コマンドオプションサンプル:relog -f


relog -f csv inputfile.blg -o outputFile.csv
    Bennett Scharf's Blog - Personal and technical musings as well as random scriptsBennett Scharf's Blog | Personal and technical musings as well as random scripts : http://blog.bennett-scharf.com/
relog -f csv inputfile.blg -o outputFile.csv
    SAP on SQL: お客様およびパートナー様向け更新の概要 (2017 年 3 月) – IT プロフェッショナルのみなさまへ : http://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/jpitpro/2017/12/13/sap-on-sql-general-update-for-customers-partners-march-2017/
relog -f CSV testdata.blg -o testdata.csv
    debug-recipes/performance-counters.md at master 揃 lowleveldesign/debug-recipes 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/lowleveldesign/debug-recipes/blob/master/performance-counters/performance-counters.md
relog -f csv input.blg -o output.csv
    How to save a perfmon Performance Counter as a textfile (Reliability and Performance Monitor Version 6.0) - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/124182/how-to-save-a-perfmon-performance-counter-as-a-textfile-reliability-and-perform
relog -f csv inputfile.blg -o outputFile.csv
    .net - Is there any C# framework or code to parse *blg Perfomance Counter log files? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4396471/is-there-any-c-sharp-framework-or-code-to-parse-blg-perfomance-counter-log-file
relog -f SQL -o SQL:Test
    Diagnosing applications using Performance Counters - CodeProject : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/369888/Diagnosing-applications-using-Performance-Counters

relog のオプション一覧