コマンドオプションサンプル:robocopy /XD


robocopy /XD オプション

Robocopy's /XD (Exclude Directory)    RoboCopy and Win 10 - Extra directories copied : http://www.geekzone.co.nz/forums.asp@forumid=45&topicid=222602
robocopy "..\BehindTheCode.ExtensionCommonWeb\Common" "Common" /COPY:DAT /R:1000000 /W:30 /S /FP /E /XD bin App_Data ConfigSections My    Behind the Code – Execute CMD files directly from Visual Studio : http://www.behindthecode.net/wordpress/execute-cmd-files-directly-from-visual-studio/
Robocopy "\\server\my files" "\\NAS\My Document" /E /XD backup download /XF    NGworks : http://www.ngworks.com.au/index.php@start=80
robocopy "\\source path" "\\2nd destination path" /S /E /V /NP /MOV /XD in /R:10 /W:30    ROBOCOPY and not existing folder "c:\Users\"MyUser"\Doc - Windows 7 Help Forums : http://www.sevenforums.com/general-discussion/358471-robocopy-mov-two-destination-folders.html
robocopy "\\source\location" "\\destination\location" /XD "\\source\location\exclude"    File server migration when you lack permissions - Windows Server - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/1723959-robocopy-xd-refuses-to-work
robocopy "" "" /e /b /copyall /r:6 /w:5 /MT:64 /xd DfsrPrivate /tee /log: /v    How to use Robocopy to Preseed Files for DFS Replication – Tyler Woods : http://tylermade.net/2017/05/04/how-to-use-robocopy-to-preseed-files-for-dfs-replication/
robocopy "" "" /XD "" /XF "    Analyze Robocopy log files and mail the result | Powershell Administrator Blog : http://powershelladministrator.com/2014/05/03/analyze-robocopy-log-files-and-mail-the-result/
robocopy "C:\_CopyFoldersIncludingTimeDateStamps" "C:\_CopyFoldersIncludingTimeDateStamps - Copy" /COPY: /E /XD "System Volume Information"    LLBest - Free Download & Tutorial - When Copying Folders, How to Also Copy the Time/Date Stamps : http://www.llbest.com/@P=96
robocopy "c:\Documents and Settings" "e:\Backup\David\Documents and Settings" /R:0 /W:0 /MIR /PURGE /TEE /LOG+:e:\David.log /XD "Temporary Internet Files"    Moosteria: Using robocopy on Vista : http://moosteria.blogspot.com/2009/05/using-robocopy-on-vista.html
robocopy "C:\sample" "y:" /mir /xd "C:\sample\exclude"    無名のプログラマの記録帳 : http://mumeinopg.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-6.html
robocopy "C:\Users" "T:\Backup" /MIR /XA:SH /XD AppData /XJD /R:5 /W:8 /V /ETA /LOG:Backup.log /TEE    [Solved] Robocopy With User Prompts : http://www.computing.net/answers/programming/robocopy-with-user-prompts/27480.html
robocopy "C:\Users\" "F:\robocopy\" /XJD /R:0 /XA:SH /E /ZB /XO /XD "Downloads" "AppData" /LOG:robocopy.log /TEE    ROBOCOPY Backup best practices | Virtual Remote Networking : http://virtualremote.net/networking-solutions/robocopy-backup-best-practices/
Robocopy "C:\Users\Greg Shultz" "F:\TheBackup" /MIR /XA:SH /XD AppData /XJD    How to use Robocopy to quickly back up all your data in Windows 10 - TechRepublic : http://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-quickly-back-up-just-your-data-in-windows-10-with-robocopys-multi-threaded-feature/
robocopy "C:\Users\Sina\Desktop\folder" "C:\Users\Sina\Desktop\newfolder" /E /CREATE /PURGE /V /NP /XD nothisfolder    Moving Users, Document and settings, or Home folder to another partition or disk | Sina Salek Official Site : http://sina.salek.ws/content/another-way-mirror-two-folders-under-linux-windows
