Command option Sample:robocopy /M

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robocopy /M option

RoboCopy - the /m switch works much the same in both    Need some critique on my backup plans using robocopy - Windows 10 Forums :
ROBOCOPY "D:\New Downloads\Complete" "D:\New Downloads\Staging" /M /S /Z /LOG+:"D:\New Downloads\Batches\proccessed.log" /TEE /ETA (FORUM CLOSED, CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS) • View topic - The ultimate uTorrent-theRenamer integration :
robocopy "D:\program files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS\user" "\\backup-02\E\user" /MIR /ZB /R:3 /V /FP /M /LOG:sync.log /TEE    Ahsay Knowledge Base & Discussion Forum • Only backup files newer than a certain date. :
ROBOCOPY "location A" "Location B" /NP /M /S /LOG+:c:\batches\Rename.log    shell script - how do I copy files like Microsofts "Robocopy" do in debian? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange :
robocopy /m (+ some other stuff)    [all variants] Remote sleep/wake :
robocopy and use the /M option to copy only files with the archive flag set    windows - Is it possible to copy a set of files, but automatically skip if file already exists? - Super User :
Robocopy doesn't then reset the attribute. And if you use /M (copy only "A" files     Robocopy to Network Share, is it just completely broken? :
Robocopy e:\photography "z:\backup\photography" /m /e /purge /mt    Using Unlimited OneDrive Space for Backups by Jason Young :
Robocopy ignores source file attributes when selecting files to copy - any filematching other specified conditions will be copied regardless of its attribute settings.The /A and /M switches both modify this behaviour    Robo copy2 :
RoboCopy is /a. Like /m it restricts copying to files that have the Archive attribute set. Unlike /m though     Backup Duplication and File Copy Log File :
robocopy to copy files with an archive flag and reset the attribute. Use /M command line - Use Robocopy to copy only changed files? - Stack Overflow :
Robocopy. Using the /m switch makes Robocopy reset the archive bit on each source file and skips all files whose archive bit is set. That is    Microsoft Robocopy vs Linux NAS: Robocopy Pitfalls | IT affinity! :