コマンドオプションサンプル:robocopy /FFT


robocopy /FFT オプション

Robocopy's /FFT switch is particularly helpful if you have a NAS device that doesn't support NTFS's 100-nanosecond granularity and might use the FAT file system's 2-second granularity. Rounding the NTFS file times might result in the copying of files that are unchanged    Robocopy XP010 FAQ | IT Pro : http://www.itprotoday.com/management-mobility/robocopy-xp010-faq
robocopy's users to set the /FFT option by default    RoboCopy GUI - AutoIt Example Scripts - AutoIt Forums : http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/28754-robocopy-gui/
robocopy /R:0 /copy:dt /FFT /E /LOG+:"C:\Users\test\Desktop\user\bat\video2.log"\    robocopy メモ - うれしいブログ : http://kiyoshi.hatenablog.com/entry/20120410/1334059805
robocopy " +source1 + dest1 +" /E /XA:H /W:0 /R:1 /REG /FFT /E >> C:\\"+usrnm+"desktopbackup.log"     MSP Consortium Forum | Sign up or Login to Access Forum Page : http://c1forum.comodo.com/forum/script-library/13200-help-robocopy-script
ROBOCOPY " TempNetworkPath " " TempLocalPath " /COPYALL /B /MIR /FFT /R:0 /W:0 /NFL /NDL"    Copy newer files and folders - Ask for Help - AutoHotkey Community : http://autohotkey.com/board/topic/95870-copy-newer-files-and-folders/
robocopy "\\oldFileServer\share" "\\newFileServer\share" /Mir /FFT /XO /XA:SH /XF "    Robocopyでネットワークフォルダの差分を取得する方法 - ムコの戯言帳 : http://plumpliver.com/post-5513
robocopy "c:\Users\Lamar" "\\grantserver09\Backup\LFowler12" /E /V /XO /XA:H /LOG:"Backup_Log.txt" /FFT /ZB /R:1 /W:1 /tee    my backup script using robocopy Solved - Windows 7 Help Forums : http://www.sevenforums.com/backup-restore/395401-help-robocopy-user-backups.html
robocopy "D:\Archive" "\\nas1\Archive" /MIR /FFT /R:3 /TEE /LOG:"D:\My Scripts\NAS1.log"    List all files on the server : http://www.mysysadmintips.com/windows/servers/420-check-that-host-is-online-before-running-robocopy
robocopy "D:\home" "\\nas001\home" /mir /xa:sh /R:1 /W:2 /FFT /LOG+:"%logfile0m%"    robocopy失敗時のメール送信について - Windows系OS 解決済み| 【OKWAVE】 : http://okwave.jp/qa/q8774975.html
robocopy "D:\home" "\\nas001\home" /mir /xa:sh /R:1 /W:2 /FFT /LOG+:"%logfile0m%"    ハードディスクの内容を USBメモリーに 自動で同期したい -ハードディ- USBメモリー・SDカード・フラッシュメモリー | 教えて!goo : http://oshiete.goo.ne.jp/qa/8774975.html
robocopy "D:\home" "\\nas001\home" /mir /xa:sh /R:1 /W:2 /FFT /LOG+:"%logfile0m%"    質問!ITmedia - VBSで管理者モードのcmdにキーを送るには? : http://qa.itmedia.co.jp/qa8774975.html
robocopy "G:\\" "Y:\\" /mir /mon:1 /fft /tee /eta /log+:backup_%date:    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part8 : http://potato.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1403185719/
robocopy "m:" "o:" /MIR /R:0 /W:3 /LOG:"d:\M-O_backup.log" /NDL /TEE /XJD /XJF /FFT /DCOPY:T /SEC /XD "System Volume Information" "    2015年09月 : Unityメモ : http://unitymemo.blog.jp/archives/2015-09.html
ROBOCOPY "Y:" "Z:" /Z /MIR /TBD /FFT <------ The '/TBD/' waits for sharenames 'To Be Defined' and the '/FFT' assumes 'FAT File Times' (2-second granularity)     Alternate ways to backup Cloud Server data - Public Cloud Forum - Solutions & Questions - The Rackspace Community : http://community.rackspace.com/products/f/25/t/1697
robocopy ( /E /R:1 W:1 /FFT /MT) and SFTP from filezilla but that was less consistent on the speed. (That might be a different issue though as I was having some other SFTP issues before)    Slow reads but fast writes - Troubleshooting - Rockstor Community Forum : http://forum.rockstor.com/t/slow-reads-but-fast-writes/807
robocopy (even in the older versions of it) by specifying the /fft switch. This brought a 36 hour copy back down to just over an hour in practice    Data Migration using emcopy – Cyberfella Ltd : http://www.cyberfella.co.uk/2014/05/02/emcopy/
robocopy / MIR /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /FFT /NP /NFL "\\WINDOWS2003R... d:id:hidamari365    41-80件 本文「robocopy」を検索 - はてなブックマーク : http://b.hatena.ne.jp/search/text@of=40&q=robocopy
