コマンドオプションサンプル:robocopy /MOVE


robocopy /MOVE オプション

robocopy C:\SOURCE_FOLDER_LOCATION D:\TARGET_FOLDER_LOCATION /s /e /MOVE /minage:2    batch file to delete files older then n days | Syed Jahanzaib Personal Blog to Share Knowledge ! : http://aacable.wordpress.com/tag/batch-file-to-delete-files-older-then-n-days/
robocopy "\\myuncpath\share\dir1" "\\myuncpath\share\dir2" test.xlsx /MOVE /njh /njs /ndl /nc /ns /np /nfl > temp.txt    System Command - robocopy | Dell Boomi Community : http://community.boomi.com/thread/5597
Robocopy "" "H:\" /MOVE /E    windows - Robocopy: How to move the content of a directory but KEEP the directory - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/167723/robocopy-how-to-move-the-content-of-a-directory-but-keep-the-directory/212708
ROBOCOPY /E /COPY:DATSOU /MOVE /MINLAD:730    Robocopy Syntax, Command Line Switches and Examples - Tech Journey : http://techjourney.net/robocopy-syntax-command-line-switches-and-examples/
Robocopy /e /xc /xn /xo /xx /xl /is /move 12 13    オフライン WSUS サーバーの運用について考える - DOCUMENTS.TIPS : http://documents.tips/technology/-wsus-.html
robocopy /e /zb /move /r:1 /w:1 "    vbscript | Stephen's Space on the Web : http://www.stephenjc.com/tag/vbscript/
robocopy /mov and /move to keep the same structure. If I could specify the folder to add as a parameter     LameXP v4.15 Final キ Build #2002 (2017-05-31) [Archive] - Page 2 - Doom9's Forum : http://forum.doom9.org/archive/index.php/t-157726-p-2.html
ROBOCOPY /MOVE /E "%%i" "%MoveDirDestination%\%%    進行中のWindowsコマンドラインでファイルをコピーする - batch-file - scripting | CODE Q&A [日本語] : http://code.i-harness.com/ja/q/71d9fd
robocopy /move /e "c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce" "e:\Backup From Vista\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\ce"    Eating Microsoft's Dog Food - A Self-Experiment With Windows 7, Part 1: Preparation • Helge Klein : http://helgeklein.com/blog/2009/03/eating-microsofts-dog-food-a-self-experiment-with-windows-7-part-1-preparation/
robocopy /move /e .\SublimeTextStudio\ .\ /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS /nc /ns /np    Syntax bug on rendering markdown batch %pp:~-1%a 揃 Issue #1077 揃 github/markup 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/github/markup/issues/1077
Robocopy /MOVE /E /COPYALL BadFolderNameWithTilde NewFolderName    Frontlaven: October 2014 : http://www.frontlaven.com/2014/10/
RoboCopy /move /e /xo    Robocopy Scripts for Directory Opus - Buttons/Scripts - Directory Opus Resource Centre : http://resource.dopus.com/t/robocopy-scripts-for-directory-opus/6547
robocopy /move /e sourcedir destdir    windows - How can I move the contents of one directory tree into another? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1118540/how-can-i-move-the-contents-of-one-directory-tree-into-another
Robocopy /MOVE /S /E D:\dir1\data E:\backup\data    Robocopy command syntax and examples : http://www.windows-commandline.com/robocopy-command-syntax-examples/
Robocopy /MOVE /S /E %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\ G:\backup\Desktop\ /e /np /tee /mt:4 /log+:my_backup_log.txt    my backup script using robocopy Solved - Windows 7 Help Forums : http://www.sevenforums.com/backup-restore/408671-my-backup-script-using-robocopy.html
robocopy /move /z [source] [destination]    Moving files from one drive to another using command prompt | CrazyEngineers : http://www.crazyengineers.com/threads/moving-files-from-one-drive-to-another-using-command-prompt.37807/
Robocopy /Move command and preserve the folder dates    How to copy or move files and folders whilst maintaining their original time date stamp. : http://techhead.co/how-to-copy-or-move-files-and-folders-whilst-maintaining-their-original-time-date-stamp/
Robocopy /MOVE copies and deletes    Powershell: Move Files & Folders In Directory Recursively to Another Directory 揃 GitHub : http://gist.github.com/jcefoli/b77e7f2e8d5bfd005c55
