コマンドオプションサンプル:robocopy /256


robocopy /256 オプション

robocopy /256 flag is specifically to turn OFF the default support of long file names    Trying to migrate Windows shares, file names too long to copy. Suggestions? : sysadmin : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/3e7wcz/trying_to_migrate_windows_shares_file_names_too/
robocopy could be used to generate an error report using the /256 switch    Watch out for long path names on an NTFS volume - markwilson.it : http://www.markwilson.co.uk/blog/2005/11/watch-out-for-long-path-names-on-ntfs.htm
Robocopy DOES support paths longer than 256 characters... In fact there's a flag ( /256 ) that    How do you copy 60m files? 窶「 The Register Forums : http://forums.theregister.co.uk/forum/containing/872633
Robocopy will copy the file successfully (unless you use the /256 option to force an error)    Robocopy XP010 FAQ | IT Pro : http://www.itprotoday.com/management-mobility/robocopy-xp010-faq