qprocess /SERVER オプション
QProcess /Server:MyServer and press Enter. Youcan combine the /Server command line switch with any of the otherparameters to obtain specific information. To see all of the console pro-cesses |
Windows Command Line Interface - DOCSLIDE.COM.BR : http://docslide.com.br/education/windows-command-line-interface.html |
qprocess /SERVER:computername |
LHF/windowsprivchk.cmd at master 揃 blindfuzzy/LHF 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/blindfuzzy/LHF/blob/master/Tools/windowsprivchk.cmd |
qprocess /SERVER:computername |
WINDOWS COMMANDS BASIC systeminfo hostname whoami whoami /all echo %user - Pastebin.com : http://pastebin.com/r0KwpjCD |
qprocess /SERVER:computername |
PTES Technical Guidelines — pentest-standard 1.1 documentation : http://pentest-standard.readthedocs.io/en/latest/technical_guidelines.html |
qprocess /server:%1 |
terminal.servebeer.com - Force application license compliance : http://terminal.servebeer.com/php/license_compliance.php |
qprocess /SERVER:computername |
Windows Sistem Komutlar脹 | MaestroPanel BilgiMaestroPanel Bilgi : http://wiki.maestropanel.com/windows-sistem-komutlari/ |
qprocess /SERVER:computername |
Network Penetration Testing | TofC: www.networkpentest.net : http://www.networkpentest.net/p/windows-command-list.html |