Robocopy /MOVE or /PURGE can be used to delete empty folders by setting source and destination to the same folder    Robocopy "Robust File Copy" - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/robocopy.html
Robocopy /move problem     Robocopy /move problem - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/client-operating-systems/windows-8/68851-robocopy-move-problem
robocopy /MOVE site:serverfault.com    「robocopy /ZB site:social.technet.microsoft.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=robocopy+%2FMOVE+site%3Aserverfault.com&rkf=1
Robocopy /MOVE switch     Copy the parent folder with ROBOCOPY : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/894300b8-acc6-425d-829a-c81a46711a9d/copy-the-parent-folder-with-robocopy@forum=winserverfiles
robocopy \\OldServer\SharedFolders \\NewServer\SharedFolders /e /SEC /MOVE /r:0 /w:0     RoboCopy - Windows - Server management : http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2298197
robocopy /TEE /E /MOVE /R:2 /W:1 /LOG+:c:\LOG.txt    Robocopy – Marc Kean : http://marckean.com/2009/05/06/robocopy/
Robocopy C: C:\C_root /FP /BYTES /TEE /S /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:T /MOVE /Z /ETA /XJ /R:2 /W:30 /XF pagefile.sys /XD /LOG:C:\robocopy.log    windows - Robocopy (without /l flag) running for hours making log file huge, but not actually copying anything - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/667520/robocopy-without-l-flag-running-for-hours-making-log-file-huge-but-not-actua
robocopy c:\data d:\data /S /E /DCOPY:T /MOVE /R:3     Robocopyでよく使うオプション - Windows 操作方法 Tips : http://www.ipentec.com/document/document.aspx@page=pctips-robocopy
robocopy C:\hogehoge D:\hogehoge2 /S /MOVE /MINAGE:120 /IS    ROBOCOPYをタスクスケジューラに登録する方法 | https://pnpk.net : http://pnpk.net/cms/@p=1469&page=2
robocopy c:\inetpub\backups c:\temp\delete /e /MOVE /MINAGE:30    Backup IIS 7.5 Site and MySQL 5.5 Database using Batch File on Windows 2008 - ePINIONATED : http://www.epinionated.net/backup-iis75-mysql55-batch-file-windows-2008/
robocopy C:\robo\from C:\robo\to /MOVE /E /R:2 /TEE /LOG+:C:\robo\movelog.txt    Robocopy to move subdirectores, without deleting root directory? : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/24306678/Robocopy-to-move-subdirectores-without-deleting-root-directory.html
ROBOCOPY C:\Source C:\Destination /move /minage:7    Clean Up Old Desktop Items Quickly Through Command Prompt : http://www.guidingtech.com/23495/clean-up-old-desktop-items/
robocopy C:\SOURCEDIRECTORY C:\DESTINATIONDIRECTORY /move /minage:14    New Command-Line Tools in Windows Vista & Windows 7 - TechGenix : http://techgenix.com/new-command-line-tools-windows-vista-windows-7/
ROBOCOPY C:\SourceFoldern D:\DestinationFolder /move /minage:14    NGworks : http://www.ngworks.com.au/index.php@start=80
ROBOCOPY C:\SourceFoldern D:\DestinationFolder /move /minage:14    Robocopy | REMOTE EXTENSIONS : http://www.remotextensions.com/robocopy/
robocopy C:\src C:\dst /MOVE /R:0 /E    robocopy ファイルの移動 オプション /MOVE ファイルおよびディレクトリを移動、移動後はソースから削除する /R:0 コピー失敗時の再試行回数... : http://plus.google.com/114853210318811163207/posts/7MJeqVmRq5J
robocopy C:\src C:\dst /MOVE /R:0 /E    とりぷる ぷぅ 技術メモ: robocopy : http://triplepulu.blogspot.com/2015/03/robocopy.html
robocopy c:\temp\newtemp D:\backup\mis\dev /move /minage:10    How to Use Robocopy : http://net-informations.com/q/mis/robocopy.html
robocopy c:\testing d:\testing /e /zb /copyall /dcopy:t /move - this is useful for moving files from a c drive to a d drive    Useful Tools | Geoff Does Stuff : http://www.geoffdoesstuff.com/useful-tools
ROBOCOPY C:\work C:\destination /move /minage:14     - StevenWhiting.com : http://stevenwhiting.com/blog/@p=1360
ROBOCOPY C:\work C:\destination /move /minage:14    DOS - Microsoft DOS and Windows Command Line - ROBOCOPY : http://www.zoltis.com/component/seoglossary/2-dos-microsoft-dos-and-windows-command-line/robust-file-and-folder-copy
