コマンドオプションサンプル:robocopy /ETA


robocopy /ETA オプション

robocopy "C:\webspace" "M:\webspace" /E /PURGE /V /NP /NFL /NDL /NS /NC /ETA /LOG:"*.*.*.*.txt" /MON:1 /R:10 /W:30    IIS 7.5 HIgh Availability Options : The Official Microsoft IIS Forums : http://forums.iis.net/t/1149918.aspx@how+to+replicate+data+to+mutliple+servers
Robocopy "-D:-\Fol-der-MyS-tuf-f" "-I:-\Mir-ror-Bac-kup-" /MIR /W:3 /R:1 /ETA /XJ /XF Thumbs.db    Robocopy Cheat Sheet by RomelSan - Download free from Cheatography - Cheatography.com: Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion : http://www.cheatography.com/romelsan/cheat-sheets/robocopy/
Robocopy "\\SOURCE\Logs" "\\DEST\Logs" /s /zb /r:2 /w:2 /eta /LOG+:\\DEST\\move.log /NP    if statement - Robocopy script to move 7z files but if there are .log files copy those - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22099955/robocopy-script-to-move-7z-files-but-if-there-are-log-files-copy-those
robocopy "A:AGIX" "B:Backups" /e /eta /log+:B:Public_ShareBackup_LogsBackup%date:    Simple Windows Backup Using Robocopy – Linux Support in Adelaide & Melbourne : http://www.agix.com.au/3559/
robocopy "C:\Users" "T:\Backup" /MIR /XA:SH /XD AppData /XJD /R:5 /W:8 /V /ETA /LOG:Backup.log /TEE    [Solved] Robocopy With User Prompts : http://www.computing.net/answers/programming/robocopy-with-user-prompts/27480.html
ROBOCOPY "C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves\." I:\Home\Games\Minecraft\Worlds /E /ETA /Z /XO    Save Backup Script - Survival Mode - Minecraft: Java Edition - Minecraft Forum - Minecraft Forum : http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/minecraft-java-edition/survival-mode/206456-save-backup-script
robocopy "C:\Users\Halberg\Documents" "Backup\Documents" /MIR /ETA /XJD    ROBOCOPY and not existing folder "c:\Users\"MyUser"\Doc - Windows 7 Help Forums : http://www.sevenforums.com/general-discussion/66677-robocopy-not-existing-folder-c-users-myuser-doc.html
robocopy "c:\website\abc" "s:\internal\website\abc" /E /Z /DCOPY:T /TIMFIX /COPY:DAT /XA:H /IT /XO /DST /R:3 /W:5 /V /FP /ETA /LOG+:"C:\DELME\website.TXT" /TEE    File server migration when you lack permissions - Windows Server - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2005899-does-robocopy-and-frontpage-website-folders-play-well-together
robocopy "G:\\" "Y:\\" /mir /mon:1 /fft /tee /eta /log+:backup_%date:    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part8 : http://potato.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1403185719/
robocopy /b /e /xa:s /xjd /sl /a-:hs /mt /v /fp /eta /log:"D:\To\Directory\transfer.log" /tee "C:\From\Directory" "D:\To\Directory"    A bunch of robocopy flags to help backup an external drive. 揃 GitHub : http://gist.github.com/archagon/5791332
robocopy /z /eta . \\TSCLIENT\C\tmp "big file.zip"    DadHacker: Tip: Copying Large Files from Remote Desktop Sessions : http://dadhacker.blogspot.com/2014/10/tip-copying-large-files-from-remote.html
Robocopy [FROM] [TO] /S /E /SEC /R:2 /W:10 /NP /ETA /XF pagefile.sys /XD    robocopy でよく使うパターン : http://www.vwnet.jp/Windows/Other/robocopy.htm
Robocopy and /ETA switch    Need some critique on my backup plans using robocopy - Windows 10 Forums : http://www.tenforums.com/backup-restore/64359-robocopy-backup-important-files.html
Robocopy C: C:\C_root /FP /BYTES /TEE /S /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:T /MOVE /Z /ETA /XJ /R:2 /W:30 /XF pagefile.sys /XD /LOG:C:\robocopy.log    windows - Robocopy (without /l flag) running for hours making log file huge, but not actually copying anything - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/667520/robocopy-without-l-flag-running-for-hours-making-log-file-huge-but-not-actua
robocopy c:\users\username\documents \\server\sharename /fft /mir /eta /r:0 /w:0    Download robocopy.exe For Windows 2003 Server / XP / 7 – TheOS.IN : http://theos.in/windows-server/free-download-windows-xp-2003-robocopy-software/
