPアドレスを調べる方法 : http://beiyan-tool.info/category24/category56/entry78.html
nbtstat -a [
    mieki256's diary - マスタブラウザ云々、ブラウズリスト云々で困惑中 : http://blawat2015.no-ip.com/~mieki256/diary/200508211.html
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    模系nbtstat 的代 - CSDN博客 : http://blog.csdn.net/tr0j4n/article/details/4806029
nbtstat -a [IP]
    nbtstat - getting NetBIOS name of remote machine - C# / C Sharp : http://bytes.com/topic/c-sharp/answers/260028-nbtstat-getting-netbios-name-remote-machine
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    Easiest Way to Hack ! NETBIOS BASED HACKING TUTORIAL・BY Ethical Hacker GAURAV KUMAR : http://cd.textfiles.com/hmatrix/Tutorials/hTut_0163.html
nbtstat -a "%%i"
    Ping A List Of Computers and Double Check DNS name against NetBios name | chentiangemalc : http://chentiangemalc.wordpress.com/2011/02/03/ping-a-list-of-computers-and-double-check-dns-name-against-netbios-name/
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
  : http://cmd.akatorii.net/nbtstat/
nbtstat -a ServerS7 doesn't find anything
    Solved: OnTap 9.1: CIFS Server NetBios not working - NetApp Community : http://community.netapp.com/t5/Network-Storage-Protocols-Discussions/OnTap-9-1-CIFS-Server-NetBios-not-working/td-p/128816
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
  : http://community.netgear.com/t5/Nighthawk-WiFi-Routers/Problem-with-NET-VIEW-W10-R7000-most-recent-firmware-including/m-p/1474260
nbtstat -A [target device's IP address]
    Norton Core doesn't recognize device names on wired network | Norton Community : http://community.norton.com/en/forums/norton-core-doesnt-recognize-device-names-wired-network
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*]
     Discovery can not run nbtstat command - Micro Focus Community : http://community.softwaregrp.com/t5/UCMDB-and-UD-Practitioners-Forum/Discovery-can-not-run-nbtstat-command/td-p/268926
nbtstat -a 'name' results in 'host not found' (from either NIA or remote host). However
    how to resolve NetBT error 4319 - Windows Forum - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2002431-potential-issue-with-netbios-name-serice
nbtstat -a (name)" for example:
  : http://community.wd.com/t/troubleshooting-windows-file-sharing/47916
nbtstat -a IP
    IPアドレスからホスト名を見つける - 猫にWeb : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/necoyama3/20081104/1225807276
nbtstat -a 192.168.xxx.xxx
  : http://debikuro.mydns.jp/archives/7657
nbtstat -a [IPaddress]
    IPアドレスからコンピュータ名、ログイン名を調査 : WinAdminDialy : http://denichem.exblog.jp/539896/
nbtstat -a aa.bb.cc.dd
    nbtstat -nの見方とOSレベル一覧ついて教えてください。 - <1C>とかホス... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1026177950@__ysp=bmJ0c3RhdCAtYw==
nbtstat -a HOST1
    システム開発備忘録 DOSコマンド : http://development.station-t.com/dos.htm
nbtstat -A "
    コンソールアウトされたデータをVBで取得する: DOBON.NETプログラミング掲示板過去ログ : http://dobon.net/vb/bbs/log3-3/1564.html
nbtstat -a <
    ベース製品の既知の問題 : http://documentation.arcserve.com/Arcserve-Backup/Available/R17.5/JPN/Bookshelf_Files/HTML/Relnotes/BackupReleaseNotesr17.5/Known_Issues_for_the_Base_Product.htm
nbtstat -A [remote IP address]
    Troubleshooting faulty network connectivity, part 2: Essential network commands | Doug Vitale Tech Blog : http://dougvitale.wordpress.com/2011/12/11/troubleshooting-faulty-network-connectivity-part-2-essential-network-commands/
nbtstat -a <
    マスターブラウザーの設定 : http://eglsoft.com/browse.html
NBTSTAT -A "192.168.1.%%A">>File.txt
    Getting List of Host Names in the Subnet – Windows | Elangovv's Blog : http://elangovv.wordpress.com/2010/11/05/getting-list-of-host-names-in-the-subnet-windows/