robocopy "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default" D:\BACKUP\UserName\Chrome /mir /tee /log+:UserName-data.log /xd "C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache" /r:2 /w:2    Windows 7 Backup | g.fisk : http://www.gfisk.com/windows-7-backup/
robocopy "c:SourceDir" c:DestDir /s /MINLAD:2 /R:3 /W:3 /MOVE /NP /XD NoPurge >C:toolsTodaysPurges.log    Windows Server 2003 Date Accessed information on files - IT Answers : http://itknowledgeexchange.techtarget.com/itanswers/windows-server-2003-date-accessed-information-on-files/
robocopy "D:" "S:\D1" /DCOPY:DAT /COPY:DAT /MIR /XD "    コマンド - Robocopyコマンドのバッチファイルを管理者実行すると、LOGが出力されなくなる(90301)|teratail : http://teratail.com/questions/31087
ROBOCOPY "L:" "C:\L" /MIR /CREATE /XD "    気軽に「こんなソフトありませんか?」Part.170 : http://anago.2ch.sc/test/read.cgi/software/1438995867/
robocopy "m:" "o:" /MIR /R:0 /W:3 /LOG:"d:\M-O_backup.log" /NDL /TEE /XJD /XJF /FFT /DCOPY:T /SEC /XD "System Volume Information" "    2015年09月 : Unityメモ : http://unitymemo.blog.jp/archives/2015-09.html
robocopy "R:\Google" "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Google" /MIR /XO /XJ /NP /NFL /NDL /NJH /R:2 /W:1 /MOT:15 /MON:20 /XD "R:\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache" /XD "R:\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Media Cache"    Elementum 線路は続くよ@初音ミク | 緊急無料肝炎ウィルス検査 | RAMディスクにデータを移行して同期させるバッチファイル : http://kiron00.blog60.fc2.com/@m&no=791
robocopy "X:" "Y:" /E /B /R:3 /W:3 /XD "X:\     VeraCrypt / Forums / General Discussion:Bug: VC allocates memory but does NOT release it! Memory usage 85% : http://sourceforge.net/p/veracrypt/discussion/general/thread/e7127beb/
ROBOCOPY (doesnt come with xp because its rubbish) - make a batch script for it and use task scheduler to run it whenever or use a desktop shortcut to run it etcsimple example:robocopy /s c:\ e:\BACKUP /xj /xd windows    Batch file to log in using static IP with u.name and password - Windows 7 : http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/283019-32-fat32-ntfs-decision-drives
robocopy /E /DCOPY:T e:\ f:\ /XD "System Volume Information"    ハングアップの日々 (2012/08) : http://k-takata.o.oo7.jp/diary/2012-08.html
robocopy /mir "D:\iTunes Media" "F:\iTunes Media" /xd "D:\iTunes Media\Mobile Applications" "D:\iTunes Media\Books" "D:\iTunes Media\Home Videos"pauserobocopy /mir "D:\VirtualDJ" "F:\VirtualDJ"pauserobocopy /mir "C:\Users\madmax\Documents\VirtualDJ" "F:\My Documents VirtualDJ"pauserobocopy "C:\Users\madmax\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music Library.xml" "F:\iTunes Music Library.xml"    VIRTUAL DJ SOFTWARE - Dropbox, Virtual DJ 8, Itunes, Migration from laptop to external. Library management on PC. : http://es.virtualdj.com/forums/195492/VirtualDJ_7_Technical_Support_(PC_Version)/Dropbox__Virtual_DJ_8__Itunes__Migration_from_laptop_to_external___Library_management_on_PC_.html
robocopy /mir "src dir" "dis dir" /S /XD "    Windows ファイル同期 robocopy - 百式改 : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/type100s/20100304/1267684105
robocopy /MIR /DCOPY:DAT /XJ /xd "hogehoge" /xf "piyo"    Windows 8 が死んだので再インストールした - enkunkun's blog : http://enkunkun.hatenablog.jp/entry/2014/05/26/054956
robocopy /xd example    Auden petition analysis of covariance | jzfhodz... : http://www.scoop.it/t/jzfhodz/p/4084551137/2017/09/10/auden-petition-analysis-of-covariance