robocopy /E /R:3 /W:30 /TEE /NP /FFT """""    Automated USB Backup Tool (HTA Tool) - Script Center - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/scripts/show/3214-automated-usb-backup-tool-hta-tool
Robocopy /FFT /S /MT /XX switches copied in 50 seconds which would beat the Zip copy plus unzip.[Note: It turned out later on in testing that my patch was wrong and thus this time was a bit flawed.]    Pro/E Toolbox - Improving Minor Build Creo Deployment Experience : http://www.proetoolbox.co.uk/4_ProE_Hacks/Smaller_Installer/smaller_installer.html
Robocopy /FFT switch I added earlier when I got confused and then removed that once I realized. . . Rsync not Robocopy    macos - Why does rsync update NTFS directories when the source has not changed? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1111844/why-does-rsync-update-ntfs-directories-when-the-source-has-not-changed
robocopy /MIR /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /FFT /NP /NFL "\\WINDOWS2003R2\    Windows Server 2008 R2:ファイルサーバーのデータを移行する - Windows Server 記録帳 : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/hidamari365/20120128/p1
robocopy /mir /w:0 /r:0 /tee /np /XA:sh /MT:4 /FFT /LOG+:    たまに書く日々の記録: FreeNAS Robocopyでファイル同期する : http://harablo2012.blogspot.com/2015/07/freenas-robocopy.html
robocopy /mir /xjd /xjf /fft /dcopy:t /r:0    エカ。のfp7: 11月 2016 : http://ekafp7.blogspot.com/2016/11/
robocopy /mir /xo /fft /xa:SH /dcopy:T /np /ndl /nfl /r:0 /w:0 /mon:1 /mot:5 C:\Users\user\Documents N:    幾霜::残日録::2013/02/10 (日) : http://www.ikushimo.com/news/2013/02/10.html
robocopy /R:0 /E /W:5 /FFT /COPY:DT /XO /XD    July 2013 – Me Liturgy, You Drains… : http://www.frsimon.uk/2013/07/
robocopy /xd syntax. I also found that the /fft switch prevented files being missed due to slight timestamp differences    The Coding Fifer : http://codingfifer.blogspot.com/
robocopy \\filesv\data \\backsv\bkup /L /E /XO /Z /R:1 /FFT /TS /XD    robocopyをフォルダ差分チェックとして使ってみる : 3流プログラマのメモ書き : http://jehupc.exblog.jp/13210750/
Robocopy \\RX-Server-01\Docs \\Rx-Server-02\Docs /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:H /W:5    Robocopy | REMOTE EXTENSIONS : http://www.remotextensions.com/robocopy/
robocopy \\S09\S09_D\ "C:\Dropbox\S09_D" /mir /R:0 /W:0 /FFT /A-:SH     ROBOCOPY hides destination Directory : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/8dcb6432-6ae0-4816-92e8-2599e5e638f5/robocopy-hides-destination-directory@forum=w7itprogeneral
robocopy \\SourceServer\Share \\DestinationServer\Share /MIR /FFT /Z /W:5    [Solved] Use robocopy for switching file servers : http://www.computing.net/answers/windows-2008/use-robocopy-for-switching-file-servers/1037.html
Robocopy \\SourceServer\Share \\DestinationServer\Share /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:H /W:5    Backup | Sigkill IT : http://sigkillit.com/tag/backup/
Robocopy \\SourceServer\Share \\DestinationServer\Share /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:H /W:5    NGworks : http://www.ngworks.com.au/index.php@start=80
robocopy \\SourceServer\Share \\DestinationServer\Share /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:H /W:5    Simple File Synchronization Using Robocopy | Mark S. Rasmussen : http://improve.dk/simple-file-synchronization-using-robocopy/
robocopy \*.*.*.*\CasperShare\ \*.*.*.*\CasperShare /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:H /W:5 /log+:robocopy_log.txt    JSS on Windows, replicating Distribution Points - Jamf Nation : http://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/discussions/34/jss-on-windows-replicating-distribution-points
robocopy /XO /ZB /E /FFT /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /NDL /MT:20 /LOG:    How to use Robocopy and RichCopy to Migrate TB of data | mcloudinfo.wordpress.com : http://mcloudinfo.wordpress.com/2014/10/22/how-to-use-robocopy-and-richcopy-to-migrate-tb-of-data/