nbtstat -A < IP address > command performs the same function using a target IP address rather than a name. Nbtstat is a diagnostic tool for NetBIOS over TCP/IP. It is included in several versions of Microsoft Windows. Its primary design is to help troubleshoot NetBIOS name resolution problems.[1]
    NetBIOS over TCP/IP - Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetBIOS_over_TCP/IP
nbtstat -a %%i') DO IF %%a == ..__MSBROWSE__
     Windows Dosコマンド ネットワーク編 バッチファイルでIPアドレスを変更 − Esprit's Style − エンジニアの足つぼ −  : http://esp.hanabie.com/win/es_win02.html
nbtstat -a %computername% ] >> %temp%\inspect.log
    Shell Commands :: Chapter 7: Scripting :: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Terminal Services :: Microsoft Products :: eTutorials.org : http://etutorials.org/Microsoft+Products/microsoft+windows+server+2003+terminal+services/Chapter+7+Scripting/Shell+Commands/
nbtstat -A
    [Windows] 特定のIPアドレスをどのクライアントで使用しているかを知る方法 : http://faq.mypage.otsuka-shokai.co.jp/app/answers/detail_view/a_cd/C1D37C6A0D
nbtstat -a
    A correct method of configuring Samba for browsing SMB shares in a home network | Fitzcarraldo's Blog : http://fitzcarraldoblog.wordpress.com/2016/10/17/a-correct-method-of-configuring-samba-for-browsing-smb-shares-in-a-home-network/
nbtstat -a hostname
    [SOLVED] Enable 169.254.x.x in Jessie - Common issues - Armbian forum : http://forum.armbian.com/topic/3967-solved-enable-169254xx-in-jessie/
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    SOLVED - Never managed to get "Network Places" to work with my build - help please to troubleshoot? | FreeNAS Community : http://forums.freenas.org/index.php@threads%2Fnetbios-and-visibility-in-windows-network-menu.22986%2F
nbtstat -a <
  : http://futuremix.org/2004/03/master-browser
nbtstat -a IP
  : http://higus70.seesaa.net/article/144686727.html
nbtstat -A [IP Address]
    winsとnbtstat: いち雑記 : http://ichi-note.sblo.jp/article/34919605.html
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
  : http://inamura-glab.seesaa.net/article/418340142.html
nbtstat -a win28fun
    一覧にエントリが存在しません net view : http://incomesoft.net/netviewnolist.aspx
nbtstat -A < IP address > command performs the same function using a target IP address rather than a name. Nbtstat is a diagnostic tool for NetBIOS over TCP/IP. It is included in several versions of Microsoft Windows. Its primary design is to help troubleshoot NetBIOS name resolution problems.[1]
    NetBIOS over TCP/IP : http://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/NetBIOS_over_TCP_IP.html
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    Windows 7 ネットワークに表示されない - SUSE + samba で解決する。 : isLandcenter 非番中 : http://islandcnt.exblog.jp/16889939/
nbtstat -A < IP address > esegue la stessa funzione utilizzando un indirizzo IP di destinazione anziche un nome da risolvere in indirizzo IP
    NetBIOS su TCP - Wikipedia : http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/NetBIOS_su_TCP
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    Hunting IP Conflicts on a Windows Network - TheGeekery : http://jon.netdork.net/2007/07/26/hunting-ip-conflicts-on-a-windows-network
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    nbtstat - セキュリティ : http://kaworu.jpn.org/security/nbtstat
nbtstat -A
    Securing Windows SMB and NetBios/NetBT Services – KB.IWEB.COM : http://kb.iweb.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000274491-Securing-Windows-SMB-and-NetBios-NetBT-Services
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
     IPアドレスからホスト名を調べる (NetBIOS) - Windowsを使い倒せ : http://kgo.dtiblog.com/blog-entry-59.html