Robocopy /XD proper usage when looking for folder names in random locations     Robocopy /XD proper usage when looking for folder names in random locations : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/4805b9cd-e454-47f9-9cda-af5d65ad0eb9/robocopy-xd-proper-usage-when-looking-for-folder-names-in-random-locations@forum=w7itproappcompat
Robocopy /XD switch with wildcards    Re: Robocopy /XD switch with wildcards? : http://www.tech-archive.net/Archive/Windows/microsoft.public.windows.server.scripting/2006-04/msg00577.html
robocopy /xd syntax. I also found that the /fft switch prevented files being missed due to slight timestamp differences    The Coding Fifer : http://codingfifer.blogspot.com/
robocopy /Z /E /R:0 /W:0 "source" "destination" /XD "Temp" "Temporary Internet Files" /XJ [quotes on temp folders are required    How to use Robocopy - Resolve : http://resolve.co.uk/blog/article/an-introductory-guide-to-robocopy
robocopy /Z /E /R:0 /W:0 /XD "Temp" "Temporary Internet Files" /XF pagefile.sys hiberfil.sys    How to do Windows Backups with Robocopy – Tips & Tricks | Michael McKinnon : http://michael.mckinnon.id.au/2011/06/27/how-to-do-windows-backups-with-robocopy-tips/
Robocopy \\fs01\corpdata C:\Data\CorpData /e /b /copyall /r:3 /w:1 /MT:64 /XD DfsrPrivate /tee /log:c:\robo.log /v    DFS-R Walkthrough | Dirk & Brad's Windows Blog : http://windorks.wordpress.com/2014/08/13/dfs-r-walkthrough/
robocopy \\localhost\_temp\ \\localhost\Videos /E /XD _    (REQ) UNPACK files in specified directory - SABnzbd Forums : http://forums.sabnzbd.org/viewtopic.php@t=1564
robocopy \\src\share \\dest\share /e /np /zb /sec /r:1 /w:1 /log+:logfile.txt /tee /xd \\src\share\somedirdontcopy     RoboCopy - Windows - Server management : http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2294816
robocopy \NAS\SHAREROOT\SHARE\ e:\SHARE\ /copy:DATS /e /log:C:\users\ME\desktop\ROBO.txt /np /R:0 /W:1 /XD "    Trying to migrate Windows shares, file names too long to copy. Suggestions? : sysadmin : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/3e7wcz/trying_to_migrate_windows_shares_file_names_too/
Robocopy /ZB /e /sec /copyall /TEE /MT:128 /r:1 /XD /XF /XO /purge /log:C:\copylog.txt    Terry L@u's blog: Using robocopy for file servers migration : http://terrytlslau.tls1.cc/2016/02/using-robocopy-for-file-servers.html
robocopy FILE_NAME.EXT /S /XD EX1 EX2    ディレクトリのコピー(配下すべて、ファイルは0バイト) - Qiita : http://qiita.com/knktknk/items/a991a9d0eb6d31d14c8c
robocopy /mir /R:3 /W:3 /LOG:robocopy.log /NP /TEE /XD "System Volume Information" /XF "    robocopy - 個人的によく使うオプションメモ : 備忘録 : http://golorih.exblog.jp/21438298/
Robocopy also allows you to specify which files/folders to include/exclude from the copy process. Check the /XF and /XD switches. You can even specify file sizes as an additional copy criteria    XCopy considered harmful - Robocopy or XXCopy or SyncBack - Scott Hanselman : http://www.hanselman.com/blog/XCopyConsideredHarmfulRobocopyOrXXCopyOrSyncBack.aspx
robocopy B:\ "c:\Backup" /mir /xd "System Volume Information"    Notes on Volume Shadow Copy in Windows (or How to backup open PST files via Robocopy) « rakhesh.com : http://rakhesh.com/windows/how-to-backup-open-pst-via-robocopy/
robocopy B:\ L:\DRIVEC\ /mir /b /sec /XJ /np /ndl /xd "System Volume Information" /xf hiberfil.sys pagefile.sys /log:backup.log dosdev -r -d B: pause On the first pass of the CMD file : http://www.malch.com/nikon/roboshadow.txt
robocopy C: G:BackupDisc_C /MIR /SEC /MT[8] /R:0 /W:0 /XJ /XO /XD C:Windowswinsxs "C:System Volume Information" /XF hiberfil.sys pagefile.sys    Backup lepiej jest mie ni nie mie : http://wojcieh.net/backup-lepiej-jest-miec-niz-nie-miec/
