Command option Sample:nltest /DSGETSITE

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nltest /DSGETSITE オプション

nltest /dsgetsite /server:
    joeware – never stop exploring… :) » Blog Archive » Doing something to every machine in a list… :
NLTest /DSGetSite to verify that that the proper Active Directory Site is being returned by Windows. Once that has been verified
    Exchange 2007 & 2010 Event ID’s: 2601, 2604, 2501 & Users Can’t Access Mailboxes / Public Folders On My Day Off - Working Hard In IT :
NLTEST /DSGETSITE to see if windows server itself could find its active directory site. This command threw out the following error:
    Clint Boessen's Blog: November 2010 :
nltest /dsgetsite Returns the name of the site in which the domain controller resides
    Network administration commands for Microsoft Windows and Active Directory | Doug Vitale Tech Blog :
nltest /dsgetsite or by having a peek in the registry at HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters\DynamicSiteName
    Exchange can’t start due to misconfigured AD sites | EighTwOne (821) :
nltest /dsgetsite /server:
    Windows Server 2008 Active Directory Resource Kit - PDF Free Download :
nltest /dsgetsite [shows your site]
    Active Directory. Handy commands. | Sticky Notes :
nltest /dsgetsite on each computer and use that result to fill this custom field
    Active Directory sites - Usage and Config - BigFix / IBM Endpoint Manager Forum :
nltest /dsgetsite on a few PCs in a problem site (SiteA)
     Client PC's authenticating to wrong DC - Windows - Server management  :
nltest /dsgetsite on your Remote Access server. If this is the issue
    windowsserverdocs/ at master 揃 MicrosoftDocs/windowsserverdocs 揃 GitHub :
nltest /dsgetsite option
    DsGetSiteName failed: Status = 1919 0x77f (Installing Exchange 2013 SP1) | A Messaging / Unified Communication Portal :
nltest /dsgetsite on the system
    Finding what AD site an IP address is in. | Nathan's Thoughts and Notes :
NLTest /DSGetSite to verify that that the proper Active Directory Site is being returned by Windows. Once that has been verified
    June | 2012 | Patrick's Blog :
NLTEST /dsgetsite - Completes successfully
    Active directory member servers cannot locate domain controller - Server Fault :
nltest /dsgetsite CONROE The command completed successfully
     Why some clients always logon at remote site :
nltest /dsgetsite > c:\temp\where.txt" - Exception - System cannot find the file specified - Stack Overflow :
nltest /dsgetsite /server:%computer%
    WWoIT - Wayne's World of IT: September 2009 :
nltest /dsgetsite to check that the DC is assigned to the correct AD site (Figure 4). Typing
    Troubleshooting Networks » ADMIN Magazine :
nltest /dsgetsite or by having a peek in the registry at HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters\DynamicSiteName
    Exchange Can't Start Due to Misconfigured AD Sites :
nltest /dsgetsite will do
    How To Find Which AD Site A Server Belongs To | How Exchange Works :
NLTEST /DSGETSITE the remote site which is on different subnetthan the workstationNLTEST /SC_RESET:domain-name\local-dcNLTEST /DSGETSITE gives the correct siteLOGONSERVER environment var (after logging in again) = local-dc
    Unix Bind and Windows DNS with Dynamic update issues!!! - Windows 2000/NT :

nltest のオプション一覧