robocopy B:\ D:\Backups /MIR /R:1 /W:2 /FFT /TEE /Log+:%date:     Backup assistance - NETGEAR Communities : http://community.netgear.com/t5/Backing-up-to-your-ReadyNAS/Backup-assistance/td-p/960738
robocopy C:\data F:\bkup\data /B /MIR /FFT /R:2 /W:10 /NP /NDL /LOG+:C:\tools\backup_log    Windowsマシンのお手軽差分バックアップ_robocopyについて - zuntan02のはてなブログ : http://zuntan02.hateblo.jp/entry/2015/07/30/135123
robocopy C:\Data\CDs \\NAS\Music\CDs /MIR /XA:H /W:0 /R:1 /REG /FFT >> C:\externalbackup.log    How to create a backup script using Robocopy – Caught In Pixels : http://caughtinpixels.com/how-to-create-a-backup-script-using-robocopy/
ROBOCOPY C:\Datas H:\Backups /E /XA:H /FFT /NS /NDL /NP /MT:80     Custom System Backup Fails : http://forums.newtek.com/showthread.php@154419-Custom-System-Backup-Fails
robocopy C:\path\to\source C:\path\to\destination /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:H /W:5     Robocopy | Adam Dimech's Coding Blog : http://code.adonline.id.au/robocopy/
robocopy C:\source D:\dist /MIR /FFT /R:1 /W:1 /COPYALL /NP /NDL /LOG:C:\Logs\log_%DATE:    [質問] フォルダ移動時のアクセス権設定消滅 | syszo : http://syszo.com/items/7gSBRtjlAV
robocopy C:\source M:\destination /MIR /FFT /R:3 /W:10 /Z /NP /NDL    ROBOCOPY Backup best practices | Virtual Remote Networking : http://virtualremote.net/networking-solutions/robocopy-backup-best-practices/
robocopy c:\src c:\dst /FFT /R:0 /MIR    とりぷる ぷぅ 技術メモ: robocopy : http://triplepulu.blogspot.com/2015/08/robocopy.html
robocopy c:\users\username\documents \\server\sharename /fft /mir /eta /r:0 /w:0    Download robocopy.exe For Windows 2003 Server / XP / 7 – TheOS.IN : http://theos.in/windows-server/free-download-windows-xp-2003-robocopy-software/
robocopy D:\ E:\backup /mir /tee /xo /fft /xd "System Volume Information" "    robocopyでWindows ディスクバックアップ - sea side she side : http://www.a10i.jp/@p=1208
robocopy D:\fotos\ M:\foto\ /E /XO /XC /R:2 /W:2 /FFT /COPY: D TCOPY: D T is the most important but no spaces    XCOPY "Access Denied" and "Unable to create directory" - [Solved] - Windows 7 : http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2054728/xcopy-access-denied-unable-create-directory.html
robocopy D:\MUSIC \\LANDISK\MUSIC /MIR /FFT /MT /XA:sh /LOG:C:\MirrorLog\MUSIC-%date:    T2-Wonderland: Windows 7の標準機能『robocopy』を使って、定期的に自動実行するタスクでフォルダをNASに同期させるよ!( `・ω・´) : http://t2wonderland.blogspot.com/2012/08/windows-7robocopynas.html
RoboCopy Job-file (with /SAVE option). The script expects all RCJ files in sub directory named jobs. Arguments /FFT /TEE will not stored in the RCJ file but are provided by the script    GitHub - alvinkwekel/RoboBackup: Backup software based on RoboCopy : http://github.com/alvinkwekel/RoboBackup
robocopy Q:\ "D:\Files and Folders\AppData\Thunderbird" /s /xa:st /xj /xd "cache" "temp" "tmp" /xo /fft /purge /tee    My Nearly-Perfect Backup Strategy – Geek On The Hill : http://www.geekonthehill.com/2016/12/31/my-nearly-perfect-backup-strategy/
robocopy s:\share t:\share_new /COPY:DATSO /TEE /E /np /W:1 /R:1 /FFT /log+:"c:\sharecopy.log"    Robocopy Errors Encountered Migrating to Isilon Shares | The Open Systems Group : http://open-systems.ufl.edu/content/robocopy-errors-encountered-migrating-isilon-shares
Robocopy Source\Share Destination\Share /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:H /W:5    How to create a quick file backup of your current save with a .bat file :: My Summer Car General Discussions (Owners) : http://steamcommunity.com/app/516750/discussions/2/154645214961110042/@l=japanese
Robocopy to use a less granular filetime comparison by specifying /FFT. /FFT translates to "assume FAT file times. And FAT file times means a granularity of 2 seconds    Mirroring files onto Linkstation Mini using Robocopy does not seem to work : http://forums.buffalotech.com/index.php@topic=16866.0