robocopy c: m: /e /r:1 /w:1 /XF hiberfil.sys msdos.sys io.sys boot.ini pagefile.sys ntldr config.sys ntdetect.com .rnd bootsect.dos autoexec.bat thumbs.db /xd config.msi msocache recycler "documents and settings" "program files" "system volume information" windows winnt     How to initiate a safer, easier file transfer using Robocopy : http://www.torrent-invites.com/software/60685-initiate-safer-easier-file-transfer-using-robocopy.html
ROBOCOPY C:\ F:\backup_all\c\ /MIR /R:0 /XJD /XJF /NP /NFL /LOG:backup_all_C.log /XD "C:\    未整理/robocopy - さうんどてすと - アットウィキ : http://www15.atwiki.jp/nano_001/pages/25.html
robocopy c:\ l:\C\ /r:1 /w:1 /mir /dcopy:T /xjd /xjf /xj /copy:DT /log+: l:\RobocopyLogC.txt /xf "desktop.ini" /xd "    Robocopy - exclude a lot of directories - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/a/28216686
robocopy C:\Folder1 C:\Backup /MIR /XD "C:\Backup\Old"    Robocopy: Command-line Usage Examples and Switches | SumTips : http://sumtips.com/2012/12/robocopy-command-line-usage-examples-and-switches.html
robocopy c:\MATLAB701\work\ f:\Luke_stuff\Miller_projects\Matlab_work_copy /MIR /XD c:\MATLAB701\work\Littorine_heat_budget\Run_output_files\    Stuff: Mirror files with robocopy : http://www.lukemiller.org/journal/2007/08/mirror-files-with-robocopy.html
robocopy C:\sample \\TargetServer\sample /MIR /XD temp /R:1 C    コマンドプロンプト robocopy - [ファイルやフォルダのユーザ情報を維持したままコピーする] : http://www.k-tanaka.net/cmd/robocopy.php
ROBOCOPY c:\src D:\dest /MIR /COPY:DT /DCOPY:T /XJ /XF Thumbs.db /XD "    windows 10 - Why does robocopy still try to copy Thumbs.db even with XF option? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/1023939/why-does-robocopy-still-try-to-copy-thumbs-db-even-with-xf-option
robocopy C:\Users\uts d:\backup /LOG:d:\backup.log /MIR /TEE /R:0 /XD C:\Users\uts\AppData    uts: robocopy コマンドで windows 8 のデータをバックアップ : http://kyouichisato.blogspot.com/2014/03/robocopy-windows-8.html
robocopy C:\Windows.old Z:\ /MIR /XO /XA:SH /NP /NDL /R:0 /W:0 /TEE /XJD /XJF /XD "    Windows10でWindows.old削除でなくバックアップ方法 - WordPressデビュー津々浦々 : http://izu.wpblog.jp/post-277/
robocopy c:yyy d:yyy /mir /xd "hoge"    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part4 : http://pc11.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1199423175/
robocopy c:yyy d:yyy /mir /xd "hoge"    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part4 : http://www.bookshelf.jp/2ch/software/1199423175.html
robocopy D: G:\Backups /XD Images     Robocopy sets attributes on destination folder to system or hidden : Helpdesk : http://helpdesk.syneto.eu/support/solutions/articles/11000009284-robocopy-sets-attributes-on-destination-folder-to-system-or-hidden
robocopy D: N:\BAK\PC-1\D /MIR /XD BAK RECYCLER    robocopy の secfix について教えてください。 - 「スキップしたファ... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q11159850056@__ysp=cm9ib2NvcHkgL01PTg==
robocopy d:\ "z:\Big Disk" /S /Z /COPY:DT /R:3 /W:1 /NP /UNILOG:20170902Robocopylog.txt /FP /XF pagefile.sys thumbs.db /XD d:\    (Windows) Error 5 When Using RoboCopy | FreeNAS Community : http://forums.freenas.org/index.php@threads%2Ffolder-created-on-freenas-share-is-invisible-to-windows-but-can-navigate-to-it-manually.57501%2F
ROBOCOPY D:\ C:\backup /MIR /XO /XA:SH /XD "System Volume Information" /NP /NDL /R:0 /W:0    [Windows] ROBOCOPY でコピー元をドライブにすると、コピー先が隠しファイルになる : してログ - LANDHERE : http://landhere.jp/blog/a105.html
