コマンドオプションサンプル:robocopy /V


robocopy /V オプション

ROBOCOPY-Logs\FOLDER.log /V /NP    Windows Robocopy - File Server Migration | PeteNetLive : http://www.petenetlive.com/KB/Article/0001233
robocopy "C:\webspace" "M:\webspace" /E /PURGE /V /NP /NFL /NDL /NS /NC /ETA /LOG:"*.*.*.*.txt" /MON:1 /R:10 /W:30    IIS 7.5 HIgh Availability Options : The Official Microsoft IIS Forums : http://forums.iis.net/t/1149918.aspx@how+to+replicate+data+to+mutliple+servers
Robocopy "-D:-\Fol-der-MyS-tuf-f" "-I:-\Mir-ror-Bac-kup-" /MIR /W:3 /R:1 /LOG:"i-:/l-og.t-xt-" /NP /V /TEE /XJ /XF Thumbs.db /MIR Mirror mode. /R:1 Try to copy 1 more time a file if the copy fails. /W:3 Wait 3 seconds before re-try to copy the fail file. /LOG-:"i:-/lo-g.t-xt" Save the log to a file. /V Produce Verbose output    Robocopy Cheat Sheet by RomelSan - Download free from Cheatography - Cheatography.com: Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion : http://www.cheatography.com/romelsan/cheat-sheets/robocopy/
robocopy "\\361-efscindc03\Groups\Fixed Fee Billing" "\\361-efsci ndc02\Groups\Fixed Fee Billing" /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /V /TEE /LOG:roboco py.log     Robocopy : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ja-JP/b1c8db50-f754-4434-afd0-fec201ef4845/robocopy@forum=winservergen
robocopy "\\shares\abc\123\456 -789" "E:\File Share\123 Network" /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /TEE /log:"c:\robocopylog.txt"     RoboCopy - Windows - Server management : http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2488695
robocopy "" "" /MIR /V /NP /TEE /LOG:"%    Microsoft Robocopy vs Linux NAS: Robocopy Pitfalls | IT affinity! : http://itaffinity.wordpress.com/2013/01/05/microsoft-robocopy-vs-linux-nas-robocopy-pitfalls/
robocopy "B:" "F:\Backups\Target" /S /SEC /COPYALL /V /NP /LOG:"F:\Backups\Robocopy-log.txt" /Z /R:10 /W:30     Image Convertor Plus - Image Backup & Reduce Batch File : http://www.edugeek.net/forums/scripts/59761-image-convertor-plus-image-backup-reduce-batch-file.html
ROBOCOPY "C:\Documents and Settings\KojiI\My Documents" Mailbox.pst Mailbox.pub "E:\My Documents" /S /E /V /PURGE    いろいろ(メモなど) windows : http://takugtuu.blog.fc2.com/blog-category-41.html
robocopy "C:\test1" "F:\Backup\test1" /s /v /mir    robocopy ミラーリング: IT備忘録 : http://nofx2.txt-nifty.com/it/2006/03/robocopy__aff4.html
robocopy "C:\Users" "T:\Backup" /MIR /XA:SH /XD AppData /XJD /R:5 /W:8 /V /ETA /LOG:Backup.log /TEE    [Solved] Robocopy With User Prompts : http://www.computing.net/answers/programming/robocopy-with-user-prompts/27480.html
Robocopy "C:\Users\Greg Shultz" "F:\TheBackup" /MIR /XA:SH /XD AppData /XJD /R:5 /W:15 /MT:32 /V /NP /LOG:Backup.log    How to use Robocopy to quickly back up all your data in Windows 10 - TechRepublic : http://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-quickly-back-up-just-your-data-in-windows-10-with-robocopys-multi-threaded-feature/
robocopy "c:\Users\Lamar" "\\grantserver09\Backup\LFowler12" /E /V /XO /XA:H /LOG:"Backup_Log.txt" /FFT /ZB /R:1 /W:1 /tee    my backup script using robocopy Solved - Windows 7 Help Forums : http://www.sevenforums.com/backup-restore/395401-help-robocopy-user-backups.html
robocopy "C:\Users\Sina\Desktop\folder" "C:\Users\Sina\Desktop\newfolder" /E /CREATE /PURGE /V /NP /XD nothisfolder    Moving Users, Document and settings, or Home folder to another partition or disk | Sina Salek Official Site : http://sina.salek.ws/content/another-way-mirror-two-folders-under-linux-windows
robocopy "D:" "K:" /L /v    進行中のWindowsコマンドラインでファイルをコピーする - batch-file - scripting | CODE Q&A [日本語] : http://code.i-harness.com/ja/q/1638fa1