nbtstat -a <
    同じワークグループのコンピュータが参照出来ない : http://konuma.org/blog/2005/12/15/post_e901/
nbtstat -a
    NICの2枚構成(同一セグメント)でNetBIOS名が重複する (IISで複数ドメイン構成時):結局のところ:So-netブログ : http://korigori.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2014-08-25
nbtstat -a pc-server
  : http://kurokawh.blogspot.com/2014/11/linux-dhcpipip.html
nbtstat -a [machine name]' e.g. on my network I tried 'nbtstat -a SPY-PC'
    [SOLVED] Unraid (and other computers) not showing in Windows Explorer Network - General Support (V5 and Older) - Lime Technology : http://lime-technology.com/forums/topic/19725-solved-unraid-and-other-computers-not-showing-in-windows-explorer-network/
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    Network Command-line Utilities - LizardSystems : http://lizardsystems.com/articles/network-command-line-utilities/
nbtstat -a 172.xxx.xxx.xxx
    nbtstatでIPアドレスからホスト名を見つける方法 | ミニミニ管理者(プロジェクトマネージャ/システム管理者/社内SE/CIO)の独り言 : http://miniminiadmin.jugem.jp/@eid=654
nbtstat -a "ipaddress" every single time
  : http://mrothnielblog.blogspot.com/2013/09/nbstat-python-script.html
nbtstat -a nillpo
    NetBIOS名からIPを調べる - にるぽっぽ : http://nillpo.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/01/23/000000
nbtstat -a IP
    プログラム備忘録 IPアドレスからホスト名を調べる方法 : http://ohwhsmm7.blog28.fc2.com/blog-entry-140.html
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    Tips/Hardware/NWHW/Windows - 福岡大学奥村研究室 - okkun-lab Pukiwiki! : http://okkun-lab.fu-u.jp/wiki/@Tips%2FHardware%2FNWHW%2FWindows
nbtstat -A IP
    nbtstatとarpについて - ネットワーク 解決済み| 【OKWAVE】 : http://okwave.jp/qa/q1995921.html
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    コマンドプロンプト入門 : http://ooo.iiyudana.net/htm/cmdframe.htm
nbtstat -a IP
    winXPにてLANで他のパソコンと共有しているHDDのipアドレスを -winXPに- Windows Vista・XP | 教えて!goo : http://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/2578337.html
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    みんなの「教えて(疑問・質問)」にみんなで「答える」Q&Aコミュニティ:@nifty 教えて広場 - ファイル共有ができなくなり困っています。 : http://oshiete1.nifty.com/qa6037724.html
nbtstat -A . It sends a Node Status request to the host specified on the command line
    nbtstat.tar.gz ≈ Packet Storm : http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/10458/nbtstat.tar.gz.html
nbtstat -a WinBook
     Q&A(回答) | オンキヨー : http://pc-support.jp.onkyo.com/esupport/faq/index_view.aspx@qna=1&Q_CODE=0000001310&ITEM_CODE=0100010000007
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
  : http://php-fan.org/驛「%9D繝サ98・ェ繝サ83・」驛「%9D繝サ8C・サ・趣ス。驛「%9D繝サ・シ驛「・ァ繝サ・ッ繝サ9C%88繝サ・ア髫エ%9B繝サ8A・ス繝サ・ィ繝サ・ュ繝サ9E・ウ陞「・ケ%83繝サ98・エ繝サ81%86驛「%9D繝サ・ウ驛「%9D繝サ8C・ィ繝サ・シ%88xpvista7繝サ・ス・シ%89.html
nbtstat -a icccow
  : http://ppona.com/gpl/iodata/usl-5p/USLSRC100/daemon/samba/040924/samba-2.2.11-ja-1.0/docs/ja/htmldocs/BrowsingFAQ/browsing01.html
nbtstat -a [
    マスタブラウザの確認方法 : へっぽこプログラマのザコ板 : http://program2re.exblog.jp/4041522/
nbtstat -a pdc
  : http://prograrts-job.blogspot.com/2010/10/windows7-2.html
nbtstat -a IP
    CCN かさなる相談室 - NetBTエラーとbrowserエラーが多発 : http://qa.ccn-catv.co.jp/qa2578337.html
nbtstat -a [
    分散トランザクションの設定 - Qiita : http://qiita.com/take2k/items/f0f0d15342e59a3f4cb1
nbtstat -a [
    Windowsネットワーク一覧ができない時に確認する項目 : http://quail.mydns.jp/2016/03/14/post-205/
nbtstat -A IP
    IPアドレスの競合。IPアドレスからコンピュータ名を割り出す方法 - 小さい頃はエラ呼吸 : http://replication.hatenablog.com/entry/2014/05/09/005858
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    SambaによるWINS及びマスタブラウザ設定 : http://ry.tl/smb.html
nbtstat -a [IP
    Windows: マスターブラウザを探す - R-Y-O の備忘録 : http://ryobeam.hateblo.jp/entry/2016/07/04/045202
nbtstat -a COMPUTER-NAME