robocopy d:\ e:\ /copyall /e /xd "System Volume Information" "    y_moriokaのblog : HDD追加に伴うデータコピーでrobocopyを使用 : http://blog.livedoor.jp/y_morioka/archives/130570.html
robocopy D:\ E:\backup /mir /tee /xo /fft /xd "System Volume Information" "    robocopyでWindows ディスクバックアップ - sea side she side : http://www.a10i.jp/@p=1208
robocopy D:\ E:\backup /mir /xd "    Windowsのメモ書き robocopyで隠しフォルダができる : http://wintips.blog117.fc2.com/blog-entry-106.html
robocopy D:\ E:\D-Drive /MIR /XO /XA:SH /NP /NDL /R:0 /W:0 /TEE /XJD /XJF /XD "    ハードディスクの寿命:ねっとオヤジは暇オヤジ (ネット親父は暇おやじ) : http://s.webry.info/sp/net-oyaji.at.webry.info/201705/article_11.html
robocopy E: F: /mir /XD "E:\System Volume Information" /XD "E:\RECYCLER"    robocopyでミラーしてみると | ひがんばな日記録 - 忍者 : http://higambana.blog.shinobi.jp/Entry/85/
robocopy E: W: /E /COPYALL /XA:SH /R:3 /W:10 /TEE /NP /LOG+:G:\tmp\robocopy_E.txt /XD "    壊れたと思ったら直ったHDD : らいっちのPC奮闘記 : http://raipc.livedoor.biz/archives/51901115.html
ROBOCOPY e:\ f:\ /B /PURGE /E /DCOPY:T /XJD /XD "    Backup – locally and online – Jan H. Andersen : http://www.jhandersen.com/967/backup-locally-and-online/
ROBOCOPY e:\ h:\ /E /XO /XA:SH /NP /NDL /R:0 /W:0 /LOG:robocopy.log /xd "    Memo/Windows - DEX Lab : http://dexlab.net/pukiwiki/index.php@Memo%2FWindows
robocopy E:\ H:\ /MIR /DCOPY:T /MON:1 /ZB /LOG+:C:\10.Robocopy-Log\robocopy.log /NP /XD "    robocopyで外付けHDDにデータをミラーリング – お水さんの : http://miz.blue/robocopy_mirroring/
robocopy E:\ X:\ /mir /w:5 /XD "System Volume Information" /r:1 /LOG:"    [質問] フォルダ移動時のアクセス権設定消滅 | syszo : http://syszo.com/items/uQyiZpm7eD
robocopy e:\[source] p:\[destination] /e /z /zb /copy:datsou /purge /XD software /XF priv1.edb /MON:10 /MOT:10 /RH:1930-0800 /log:c:\log.txt    Knowall IT - Private Cloud Computing : http://www.knowall.net/blog/robocopy-for-data-moves-and-backups/
robocopy e:\from\ d:\to\ /S /E /XO /NP /NDL /R:0 /XO /XD "e:\    Windowsのコマンドラインでファイルコピーするならxcopyよりrobocopy - WEBお笑いエンジニアの日記 : http://turkey-hate.hatenablog.com/entry/20130712
robocopy E:\MyName\Documents\ \\ENTERPRISE\Documents\Robocopy\ /V /TEE /S /E /PURGE /MIR /NP /XJD /R:3 /W:1 /log:E:\MyName\Documents\logs\2016-01-04_Documents.txt /XD \\ENTERPRISE\Documents\Robocopy\ E:\MyName\Documents\Downloads     Time change messes incremental backup (XP Pro SP2) | Windows Secrets Lounge : http://windowssecrets.com/forums/showthread.php/173777-Slight-problem-with-Robocopy
Robocopy encounters an /XF or /XD switch     : http://ima.udg.edu/~marcf/WinXP/robocopy.xhtml
Robocopy encounters an /XF or /XD switch    Doc Robocopy : http://mclaveau.com/gvrac/robo.html
Robocopy F: \\INSPIRONBACKUP\F_Insp1900 /E /XD dirs     Robocopy /MIR : http://www.eightforums.com/performance-maintenance/37280-robocopy-mir.html
robocopy F:\ J:\ /e /dcopy:t /xo /xa:sh /xj /unicode /eta /xd "    Windows Vista / 7 案複製、移動、同指令:robocopy – Qoding Style : http://blog.qoding.us/2011/02/windows-vista-7-files-copy-move-mirror-command-robocopy/
robocopy G: C:\backup /MIR /XD G:\dir1 "G:\dir 2" G:\dir3 ... Apparently    「robocopy /ZB site:social.technet.microsoft.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=robocopy+%2FLEV+site%3Asuperuser.com&rkf=1
ROBOCOPY G:\ H:\ /MIR /XD "System Volume Information" /R:5 /MON:1 /MOT:30    PCのバックアップ(ミラーリング)設定で、ROBOCOPYコマンドがあることに気づきました。:破壊的イノベーションでキャズム越え:オルタナティブ・ブログ : http://blogs.itmedia.co.jp/katabami/2009/08/pcrobocopy-182f.html
