コマンドオプションサンプル:powercfg /SLEEPSTUDY


    ASCII.jp:Win 8.1で利用できるInstant Goのトラブルを解決する (1/2)|Windows Info : http://ascii.jp/elem/000/000/875/875549/
powercfg /sleepstudy /output c:\sleep.html
    価格.com - 『スリープ時のバッテーリー消費に関して』 ASUS ASUS TransBook T100HA のクチコミ掲示板 : http://bbs.kakaku.com/bbs/J0000017402/SortID=19564702/
powercfg /sleepstudy /
     Sleep Study: Diagnose what’s draining your battery while the system sleeps - Windows Experience BlogWindows Experience Blog  : http://blogs.windows.com/windowsexperience/2014/06/26/sleep-study-diagnose-whats-draining-your-battery-while-the-system-sleeps/
powercfg /sleepstudy (for backwards compatibility) - but the new command is powercfg /systempowerreport
    Defrag Tools #181 - System Power Report | Defrag Tools | Channel 9 : http://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Defrag-Tools/Defrag-Tools-181-System-Power-Report
powercfg /sleepstudy /duration 7
    Powercfg command-line options | Microsoft Docs : http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/modern-standby-sleepstudy
powercfg /SleepStudy /output %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\sleepstudy-report.html
     LENOVO IdeaCentre AIO 510S Mouse Discharing - Lenovo Community : http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-All-In-One-AIO-Desktops/LENOVO-IdeaCentre-AIO-510S-Mouse-Discharing/td-p/3773577
powercfg /sleepstudy suggests
    (new) App causes battery drain without using it Plex Forums : http://forums.plex.tv/discussion/226770/new-app-causes-battery-drain-without-using-it
powercfg /sleepstudy (for backwards compatibility) - but the new command is powercfg /systempowerreport
    Defrag Tools (HD) - Channel 9 by Microsoft on Apple Podcasts : http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/defrag-tools-hd-channel-9/id615707316@mt=2
powercfg /sleepstudy /outopu %USERPROFILE%\desktop\report-IG.html
    Windows 8.1ミニTips(78) Windows 8.1タブレットの省エネ設定を見直す・後編 | マイナビニュース : http://news.mynavi.jp/article/win81tips-78/
powercfg /sleepstudy /output c:\sleep1.html
    Hi8 Proがスリープ中にバッテリーをもりもり喰う問題の対策 – 日曜研究室 : http://peta.okechan.net/blog/archives/4809
powercfg /sleepstudy to get some results) and I wasn
    Disabling Connected Standby « rakhesh.com : http://rakhesh.com/gadgets/disabling-connected-standby/
powercfg /sleepstudy I don't see anything unusual and nothing at those times. Just shows when I've switched from battery to power and when the charging has kicked in
     Screen goes to sleep at exactly 7:24 every night? - Slickdeals.net : http://slickdeals.net/f/11340739-screen-goes-to-sleep-at-exactly-7-24-every-night
powercfg /SLEEPSTUDY (Windows 7) or powercfg /SYSTEMPOWERREPORT (Windows 10) in an elevated CMD prompt produces a prolix report at C:\WINDOWS\system32\sleepstudy-report.html
    power options - Windows shutting down rather than hibernating when battery level critical - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1230454/windows-shutting-down-rather-than-hibernating-when-battery-level-critical
powercfg /sleepstudy /output c:\sleep.htm
     Tag[ Windows10 ] - ち〜む みさか : http://teammisaka.blog61.fc2.com/@tag=Windows10
powercfg /sleepstudy /Duration 2
    Windows 10での電力管理TIPS、バッテリー減の原因を知る(4ページ目) | 日経 xTECH(クロステック) : http://tech.nikkeibp.co.jp/it/pc/atcl/column/15/121600021/121700007/@ST=pc&P=4
Powercfg /sleepstudy reports any issues that are preventing the CPU from entering its lowest power state during Connected Standy (e.g. screen is off). In this case
    Software | Techie Talkz : http://techietalkz.com/category/software/
powercfg /sleepstudy /output c:\sleep.html
    T100HA-WHITE No.13 バッテリー性能の検証 - ukkiのブログ : http://ukki.hateblo.jp/entry/2015/10/11/160700
powercfg /sleepstudy /duration 7
    Modern Standby – Nick's IT Blog : http://www.aitltd.com/2017/03/02/modern-standby/
Powercfg /sleepstudy report shows "Unknown [NONE]" appid
    Powercfg /sleepstudy report shows "Unknown [NONE]" appid - Forums - CNET : http://www.cnet.com/forums/discussions/powercfg-sleepstudy-report-shows-unknown-none-appid/
powercfg /sleepstudy pre rollback showed 100% activity on Network Controller
    Firmware update for Surface 3, Surface Pro 3 causes blue screens, lockups, other problems | Computerworld : http://www.computerworld.com/article/3026122/microsoft-windows/firmware-update-for-surface-3-surface-pro-3-causes-blue-screens-lockups-other-problems.html
powercfg /sleepstudy and powercfg /systemsleepdiagnostics commands to see if it will give you a clue
    Solved: Dell XPS 13 2 in 1 9365 does not go to sleep - Page 2 - Dell Community : http://www.dell.com/community/Laptops-General/Dell-XPS-13-2-in-1-9365-does-not-go-to-sleep/td-p/5117105/page/2
powercfg /sleepstudy shows which device drivers and applications are waking up the computer in Connected Standby mode
    How to generate a battery report in Windows - gHacks Tech News : http://www.ghacks.net/2016/02/17/how-to-generate-a-battery-report-in-windows/
powercfg /sleepstudy and press Enter. The command response should inform you of where to view sleepstudy-report.html
    How to Identify Apps That Are Devastating Battery Life in Windows : http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/identify-apps-devastating-battery-life-windows/
Powercfg /sleepstudy command
    Strange suggestion fixes Windows RT 8.1 battery drain issues - Neowin : http://www.neowin.net/news/strange-suggestion-fixes-windows-rt-81-battery-drain-issues
powercfg /sleepstudy then Enter
    Lenovo Thinkpad 8 battery drain fixed - Windows (RT and PC) - Smartphone Gurus : http://www.smartphonegurus.com/forums/topic/19200-lenovo-thinkpad-8-battery-drain-fixed/
Powercfg /sleepstudy to determine what is happening
    battery drain 10 % per day in full shutdown | Microsoft Surface Forums : http://www.surfaceforums.net/threads/battery-drain-10-per-day-in-full-shutdown.22904/
powercfg /SleepStudy /
    How To Generate A Sleep Report In Windows 10 | Team OS : Your Only Destination To Custom OS !! : http://www.teamos-hkrg.com/index.php@threads%2Fhow-to-generate-a-sleep-report-in-windows-10.42804%2F
powercfg /SleepStudy /output %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\sleepstudy-report.html
    Generate System Performance Report in Windows 10 Windows 10 Tutorials  : http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/64555-generate-sleep-study-report-windows-10-a.html
Powercfg /sleepstudy command
    Windows RT 8.1 Battery Drain Issue Fixed By Turning On Bluetooth : http://www.ubergizmo.com/2013/08/windows-rt-8-1-battery-drain-issue-fixed-by-turning-on-bluetooth/
powercfg /sleepstudy /output c:\sleep.html
    Windows10のスリープ時のバッテリー消費は言われているほどではありません。: ゆるガジェCHANNEL : http://yurugadge-channel.com/article/163186399.html

powercfg のオプション一覧