    How to Determine the Master Browser in a Windows Workgroup | Scottie's Tech.Info : http://scottiestech.info/2009/02/14/how-to-determine-the-master-browser-in-a-windows-workgroup/
nbtstat -a FRITZ
    「nbtstat -s site:social.technet.microsoft.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=nbtstat+-r+site%3Asocial.technet.microsoft.com&rkf=1
nbtstat -a s1 Local Area Connection: Node IpAddress: [*.*.*.*] Scope Id: []
    Understanding the NBTSTAT command and how it works : http://searchwindowsserver.techtarget.com/answer/Example-of-NBTSTAT-switches
nbtstat -A *.*.*.* to see if my router also has a NetBIOS table (it doesn't)
    wins - NetBIOS name resolution - how can I get to work? - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/226277/netbios-name-resolution-how-can-i-get-to-work
nbtstat -A %ipaddress%" at the command prompt in the black window that opens
    How to Find a Hostname for an IP Address | Chron.com : http://smallbusiness.chron.com/hostname-ip-address-47400.html
nbtstat -a tnB
     特定のクライアントから特定のホストの共有ファイルがコンピュータ名で開けない : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/ja-JP/41c54c29-b12a-4217-b68f-94b878f8c33c@forum=w7itprogeneralja
nbtstat -a computername
    Nbtstat - Windows 7 Tutorial : http://sourcedaddy.com/windows-7/nbtstat.html
nbtstat -A IP
    サービスでWINSが止まっていたり、システムのイベントログに 【OKWAVE】 : http://sp.okwave.jp/qa/q1995921/a6195100.html
NBTSTAT -A IP_address [options] [interval]
    Nbtstat - Netbios Statistics - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/nbtstat.html
nbtstat -a as opposed to ping -a was perfect. As this is a corp network we can not install even free MS addons so pstools etc would be out. Thanks for the insight though
    Windows: Obtaining and Storing a Machine Name in a Variable - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/q/4611734
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    IPアドレスが競合した時の調査方法 | Permission 666 : http://sukuna.net/blog/2009/01/21/156/
nbtstat -a 192.168.0.xxxx
  : http://sunlight.cocolog-nifty.com/sunlight/2009/12/post-53b3.html
nbtstat -a LIGHTCT-PC2
    windows - Find hostname from NetBIOS name - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/275624/find-hostname-from-netbios-name
nbtstat -a testMachine1>
    CA IT Client Manager Network Diagnostic Tool - CA Technologies : http://support.ca.com/us/product-content/recommended-reading/readme-and-release-notes/ca-it-client-manager-network-diagnostic-tool.html
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    Ghost コンソールとクライアントがネットワークを通して通信する方法 : http://support.symantec.com/ja_JP/article.TECH108194.html
nbtstat -a should return information
     CCM 4.0(2) Installation Problems - Cisco Support Community : http://supportforums.cisco.com/t5/other-collaboration-voice-and/ccm-4-0-2-installation-problems/td-p/328997
NBTSTAT -a %IP Address%
    重複した IP アドレスがネットワーク上で検出されました - Microsoft.Windows.Client.XP.OperatingSystem.IPAddressConflict.Alert (Rule) (JPN) : http://systemcenter.wiki/@GetElement=Microsoft.Windows.Client.XP.OperatingSystem.IPAddressConflict.Alert&Type=Rule&ManagementPack=Microsoft.Windows.Client.XP&Version=6.0.7250.0&Language=JPN
nbtstat -a public-svr2
  : http://syszo.com/items/jv5ipigu7V
nbtstat -A file_server
    Keep It Simple, Stupid!: コンピュータ名でのファイル共有ができなくなったけど解決 : http://takesita.seesaa.net/article/446351988.html
nbtstat -A IP
    nbtstatコマンド | 日経 xTECH(クロステック) : http://tech.nikkeibp.co.jp/it/article/COLUMN/20060530/239501/
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    Nbtstat reveals who is logged on - TechGenix : http://techgenix.com/nbtstatrevealswhoisloggedon/