robocopy "D:\AOMEI" "Z:\ServerDriveCopy" /MIR /S /V /NP /Z /R:10 /W:30 (The only difference is the colon after Z    Robocopy /Network problem copying files : need help please - Windows 10 Forums : http://www.tenforums.com/performance-maintenance/68385-robocopy-network-problem-copying-files-need-help-please.html
robocopy "d:\cartellaa" "d:\cartellab" /V /E /R:2 /W:5 /MIR /COPY:DT /LOG:c:\autoitprove\robocopy\log\provalog.log    Adding progress bar to use with robocopy - AutoIt GUI Help and Support - AutoIt Forums : http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/112622-adding-progress-bar-to-use-with-robocopy/
robocopy "D:\Downloads" "E:\Downloads" /mir /zb /copyall /secfix /timfix /dcopy:t /mt:100 /tee /fp /ts /v /x /log:test.txt    Alternatives to Robocopy? : DataHoarder : http://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/7ezc0j/alternatives_to_robocopy/
robocopy "D:\program files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS\user" "\\backup-02\E\user" /MIR /ZB /R:3 /V /FP /M /LOG:sync.log /TEE    Ahsay Knowledge Base & Discussion Forum • Only backup files newer than a certain date. : http://forum.ahsay.com/viewtopic.php@t=7406
Robocopy "G:\BEKDocs" "V:\BEKDocs" /MIR /XJD /R:5 /W:15 /MT:32 /V /NP /LOG:RoboCopy.log     Time change messes incremental backup (XP Pro SP2) | Windows Secrets Lounge : http://windowssecrets.com/forums/showthread.php/148378-Batch-file-won-t-run
robocopy "J:\SharedFolders\testuser" "K:\NewSharedFolders" /E /COPYALL /V /NP /B /R:10 /W:30    RVTOOLS - Script works when run with Local Logon but not with Scheduled Task or BladeLogic - Mark Minasi's Tech Forum : http://newforum.minasi.com/post/robocopy-gui-8188506
robocopy "SourceDrive:\" "DestinationDrive:\Backup" /MIR /E /SEC /V /NP /LOG:"c:\homerobocopy.log" /R:10 /W:30    Robocopy questions : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/28978358/Robocopy-questions.html
robocopy "V:\main" "V:\mirror" /MIR /R:0 /W:0 /V /DCOPY:T /LOG:"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\v.log" /TEE /XJD /XJF /NP /XD "    メモ: Windows上でのフォルダのミラーリング : http://km-d.blogspot.com/2013/11/windows_18.html
robocopy "x:\Shared" "D:\Backup.Netware" /E /Z /MIR /TEE /V /FP /R:5 /W:5 /LOG:20081008.log     Copy files after certain creation date and retain folder structure - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/server-operating-systems/windows-server-2000-2003-2003-r2/29318-bsod-error-code-d1
robocopy "Z:\LocatieA" "D:\LocatieB" /E /V /NP /LOG+:"D:\logbestand.txt" /ZB /R:10 /W:30    Bestands 'migratie' met RoboCopy : http://www.vds-it.nl/software/overig/157-bestands-migratie-met-robocopy
robocopy (robocopy Z:\WORKFORCE\OFC E:\repository\qc\WORK\OFC /s /e /dcopy:t /mt:64 /r:100 /w:5 /v /tee /log:robo.log)     Process for QC Migration from One server to another - Micro Focus SW Community : http://community.softwaregrp.com/t5/Quality-Center-ALM-Practitioners/Process-for-QC-Migration-from-One-server-to-another/td-p/999640
robocopy /b /e /xa:s /xjd /sl /a-:hs /mt /v /fp /eta /log:"D:\To\Directory\transfer.log" /tee "C:\From\Directory" "D:\To\Directory"    A bunch of robocopy flags to help backup an external drive. 揃 GitHub : http://gist.github.com/archagon/5791332
robocopy /E /V /DCOPY:T /A-:R D: C:\tmp\windows    Windows 7 のインストールディスクに Windows Update を適用して初回のアップデートを短縮してみました - ほのぼのぼのぼの : http://9bo.hateblo.jp/entry/2017/03/26/235115
robocopy /E /V /DCOPY:T /A-:R k: d:\discWin7Sp1    Windows7SP1 ディスクに ロールアップKB3125574 を統合する : http://blog.techlab-xe.net/archives/4656
robocopy /E /V /dcopy:T /NP /LOG:robocopylog\%1.log /TEE E:\ %1    ROBOCOPYコマンドでDVDディスクを安全にコピーする - Orient Hacker Labs : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/thk+2/20110321/1300690383
robocopy /MIR /W:3 /R:100 /NS /NFL /NP /v /xc /xn /xo    DreamcastCdiTool/launcher.bat at master 揃 ArtemBogush/DreamcastCdiTool 揃 GitHub : http://github.com/ArtemBogush/DreamcastCdiTool/blob/master/DreamcastCdiTool/launcher.bat