robocopy g:\ h:\ /mir /zb /xd "System Volume Information"     Windowsの「robocopy」コマンドでフォルダをバックアップ/同期させる:Tech TIPS - @IT : http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/0704/20/news130.html
robocopy G:\Ramdisk\FirefoxPortable R:\FirefoxPortable /ZB /MIR /XF "parent.lock" /XD "Cache" /LOG:G:\Ramdisk\Log\LoadRAMDisk.log    イツキの爪磨ぎ跡: Win7 x64でRAMDisk + Firefox Portable 3 (完結編) : http://ituki-iii.blogspot.com/2011/05/win7-x64ramdisk-firefox-portable-3.html
ROBOCOPY L: V: /MIR /SEC /Z /R:2 /W:1 /V /TS /FP /NP /XA:SH /MT:16 /XD "System Volume Information"    Migrate an old file server to a transparent failover file server with continuous availability - Working Hard In IT : http://blog.workinghardinit.work/2014/08/04/migrate-an-old-file-server-to-a-transparent-failover-file-server-with-continuous-availability/
Robocopy on the other hand does ignore all directories specified by multiple /xd directory exclusions    Data Migration using emcopy – Cyberfella Ltd : http://www.cyberfella.co.uk/2014/05/02/emcopy/
robocopy P: M: /MIR [/ZB] /XD "System Volume Information"    FSRM and Data Deduplication may be adversely affected when you use Robocopy /MIR in Windows Server 2012 : http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2834834/fsrm-and-data-deduplication-may-be-adversely-affected-when-you-use-rob
robocopy projects[i] projects[i-1] /XD "Library" /XO /E /XX /XL    architecture - How to nest one Unity project into another? - Game Development Stack Exchange : http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/124474/how-to-nest-one-unity-project-into-another
robocopy Q:\ "D:\Files and Folders\AppData" /s /xa:st /xj /xd "    Where Have All the Decent File Backup Programs Gone? | Pilots of America : http://www.pilotsofamerica.com/community/threads/where-have-all-the-decent-file-backup-programs-gone.99877/
robocopy Q:\ "D:\Files and Folders\AppData\Thunderbird" /s /xa:st /xj /xd "cache" "temp" "tmp" /xo /fft /purge /tee    My Nearly-Perfect Backup Strategy – Geek On The Hill : http://www.geekonthehill.com/2016/12/31/my-nearly-perfect-backup-strategy/
ROBOCOPY Q:\ X:\ /S /J /ZB /MIR /DCOPY:DAT /COPY:DATSOU /SECFIX /TIMFIX /MT:48 /R:3 /W:5 /XD: "SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION" RECYCLER    Windows: Robocopy all files, share permissions and NTFS security attributes to new servers | Ali Aboosaidi : http://insanelabs.net/windows/windows-robocopy-all-files-share-permissions-and-ntfs-security-attributes-to-new-servers/
ROBOCOPY R:\ G:\Backup-RamDisk /XD R:\Recycled R:\TEMP "R:\Temporary Internet Files" R:\firefox_cache /B /MIR /MOT:5 /LOG:G:\Backup-RamDisk.log /R:1 /W:1 /NP /NJH /NJS    丁九家: RAMDISKバックアップ : http://tukemen.blogspot.com/2009/06/ramdisk.html
robocopy s d /MIR /MOT:10 /LOG:l /TS /FP /V /XD n    robocopyのオプション指定方法について NAS間でバックアップを取… - 人力検索はてな : http://q.hatena.ne.jp/1255227834
robocopy S: T: /e /xd s:\Forms    Recursively Copy Document Libraries from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2013 | rule30 : http://rule30.wordpress.com/2015/06/17/migrating-document-libraries-from-sharepoint-2010-to-sharepoint-2013/
robocopy script that uses /xd to exclude some folders in a /MIR copy which works well unless I delete the folder from the source - in which case it does not exclude the folder    robocopy - if a folder is excluded, but then removed from the source, it is removed from the destination also - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/246436/robocopy-if-a-folder-is-excluded-but-then-removed-from-the-source-it-is-remo