robocopy D:\ E:\ /e /coppyall /eta EC2 EBS EBS    AWS Black Belt Techシリーズ 2015 Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) : http://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServicesJapan/20150408-aws-blackbeltelasticblockstore
robocopy D:\Data\Source\ E:\Data\Target\ /MIR /R:1 /W:0 /ETA /TEE    9月 | 2012 | MacRuby : http://macruby.info/2012/09
robocopy D:\Data\Source\ E:\Data\Target\ /MIR /R:1 /W:0 /ETA /TEE    ShiroYuki_Mot の ひとりごと: PC Robocopy でタイムスタンプを保持する : http://shiroyuki-mot-says.blogspot.com/2014/11/pc-using--robocopy.html
robocopy e: . /COPY:DATD /E /V /TS /FP /BYTES /ETA /R:1000000 /W:30 /LOG:filecopy.txt /MT:128 /TEE    Robust File Copy, SafeCopy , generating forensic logs, eDiscoverySquadeDiscoverySquad Litigation Support Services : http://ediscoverysquad.com/free-tool-with-windows-for-robust-file-copy-performance-and-generating-forensic-logs/
robocopy E:\ D:\ /Z /W:1 /R:1 /LOG+:e:\temp\robocopy.log /TEE /NP /ETA /COPY:ATSOU /X /E /IT /XF /XD "RECYCLER" "System Volume Information"    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part4 : http://pc11.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1199423175/
robocopy E:\ D:\ /Z /W:1 /R:1 /LOG+:e:\temp\robocopy.log /TEE /NP /ETA /COPY:ATSOU /X /E /IT /XF /XD "RECYCLER" "System Volume Information"    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part4 : http://www.bookshelf.jp/2ch/software/1199423175.html
ROBOCOPY E:\Users\Laviathin\Pictures\"Art"\Manga G:\Will\"My Pictures"\Manga /MOVE /FP /ETA /LOG:MANGA.TXT     Copy the parent folder with ROBOCOPY : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/894300b8-acc6-425d-829a-c81a46711a9d/copy-the-parent-folder-with-robocopy@forum=winserverfiles
robocopy F:\ J:\ /e /dcopy:t /xo /xa:sh /xj /unicode /eta /xd "    Windows Vista / 7 案複製、移動、同指令:robocopy – Qoding Style : http://blog.qoding.us/2011/02/windows-vista-7-files-copy-move-mirror-command-robocopy/
ROBOCOPY G:\. C:\users\user\documents\USB_backup /E /ETA /Z /MIREXITThis would copy your entire G drive (hopefully your USB) to your documents    Batch Backup System - to Make Life That Little Bit Easier!: 3 Steps : http://www.instructables.com/id/Batch-Backup-System-To-make-life-that-little-bit/
robocopy S: X: /e /A-:SH /XD /eta "System Volume Information"    Robocopy. The good, the bad and the ugly : sysadmin : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/3n7f7t/robocopy_the_good_the_bad_and_the_ugly/
Robocopy. I like your use with Robocopy but I add /Zb in place of /z and add /s to copy system files. Also add /xx /copyall /secfix /eta /v. Sometimes ad /it /is for tweaked and changed files and /xo to skip older files I want to keep. I    How to do Windows Backups with Robocopy – Tips & Tricks | Michael McKinnon : http://michael.mckinnon.id.au/2011/06/27/how-to-do-windows-backups-with-robocopy-tips/
robocopy.exe \\mycomputer\applications \\server\applications /mir /eta /tee    Robocopy – jimcofer.com : http://jimcofer.com/personal/2007/06/22/robocopy/
robocopy.exe \\server\directory c:\temp\test /tbd /eta /log+:%LOG_FILE%    windows command prompt - net use mapping not working in batch files but works in cmd - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/255493/net-use-mapping-not-working-in-batch-files-but-works-in-cmd
robocopy.exe /COPYALL /MIR /DCOPY:T /TEE /E /W:5 /R:1 /ETA /LOG:"C:\migrate.log"    Any way to clone drobo 5N to my new 5N2 easily? : http://www.drobospace.com/forums/showthread.php@tid=147818
ROBOCOPY.exe" "\\FileDATA\Kaisya-DATA" "\\BackUpServer\Kaisya-DATA-NEW" /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /X /V /TS /FP /NP /ETA /LOG+:"D:\LOG\RoboCopyReport%TIMELINE%.log" /TEE    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part7 : http://anago.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1323650265/