robocopy /s /e /v /c    Robocopy Syntax, Command Line Switches and Examples - Tech Journey : http://techjourney.net/robocopy-syntax-command-line-switches-and-examples/
robocopy /v /s /e /copyall /xo /xn src dest    【無制限】 オンラインストレージ SafeSync 3TB 【おかわり】 - ネットなんでも情報局 : http://blog.livedoor.jp/j2ch-net/archives/51776802.html
robocopy \\cbgdata3\shared E:\shared /E /SEC /V /NP /PURGE /LOG:synclogs.txt /R:1 /W:3 : http://www.chicagotech.net/netforums/viewtopic.php@f=3&t=14663
robocopy \\netapp\path\Sharename T: /E /Z /B /COPYALL /FP /V /MON:5 /R:1 /W:1 /MT:10 /xd    RoboCopy switches, syntax, parametersDaniel L. Benway's IT Blog : http://daniellbenway.net/robocopy-switches/
robocopy \\source_share\folder \\destination_share\folder /E /V /ZB /R:1 /W:1 /NP /COPYALL /LOG:c:\robocopy.log     Fileserver Migration with robocopy - NetApp Community : http://community.netapp.com/t5/Data-ONTAP-Discussions/Fileserver-Migration-with-robocopy/td-p/118615
robocopy \\SourceServer\ShareName\\DesinationServer\ShareName /E /ZB /R:3 /W:3 /COPY:DATSOU /MIR /LOG:C:\Logs\Results-ShareName.txt /V /NP    Migrating File Shares from SBS to Windows Server 2016 Essentials Experience – ITProMentor : http://www.itpromentor.com/sbs-2016-files/
robocopy /XO /ZB /E /FFT /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /NDL /MT:20 /LOG:    How to use Robocopy and RichCopy to Migrate TB of data | mcloudinfo.wordpress.com : http://mcloudinfo.wordpress.com/2014/10/22/how-to-use-robocopy-and-richcopy-to-migrate-tb-of-data/
robocopy a b /v > log.txt but it would still show the skipped lines. Was an internal thought that somehow got communicated here    avoid existing file details of destination folder in Robocopy log - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16108640/avoid-existing-file-details-of-destination-folder-in-robocopy-log
ROBOCOPY C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents E:\My Documents /S /V /R:1 /W:1/MIR    めもちょう: ROBOCOPYコマンドの基本構文 : http://tcp-udp.blogspot.com/2009/03/
robocopy C:\EMPTY_DIRECTORY C:\DIRECTORY_WITH_SUB_OR_FILE_TOO_LONG\...\ /PURGE /W:1 /R:1 /V /S    Steve Bryant: Getting Around Windows 7 "Destination Path Too Long" Error When Deleting Files : http://www.bryantwebconsulting.com/blog/index.cfm/2012/1/19/Getting-Around-Windows-7-Destination-Path-Too-Long-Error-When-Deleting-Files
robocopy C:\folder\ Z:\folder_DATE /E /ZB /COPYALL /NP /V /LOG:F:\backup_log.txt    windows server 2008 - Specifying date in robocopy destination folder - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/294391/specifying-date-in-robocopy-destination-folder
robocopy C:\source\folder\path\ D:\destination\folder\path\ /S /E /Z /ZB /R:5 /W:5 /TBD /NP /V /MT:32    How to use Robocopy multi-threaded feature to speed up file copy on Windows 10 • Pureinfotech : http://pureinfotech.com/robocopy-multithreaded-file-copy-windows-10/
robocopy c:\src c:\dest_path /MIR /COPYALL /NP /V /BYTES /NDL /NJH : http://takumicloud.jp/blog/2016/06/24/windows-customlog-to-cloudwatchlogs/
robocopy C:\WalkerData G:\WalkerData /MIR /ZB /R:3 /V /FP /LOG:D:\sync.log /TEE    How To Use Robocopy To Sync Backup Files In Windows 7? – Walker News : http://www.walkernews.net/2009/11/17/how-to-use-robocopy-to-sync-backup-files-in-windows-7/
robocopy D:\ \\FS02\d /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /TEE /LOG:Robocopy1.log    File server migration using Robocopy | ComputerTechBlog : http://www.computertechblog.com/file-server-migration-using-robocopy/
robocopy D:\_Personal_A_L F:\Home_PC\_Personal_A_L /mir /z /xa:sh /xjd /R:5 /W:15 /MT:32 /v /np /log:home_backup1.log    David Yardy - Team Work Counts : http://davidyardy.com/archive/personal-pc-backup-strategies-including-redundancy/