robocopy to use FAT file time as well using the /FFT switch. Now my backup script works again as expected    Using Robocopy to Backup to a NAS | leastprivilege.com : http://leastprivilege.com/2011/04/11/using-robocopy-to-backup-to-a-nas/
robocopy X:\Documents Y:\BACKUP\Documents /s /XO /FFT /DST /TEE /NP /R:2 /W:5 /LOG:robocopy_docs.log    Robocopy Invalid Parameter #7 Log - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40418395/robocopy-invalid-parameter-7-log
robocopy X:\GIS_Final\data\basedata\basemap\Data\Working\GRSM.gdb X:\GIS_Final\data\basedata\basemap\Data\Final\GRSM.gdb /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:H /W:5 /R:15 /XF    Creating a weekly FGDB backup of an SDE | GeoNet : http://community.esri.com/thread/118869
robocopy.exe "F:\Entertainment" "Z:\Entertainment" /FFT /MIR /XF    [all variants] Remote sleep/wake : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php@t=831380
robocopy.exe /E /FFT /R:1 /XJD /XJF /COPY:DT /IPG:10 c:\Temp\source C:\Temp\target     : http://igapyon.github.io/diary/2016/ig160203.html
robocopy.exe /E /FFT /R:1 /XJD /XJF /COPY:DT /IPG:10 c:\Temp\source C:\Temp\target    2016-02-03 diary: Windows OS の rsync 的なコマンド【robocopy.exe】 : http://www.igapyon.jp/igapyon/diary/2016/ig160203.html
robocopy.exe /mir /FFT /V /W:0    「robocopyでモニタリング可能なサーバ」(1) Windows Server Insider − @IT : http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/bbs/phpBB/viewtopic.php@topic=43735&forum=6
robocopy.exe C:\users\USER\documents X:\weekly\documents /MIR /XA:SH /FFT /TEE /ZB /R:2 /W:5 /LOG+:"C:\weekly.log"    Strange issue with Robocopy - Microsoft: Windows Server 2012 - Tek-Tips : http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm@qid=1780780
RoboCopy.log /R:0 /W:0 /TEE /XJD /XJF /FFT /COPY:DATSOU /SECFIX    コマンド - Robocopyコマンドのバッチファイルを管理者実行すると、LOGが出力されなくなる(90301)|teratail : http://teratail.com/questions/90231
robocopy: ... /S /FFT /XO /ZB /R:2 /V /LOG:filename    TCC 13 COPY: specified network name is no longer available. | Take Command : http://jpsoft.com/forums/threads/tcc-13-copy-specified-network-name-is-no-longer-available.7050/
Robocopy: /FFT : Assume FAT File Times (2-second date/time granularity). So what this does is force Robocopy to use FAT style time stamps which are 2-second granularity. It allows enough flexibility to account for the way the time is recorded when doing a file copy from NTFS to another file system. This is needed when going between and NTFS and Linux/Unix/FAT or emulated file system     Robocopy Incorrectly Detects Files as Newer When Copying Between Different File Systems | CoNetrix : http://conetrix.com/blog/robocopy-incorrectly-detects-files-as-newer-when-copying-between-different-file-systems
Robocopy: /FFT : Assume FAT File Times (2-second date/time granularity). So what this does is force Robocopy to use FAT style time stamps which are 2-second granularity. It allows enough flexibility to account for the way the time is recorded when doing a file copy from NTFS to another file system. This is needed when going between and NTFS and Linux/Unix/FAT or emulated file system. NTFS to FAT copying Now    Robocopy | Sasecurity Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia : http://sasecurity.wikia.com/wiki/Robocopy
ROBOCOPYC:\Users \\HomeServer\Backup\Windows-PC\Users /DCOPY:DA /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:SH /R:0 /TEE /XJD /XD AppData /XD OneDrive /XD SkyDrive    How to use robocopy in Windows for backup and sync like rsync in Linux – Black God : http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2014/08/13/how-to-use-robocopy-in-windows-for-backup-and-sync-like-rsync-in-linux/
RoboCopyTest /FFT /Z /ETA /E /XA:H /R:0 /W:1 /XO /NP /NDL /NFL /MON:1    Automate Windows Robocopy with internal changes monitor /MON:1 option - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/288753/automate-windows-robocopy-with-internal-changes-monitor-mon1-option