Command option Sample:nltest /DNSGETDC

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

nltest /DNSGETDC ƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“

nltest /
    NLTEST to test the trust relationship between a workstation and domain-΄‰Ή‘­’—―-51CTO”Ž‹q :
nltest /dnsgetdc: Queries the DNS server for a list of domain controllers and their corresponding IP addresses. The following list shows the values that you can use to filter the list of domain controllers
    Network administration commands for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory | Doug Vitale Tech Blog :
nltest /dnsgetdc: [ForestName] /gc
    azure-docs/ at master ‘΅ MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs ‘΅ GitHub :
nltest /dnsgetdc: will help test connectivity
    Nathan's Thoughts and Notes :
nltest /dnsgetdc:domain.local /site:syd
    Beare's Knowledge Base :
nltest /dnsgetdc and all return successfully from domains A to C and vice versa. The thing that has me puzzled is that when trying to add a user to a Domain Local group in domain A I can only see domain B in Locations and not domain C. That may be the expected behavior but it seems odd. for instance
    active directory - Child Domain Logons to Cross Forest Trust Domains - Server Fault :
nltest /
     NLTEST to test the trust relationship between a workstation and domain - TechNet Articles - United States (English) - TechNet Wiki :
nltest / "
    windows - How to format batch file output with line separators - Stack Overflow :
nltest /dnsgetdc:globomantics.local /kdc
    Article: Taming the Three-Headed Beast Kerberos | ITNinja :
nltest /dnsgetdc: should all get you a list of DC's for the domain
     Trusted Domains 2008 cannot share with 2003 - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums  :
nltest / /PDC
    Viewing Information on Network Topology - Domains Windows Server 2003 :
Nltest /dnsgetdc: netsh advfirewall show currentprofile
    DirectAccess, dofs and donfts :
nltest /dnsgetdc:the_server_name
     StudioSysAdmins Thread: Obscure Windows DFS Hyper-V nonsense  :
nltest /dnsgetdc:domain.local /gc
    Re: NTDS Replication Event ID 1083/1955 :
nltest /dnsgetdc:youdomain.local return anything
     Got a DNS issue I cant figure out.... :

nltest ‚ΜƒIƒvƒVƒ‡ƒ“ˆκ——