ROBOCOPY D:\2013 "F:\2013" /MIR /V /R:1 /A-:H /LOG+:LogD-Photo.txt    3.PC&撮影機材 - グーとモコの写真ブログ : http://goo10moco.blog65.fc2.com/category16-1.html
robocopy d:\directory F:\backup\directory /s /e /TIMFIX /SEC /v /R:5    Batch file to log in using static IP with u.name and password - Windows 7 : http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/213903-46-robocopy-errorlevel-batch-file-usage
ROBOCOPY D:\WORK E:\ROBOCOPY /V /TEE /S /E /COPY:DAT /B /R:5 /W:2 /NP /LOG:E:\ROBOCOPYLOG_061117B.TXT. Note OnTrack will do offset read/writes to try to get things ROBOCOPY can't    Gordon's Tech: December 2006 : http://tech.kateva.org/2006/12/
robocopy e: . /COPY:DATD /E /V /TS /FP /BYTES /ETA /R:1000000 /W:30 /LOG:filecopy.txt /MT:128 /TEE    Robust File Copy, SafeCopy , generating forensic logs, eDiscoverySquadeDiscoverySquad Litigation Support Services : http://ediscoverysquad.com/free-tool-with-windows-for-robust-file-copy-performance-and-generating-forensic-logs/
robocopy E: F: /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /TEE /LOG:Robocopy.log    Hyper-V - Incorrect function when trying to move files - Evotec : http://evotec.xyz/hyper-v-incorrect-function-when-trying-to-move-files/
ROBOCOPY L: V: /MIR /SEC /Z /R:2 /W:1 /V /TS /FP /NP /XA:SH /MT:16 /XD "System Volume Information"    Migrate an old file server to a transparent failover file server with continuous availability - Working Hard In IT : http://blog.workinghardinit.work/2014/08/04/migrate-an-old-file-server-to-a-transparent-failover-file-server-with-continuous-availability/
robocopy q:\ g:\root\ /MIR /SEC /SECFIX /V /B /TIMFIX /r:1 /w:1    Data Migration using robocopy – Cyberfella Ltd : http://www.cyberfella.co.uk/2014/05/22/data-migration-using-robocopy/
robocopy s d /MIR /MOT:10 /LOG:l /TS /FP /V /XD n    robocopyのオプション指定方法について NAS間でバックアップを取… - 人力検索はてな : http://q.hatena.ne.jp/1255227834
robocopy source dest /copy:DATSO /S /E /XO /B /Z /R:1 /W:0 /V /TEE Log File    File server migration when you lack permissions - Windows Server - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/1527198-robocopy-command-to-copy-modified-files-with-security-permisions
robocopy source destination /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /TEE /LOG:Robocopy.log    Use Robocopy to move shares with permissions. – NCOL.NET : http://www.ncol.net/use-robocopy-to-move-shares-with-permissions/
robocopy source_folder destination_folder /secfix /copy:SOU /r:3 /w:3 /log:logfile.log /V /NP. This will synchronize the file security information between source and destination. It will not ..    「robocopy /ZB site:social.technet.microsoft.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=robocopy+%2FSEC+site%3Acommunity.spiceworks.com&rkf=1
robocopy src dst /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /TEE /LOG:Robocopy.log     robocopy example [windows] : http://blog.radunchev.com/2016/01/01/robocopy-example-windows/
robocopy to transfer several directories. I am using /LOG to log the files out to a specified file. I would also like to use /V to display the verbose output. It seems as though this doesn't work in PowerShell like it used to in batch. Any advise or work around for this    Robocopy with Powershell - Verbose output with /LOG - PowerShell General - Ask the Experts - IDERA Community : http://community.idera.com/powershell/ask_the_experts/f/learn_powershell_from_don_jones-24/5944/robocopy-with-powershell---verbose-output-with-log
robocopy v:\audit u:\audit /E /ZB /EFSRAW /COPYALL /DCOPY:T /V /LOG:robo.txt /TEE    Fix my IT system: Using Robocopy for enhance file transfer and management : http://fixmyitsystem.com/2011/04/
robocopy W:\ X:\ /MIR /R:1 /W:1 /TEE /XJD /copy:DT /V /XA:SH /LOG:nas-2-nas.log    Copying from Mycloud to Home - My Cloud Home - WD Community : http://community.wd.com/t/copying-from-mycloud-to-home/215087