ROBOCOPY C:\work C:\destination /move /minage:14    IgNiTeD SoUL | The Technical Information Hub : http://ignitedsoul.com/
ROBOCOPY C:\work C:\destination /move /minage:14    RoboCopy : Robust File Copy – Geekeefy : http://geekeefy.wordpress.com/2015/03/17/robocopy-robust-file-copy/
ROBOCOPY C:\work C:\destination /move /minage:14    Robocopy | Eddie Jackson : http://eddiejackson.net/wp/@p=4609
robocopy C:\YourData D:\BigFiles /S /MOVE /XA:SH /A-:SH /Min:100000000 /R:1 /W:1 /mt:32 /log: D:\BigFiles\ListOfFilesMoved.txt    Another Way to Free up Space on a Windows Hard Drive | Gizmo's Freeware : http://www.techsupportalert.com/content/another-way-free-space-windows-hard-drive.htm
robocopy D:\ Z:\ /MOVE /XO /XA:SH /NDL /R:0 /W:0    仕事で調べた情報の備忘録 : http://fanblogs.jp/iphone7/
robocopy D:\_FTPCustomers "D:\IT Services\Temp\FTPCache" /MOVE /E /XF    File retention policy (delete files after x days) - Cerberus FTP Server Discussion Board : http://www.cerberusftp.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php@t=3298
Robocopy D:sourcedata E:destinationdata /MOVE /S /E    Robocopy command for copying files in windows - Tricing : http://www.tricing.com/robocopy-command-for-copying-files-in-windows/
ROBOCOPY e:\backup e:\backuptemp /move /minage:30    vPostgres Database Backup in vCSA 5.5 - vNinja.net : http://vninja.net/virtualization/vpostgres-database-backup-vcsa-5-5/
robocopy E:\Users E:\UsersOld /E /COPYALL /move /MINAGE:1095    Microsoft Robocopy Specs, Pricing, Reviews, & Support : http://community.spiceworks.com/products/17457-microsoft-robocopy
robocopy F:\ D:\Backups\OldSystemDrive /MOVE /E /B /R:0    Robocopy move contents of a system drive to a backup drive : http://www.somacon.com/p585.php
Robocopy has walked the tree with /MOVE specified. The user must decide whether or not it issafe to delete the remaining entries    Robo copy2 : http://www.slideshare.net/oudaye/robo-copy2
robocopy is the /move parameter. It doesn't move anything    Thank you, Robocopy : sysadmin : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/35pfvi/thank_you_robocopy/
robocopy s:\source\folder1 d:\destination\folder2 /e /move /copyall /tee /log+:robo.log /w:1 /r:2    Pocket Survival Guide - OS : http://psg.skinforum.org/dos.html
Robocopy switch /MOVE to move files from the source to the destination or you can use /MOVE (notice the e) and move both files and folders. I think this is what you are looking for    How to create a backup script using Robocopy – Caught In Pixels : http://caughtinpixels.com/how-to-create-a-backup-script-using-robocopy/
Robocopy to copy/move files to various directories based on the file naming convention. This part is working just fine. I am having problem though with customizing the logging of it. I have the batch file running as a service under Windows 2003R2 so it is running continuously. I need to include the file name    Customizing the logging of a Wiindows batch file - IT Answers : http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/itanswers/customizing-the-logging-of-a-wiindows-batch-file/
robocopy to move files to the place where I want the backup to be made. I managed to find the flags /e and /move to be able to move the files from my local backup storage. I create another batch file to solve the more than two lines problem when using cmd /c    Robocopy Definition. Crossword Dictionary. : http://crosswords911.com/robocopy.html
RoboCopy.exe /MOVE /S /E" same results     How to move files on NSS64 volume and maintain compression? : http://forums.novell.com/showthread.php/506309-How-to-move-files-on-NSS64-volume-and-maintain-compression
robocopy.exe \\bck_svr\\SQLBackup \\bck_svr\Delete /e /CREATE /MOVE /MINAGE:4    January | 2013 | Nicovs' Blog : http://www.nicovs.be/2013/01/
robocopy.exe c:\Source c:\Delete /e /MOVE /MINAGE:14 /LOG+:c:\robocopy.log    Code Singh: August 2009 : http://www.codesingh.com/2009/08/