Command option Sample:pathping -w

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pathping -w オプション

pathping -w [milliseconds]
    Troubleshooting faulty network connectivity, part 2: Essential network commands | Doug Vitale Tech Blog :
pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 *.*.*.*
    [NetworkDiag included] Past few days of bad connectivity an 4k ping (in game), Anet problem or mine? Guild Wars 2 Forums :
pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 *.*.*.* <--
    How to Read a Traceroute | InMotion Hosting :
pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 *.*.*.* <--
    Massive Ping Spikes/ Lagging/ Disconnects : Guildwars2 :

pathping のオプション一覧