Command option Sample:nltest /DSADDRESSTOSITE

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.


nltest /dsaddresstosite:ipaddress /dsgetsite
    Powershell – What Active Directory Sites and Subnets are being used? – Chads Notes :
nltest /DSADDRESSTOSITE:*.*.*.*
    Query Active Directory Site informationMichls Tech Blog :
    networking - find given subnet is overlapping in Active Directory subnet - Server Fault :
nltest /dsaddresstosite:C0BBKX1-ALIU
     Why some clients always logon at remote site :
nltest /DSADDRESSTOSITE: ipaddress and DsAddressToSiteNames()
    active directory - Query site for given ip from AD sites and services - Super User :
nltest /dsaddresstosite:x.x.x.x
    How to determine AD site of a computer object | Run On Azure :

nltest のオプション一覧