nbtstat -A < IP address > command performs the same function using a target IP address rather than a name
    NBTStat | Microsoft Docs : http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc940106.aspx
nbtstat -A IP
    Windows Server - DHCPにエラーが出ているがその物理アドレスのIPアドレス、ホスト名の調査方法が分からない(66602)|teratail : http://teratail.com/questions/66602
nbtstat -a [hostName]
  : http://trueman-developer.blogspot.com/2017/01/fqdnipwindowsmaclinux.html
nbtstat -a xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (replace the x
    Different ways to optimize your internet | TCAT Shelbyville – Technical Blog : http://ttcshelbyville.wordpress.com/2016/01/10/different-ways-to-optimize-your-internet/
nbtstat -a computername
     Tools for Troubleshooting (part 2) - Nblookup, Nbtstat - Windows 7 - allcomputers.us : http://tutorial.programming4.us/windows_7/tools-for-troubleshooting-(part-2)---nblookup,-nbtstat.aspx
NBTSTAT -A *.*.*.*
    Troubleshooting a Remote Network Connection : http://u-tools.com/help/ConnectTroubleshooting.asp
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    nbtscan - NETBIOS nameserver scanner : http://unixwiz.net/tools/nbtscan.html
nbtstat -A IP
    【Windows】IPアドレスからホスト名を取得する - unokun’s blog : http://unokun.hatenablog.jp/entry/2016/03/19/093044
nbtstat -A ip-address-of-server-name
  : http://upandready.typepad.com/up_and_ready/2014/04/tip-getting-server-information-via-the-command-prompt-cmd.html
nbtstat -a axs3-01
    Samba ドメインへのWindows Vista SP1クライアントの参加方法 | Miracle Linux Support : http://users.miraclelinux.com/support/@q=node%2F214
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
  : http://uwnthesis.wordpress.com/2013/08/19/windows-security-smb-server-message-blocks/
nbtstat -a HostName
    /// Win95 TCP/IP //// : http://web.kyoto-inet.or.jp/people/takunari/tcpip.html
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    Live Response: Collecting Volatile Data (Windows Forensic Analysis) Part 2 : http://what-when-how.com/windows-forensic-analysis/live-response-collecting-volatile-data-windows-forensic-analysis-part-2/
nbtstat -a <
    Zooのトラブルシューティング [McNeel Wiki] : http://wiki.mcneel.com/ja/zoo4/troubleshooting
nbtstat -A [IP
    Windows 10 で nbtstat を使おうとしてつまずいた件 – wnkhs.net : http://wnkhs.net/2017/06/windows-10-nbtstat-cmd/
nbtstat -A IP
    WindowsでIPアドレスからホスト名を取得する3つの方法 | 舞浜散歩 〜ディズニーブログ〜 : http://www.1118.me/archives/1129
nbtstat -a [
    有限会社アルキミスタ : http://www.alqmst.co.jp/tech/040211.html
nbtstat -a
     第19回 NetBIOS over TCP/IPプロトコル(その2):基礎から学ぶWindowsネットワーク - @IT : http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/0407/23/news091_2.html
nbtstat -a '
    GetMac with StdOutRead and nbtstat - AutoIt Example Scripts - AutoIt Forums : http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/34736-getmac-with-stdoutread-and-nbtstat/
nbtstat -A (IP address)
    nbtstat : Networking : http://www.brainbell.com/tutorials/Networking/nbtstat.html
nbtstat -a script. Any help would be appreciated
    Nbtstat -a script | CertForums : http://www.certforums.com/threads/nbtstat-a-script.39637/
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    Naming Services with ClearOS  : http://www.clearos.com/resources/documentation/clearos/content%3Aen_us%3Akb_o_naming_services_with_clearos
nbtstat -A IPaddress View the remote computer NetBIOS name table specified by IP address
    Network Tools : http://www.comptechdoc.org/os/windows/wintcp/wtcptools.html
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    MS-DOS nbtstat command help : http://www.computerhope.com/nbtstat.htm
NBTStat -a MachineName