robocopy X:\tobebackedup\ E:\backuplocation\ /S /SEC /R:1 /W:1 /V /LOG:c:\robologs\robolog-logfilename.txt    Sybase minor upgrade – service pack part1 | SAP Blogs : http://blogs.sap.com/2016/06/18/sybase-minor-upgrade-service-pack-part1/
robocopy z: n: someimage.wim /V /TEE    How to add a file copy progress indicator to scripts - Virtualization Howto : http://www.virtualizationhowto.com/2012/08/how-to-add-file-copy-progress-indicator-scripts/
robocopy Z:\ /copyall /s /xc /xn /xo /v /log:C:\WalletFileRestore.txt "D:\Shared Folder    Ransomware Case Study: How to Restore Affected Files without an Incremental Backup System : http://www.lewan.com/blog/ransomware-case-study-how-to-restore-affected-files-without-an-incremental-backup-system
robocopy z:\ y:\ /Copy:DATSO/MT:12 /R:5 /V /E /TEE /w:5 /log:test.log    File Migration Series – Design and Testing – Notes from MWhite : http://notesfrommwhite.net/2014/08/17/file-migration-series-design-and-testing/
robocopy.exe "\\oldserver\bigfolder" "D:\newfolder" /LOG:d:\temp\log.txt /MT:32 /E /W:5 /Z /V /R:6\r\n    Vbscript Robocopy | Peter Viola : http://www.peterviola.com/tag/vbscript-robocopy/
robocopy.exe "C:\my documents" "\\Ls-gle6f\share\jimu\my documents" /s /v /b    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part4 : http://pc11.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1199423175/
robocopy.exe "C:\my documents" "\\Ls-gle6f\share\jimu\my documents" /s /v /b    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part4 : http://www.bookshelf.jp/2ch/software/1199423175.html
ROBOCOPY.EXE "S:\some folder" R:\ /E /DCOPY:DAT /TIMFIX /XJ /XJD /XJF /XF "some files" /XD "some folders" /R:5 /W:5 /X /V /TS /FP /BYTES /TEE /UNILOG+:S:\somefolder\Robocopy.log /MT:128    bsod - 100% CPU usage of robocopy and system - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1162718/100-cpu-usage-of-robocopy-and-system
robocopy.exe /mir /FFT /V /W:0    「robocopyでモニタリング可能なサーバ」(1) Windows Server Insider − @IT : http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/bbs/phpBB/viewtopic.php@topic=43735&forum=6
robocopy.exe for copying a particular nsf with an example syntax:Syntax used by meC:\jaga\Robocopy.exe /E /R:1 /W:2 /X /V /IS D:\Data\corp\emits.nsf C:\jaga\Backup >>C:\jaga\Backup\backup.logOutput is as follows:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------ROBOCOPY v 1.54 : Robust File Copy for Windows NT : by kevina    NFIXUP.exe and NCOMPACT.exe - IT Answers : http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/itanswers/nfixupexe-and-ncompactexe/
ROBOCOPY.exe" "\\FileDATA\Kaisya-DATA" "\\BackUpServer\Kaisya-DATA-NEW" /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /X /V /TS /FP /NP /ETA /LOG+:"D:\LOG\RoboCopyReport%TIMELINE%.log" /TEE    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part7 : http://anago.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1323650265/
Robocopy.log /V /NP    Robocopy File Migration – d8taDude : http://d8tadude.com/2017/04/26/robocopy-file-migration/
robocopy: ... /S /FFT /XO /ZB /R:2 /V /LOG:filename    TCC 13 COPY: specified network name is no longer available. | Take Command : http://jpsoft.com/forums/threads/tcc-13-copy-specified-network-name-is-no-longer-available.7050/
robocopylog\FinalMirror\Finance.log /v /NP    Migrate File Server from Server 2003 to 2008R2 or 2012 with Robocopy(with ntfs permissions) - Burak Uト殷r : http://www.burak-ugur.com/windows-server-2012-r2/migrate-file-server-from-server-2003-to-2008r2-or-2012-with-robocopy-with-ntfs-permissions
robocopylog\FinalMirror\Sales.log /v /NP    Migrate File Server from Server 2003 to 2008R2 or 2012 - ShabazTech : http://shabaztech.com/migrate-file-server-from-server-2003-to-2008r2-or-2012/