    PowerShell Get-BrowseMaster Function | Windows Browse Master  : http://www.computerperformance.co.uk/powershell/powershell_function_browsemaster.htm
nbtstat -a [pc
     調査がうまくいかない場合のチェックリスト : http://www.comtak.com/nr_set_trouble.aspx
nbtstat -a IP
    コマンドプロンプトのnbtstat | 株式会社CONFRAGE : http://www.confrage.com/dos/network-command/nbtstat/nbtstat.html
nbtstat -a [remote name] -r
  : http://www.cybrary.it/forums/topic/nbtstat-video/
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    Remote Network Penetration via NetBios Hack/Hacking : http://www.darknet.org.uk/2006/09/remote-network-penetration-via-netbios-hackhacking/
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
  : http://www.dondari.com/Samba驍オ・コ繝サ・ァ驛「%9D髴・94繝サ81%83驛「・ァ繝サ・、驛「%9D繝サ・ォ驛「・ァ繝サ・「驛「・ァ繝サ・ッ驛「・ァ繝サ・サ驛「・ァ繝サ・ケ
nbtstat -a
    Windows Network Troubleshooting Utilities for the A+ Certification Exams - dummies : http://www.dummies.com/programming/certification/windows-network-troubleshooting-utilities-for-the-a-certification-exams/
nbtstat -A xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
    オンラインソフト サポート掲示板 : http://www.e-realize.com/bbs_reply.php@id=3&subid=5&threadid=103
nbtstat -A [
    多分NetBIOSが通ってないかと  : http://www.efeel.to/msb/home/bonsan/bbs/view.cgi@177
nbtstat -A IP
     WindowsNet : http://www.egserve.com/egv/menu03-winnet.htm
NBTstat -a coolsport00 (using -A you have to use the IP
    Duplicate name exists error : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/23646094/Duplicate-name-exists-error.html
nbtstat -a opt-8
    Windows Network : http://www.geocities.jp/n_y_page/netcmd.html
nbtstat -a SERVER_ALF
    Alfresco tips and tricks Check CIFS SMB connections - Giuseppe Urso Blog : http://www.giuseppeurso.eu/en/alfresco-tips-and-tricks-2-check-cifssmb-connections/
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
  : http://www.hackingarticles.in/netbios-and-smb-penetration-testing-on-windows/
nbtstat -a command with the IP address to get the another computer name
    NetBIOS and WINS : http://www.howtonetworking.com/netbios&wins.htm
nbtstat -a command). Note that this query contains a string of 30 zeros followed by 2 zeros
    Windows Live Response for Collecting and Analyzing Forensically Sound Evidence | Analyzing Volatile Data | InformIT : http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx@p=130690&seqNum=11
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    NetBIOS Hacking : http://www.insecure.in/netbios_hacking.asp
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
  : http://www.itjungles.com/how-to-find-computer-name-from-ip-address.html
nbtstat -a COMP1 COMP1
    コマンドプロンプト nbtstat - [プロトコルの統計と現在のTCP/IPネットワ ーク接続を表示する] : http://www.k-tanaka.net/cmd/nbtstat.php
nbtstat -a [IP Here]' in DOS)
    Device MAC address shows as gateway MAC address : http://www.komodolabs.com/forum/index.php@topic=870.0
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    WINDOWS - Command Line Cheat Sheet for Administration and Networking and Hotkeys - kossboss : http://www.kossboss.com/@p=617
NBTSTAT -a remotecomputer
    How to check who has logged into your system - LazySystemAdmin : http://www.lazysystemadmin.com/2010/06/how-to-check-who-has-logged-into-your.html
nbtstat -a %COBBLER_HNAME%
  : http://www.letifer.org/2014/03/26/cobbler-and-windows/
Nbtstat -a will allow you list the name table along with the associated MAC address for a remote machine. It is entered in the form of nbtstat -a and then the computer name. Here I'll use this local computer. CAR-BOOTH-01-PC. You can produce the same results but use a capital -A and specify the IP address of the remote machine. I'll clear the screen. I'll issue the command and use the local machine's IP
    Nbtstat : http://www.linkedin.com/learning/networking-foundations-protocols-and-cli-tools/nbtstat@autoplay=true
nbtstat -a ). However
  : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/samba-wins-server-issues-43211/
Nbtstat -a will allow you list the name table
    Nbtstat : http://www.lynda.com/Windows-Server-tutorials/Nbtstat/445427/478756-4.html
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    Finding a Computer's MAC Address on the Network : http://www.marksanborn.net/security/finding-a-computers-mac-address-on-the-network/
nbtstat -a <
    ネットワーク : http://www.marsol.co.jp/WindowsXP/Network_add.shtml
nbtstat -A
     Microsoft ネットワークを解剖する第2回「NetBIOSでの通信と名前解決の仕組み(後編)」 : http://www.monyo.com/technical/windows/msnet/msnet1.html
nbtstat -A IP_ADDRESS
    Windows | * tyone geeknote [IoT, Android, PHP & Music] - Part 2 : http://www.musta.jp/category/windows/page/2
nbtstat -A IP
  : http://www.ne.jp/asahi/hishidama/home/tech/windows/command.html
nbtstat -a remotecomputer
    Windows Quick Tip: How To Get MAC Address From a Remote Computer | Next of Windows : http://www.nextofwindows.com/windows-quick-tip-how-to-get-mac-address-from-a-remote-computer
nbtstat -a \\10.xxx.xxx.xxx
    It is not a valid WikiName - Nobuhito Mori : http://www.oceanwave.jp/index.php@samba
nbtstat -a pc1
    olive!news : http://www.olivenews.net/news_30/newsdisp.php@n=139816
NBTSTAT -a hydra
    [Chapter 1] 1.3 Getting Familiar with a SMB/CIFS Network : http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/samba/book/ch01_03.html
NBTSTAT -A a persons pc name or IP address and gives you info like their username
     Nbtstat -a [Archive] - Overclockers Forums : http://www.overclockers.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-325361.html
Nbtstat -A X.X.X.X" is the equivalent of walking up to a house knocking on the door and asking who lives there. The post office (DNS) may have an old address but the answer at the door will give you the current owner of the address. Example of nbtstat results (Test81 is at address *.*.*.*):
    Happy, Healthy DNS: How to Resolve DNS Errors - PDQ.com : http://www.pdq.com/blog/happy-healthy-dns-how-to-resolve-dns-errors/
nbtstat -a a51svr3042
    Lab 2: Services and nbtstat | Network Implementation Lab for Network+ Exam Prep | Pearson IT Certification : http://www.pearsonitcertification.com/articles/article.aspx@p=102617&seqNum=11
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
     How can I get which Windows domain an IP belongs to?  : http://www.perlmonks.org/@node_id=298941
nbtstat -A < IP address > command performs the same function using a target IP address rather than a name. Nbtstat is a diagnostic tool for NetBIOS over TCP/IP. It is included in several versions of Microsoft Windows. Its primary design is to help troubleshoot NetBIOS name resolution problems.[1]
  : http://www.popflock.com/learn@s=NetBIOS_over_TCP%2FIP
nbtstat -a Microsoft Windows DOS prompt command exit OUTBOUND (trojan.rules)
    Daily Ruleset Update Summary 2015/04/20 | Proofpoint - Leader in Advanced Cybersecurity Solutions Australia : http://www.proofpoint.com/au/node/11600
nbtstat -a against that IP
    I updated from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. I'm unable to download apps from Windows Store. Everytime it gives error 0x800704CF. Can anyone guide me pl? - Quora : http://www.quora.com/How-do-I-find-Computer-Name-from-only-IP-address
nbtstat -A command
    Special Edition Using Windows NT Server 4.0 -- Chapter 15 : http://www.rigacci.org/docs/biblio/online/winnt4/nt15fi.htm
  : http://www.robvanderwoude.com/files/hostname2_nt.txt
nbtstat -A %%a >> %logfile%
    IPアドレスからホスト名を調べたい〜BATファイルを実行してもらう | S-Factory : http://www.s-fact.biz/research-hostname-by-ip/
nbtstat -a NetBIOS
    【windows】社内LANの接続がおかしい、名前解決がおかしい at softelメモ : http://www.softel.co.jp/blogs/tech/archives/2628
NBTStat -a name performs a NetBIOS adapter status command against the computer that is specified by name. The adapter status command returns the local NetBIOS name table for that computer and the media access control address of the adapter card. NBTStat -s lists the current NetBIOS sessions and their status
    NBTStat Tool : http://www.softheap.com/internet/nbtstat-tool.html
nbtstat -a COMPUTER-NAME One of the results from the nbtstat commands will show a row with "_MSBROWSE_" in it. That means that this computer/device is the Master Browser
    Can't access workgroup - master browser problem ? :: SG FAQ : http://www.speedguide.net/faq/cant-access-workgroup-master-browser-problem-289
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    NBTscan : http://www.st.rim.or.jp/~shio/nwworld/nbtscan/
nbtstat -a remotename or nbtstat -A IPaddress
    Network+ N10-004 TechNotes - TCP/IP Utilities : http://www.techexams.net/technotes/networkplus/tcpiputils.shtml
    NBTSTAT - テクノドア〜のBlog : http://www.technodoor.com/entry/nbtstat
nbtstat -a pcname do this for each name one will show up as msbrowse
    Can see network, but cannot connect - Page 2 - Windows 10 Forums : http://www.tenforums.com/network-sharing/62587-pc-has-vanished.html
nbtstat -a < ComputerName > to obtain the local NetBIOS name table on and its MAC address
    nbtstat in The Network Encyclopedia : http://www.thenetworkencyclopedia.com/entry/nbtstat/
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    Duplicate name exists even after changing the name - [Solved] - Networking : http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/214870-46-nbtstat-shows-values
nbtstat -a xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
  : http://www.troliver.com/@p=311
NBTSTAT -a %%a
    Batch Script Comments : http://www.tutorialspoint.com/batch_script/batch_script_comments.htm
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
     UJP - 技術情報(dotforward.jp) : http://www.ujp.jp/modules/tech/index.php/System/Network/Nbtstat/Nbtstat.html
nbtstat -a *.*.*.*
    Get mac address from command line (CMD) : http://www.windows-commandline.com/get-mac-address-command-line/
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    Nbstat – CMD Commands | Windows Command Line : http://www.windowscommandline.com/nbstat-command-windows-command-line/
nbtstat -A Displays the name table including physical addresses from another computer by using its IP address
    TCP/IP Tutorial : http://www.yaldex.com/tcp_ip/0672325659_ch13lev1sec5.html
    The Nbtstat Command - CompTIA Network+ N10-005: 4.3 - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch@v=1CxXeiSrGPQ
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
  : http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~system/faq/win95FAQN4.htm
nbtstat -A FUKU-BIBLO
    TCP/IPこまんど for NT : http://yfuku.sakura.ne.jp/tcpcomm.html
nbtstat -a 2000Server
    コマンドプロンプトを使ってみよう! −ネットワーク− : http://ykr414.com/dos/dos03.html
nbtstat -A 192.168.1.xx
     IPアドレスからホスト名(NetBIOS名),ホスト名(NetBIOS名)からIPアドレスを調べる - yuu_nkjm blog(2010-05-10) : http://yuu.nkjmlab.org/diary/20100510.html
nbtstat -A *.*.*.*
    [Windows]IPアドレスからマシン名を求める | Zero Configuration : http://zero-config.com/windows/nbtstat.html

nbtstat のオプション一覧