Robocopy utility. Here's the command-line I'm using: robocopy c:\src u:\src_mirror /S /MON:1 /XA:R /XD bin obj debug release build /XF    Andy McMullan: Mirroring Sourcesafe check-outs with Robocopy : http://www.andymcm.com/blog/2005/10/mirroring-sourcesafe-check-outs-with.html
Robocopy V:\ X:\CACHE-A /E /R:0 /W:0 /XD V:\VTAPE /MOT:1    Technical Note: XTN1602 – XenData : http://xendata.com/technical_notes/technical-note-xtn1602/
Robocopy V:\ X:\CACHE-A /E /R:0 /W:0 /XD V:\VTAPE /MOT:1    XenData Technical Note : http://www.xendata.com/support-xendata6-server/tech_notes/XTN1602.htm
Robocopy W: "F:\Downloads" /MIR /XA:SH /XD "     Anyone know of a fast file copier? [Archive] - PC World Forums : http://pressf1.pcworld.co.nz/archive/index.php/t-142322.html
robocopy Y:\pool1 Z:\pool1 /MIR /XO /XA:SH /NP /R:0 /W:0 /TEE /XJD /XJF /XD "    tosh's woody room: robocopyコマンドで、NAS to NASの高速コピー。(Windows7の場合) : http://toshswoodyroom.blogspot.com/2013/08/robocopynas-to-naswindows7.html
robocopy.exe "C:\Program Files\JSS" "C:\Program Files\JSS\Backups\JSS-20160401-100859\JSS" /b /copyall /R:2 /W:5 /e /XD temp backups logs work /LOG:"C:\Program Files\JSS\Backups\JSS-20160401-100859\JSS-Backup.log"'    JSS 9.90 Error 1603 attempting to upgrade from 9.81 on Windows - Jamf Nation : http://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/discussions/19384/jss-9-90-error-1603-attempting-to-upgrade-from-9-81-on-windows
robocopy.exe "C:\share_google" "Z:" /LOG+:C:\robocopy.log /NS /NC /NDL /NFL /S /E /COPY:DAT /ZB /NP /R:0 /W:0 /XD %%X:\    完全にメモ: Googleドライブからネットワーク上のNASへデータ同期させる方法 : http://ksbyksbyks.blogspot.com/2017/01/googlenas.html
robocopy.exe \\mycomputer\jukebox \\server\jukebox /mir /xd Recycled Recycler    Robocopy – jimcofer.com : http://jimcofer.com/personal/2007/06/22/robocopy/
robocopy.exe /b /e /copyall /r:1 /w:1 /xd dir1 dir2 /tee /MT:32    RoboCopy Of Data Excluding Multiple System Directories | ImpDossier : http://impdossier.blogspot.com/2017/05/robocopy-of-data-excluding-multiple.html
robocopy.exe c:\Users\Morgan g:\ProfileBackup /E /ZB /R:0 /W:0 /XJ /NFL /XD OneDrive    Backing up your Windows profile using Robocopy | Morgan Simonsen's Blog : http://morgansimonsen.com/2009/01/29/backing-up-your-windows-vista7-profile-using-robocopy/
Robocopy.exe d:\ e:\D /E /R:1 /W:1 /XD "System Volume Information"    Robocopy を実行するとコピー先フォルダーが隠しファイルになる場合の対処法 - 元「なんでもエンジニ屋」のダメ日記 : http://nasunoblog.blogspot.com/2015/01/robocopy-hides-destination-directory.html
robocopy.exe T:\ V:\ /MIR /NP /R:0 /MT:16 /DCOPY:T /COPY:DATSO /TEE /XD "U:\System Volume Information" "U:\    Robocopy Question. : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/28924346/Robocopy-Question.html
robocopy+all+but+one+folder finds it does have a /XD (exclude directory) and that may be it    Symbolic link with Robocopy ? - Microsoft Windows | DaniWeb : http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/threads/508116/symbolic-link-with-robocopy
ROBOCOPYC:\Users \\HomeServer\Backup\Windows-PC\Users /DCOPY:DA /MIR /FFT /Z /XA:SH /R:0 /TEE /XJD /XD AppData /XD OneDrive /XD SkyDrive    How to use robocopy in Windows for backup and sync like rsync in Linux – Black God : http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2014/08/13/how-to-use-robocopy-in-windows-for-backup-and-sync-like-rsync-in-linux/
robocopylog.txt" /XD "C:\DTV\backupandsync" "C:\DTV\ts" /TEE /FFT    Windowsの標準機能"robocopy"で堅牢性の高いバックアップをする - 俺の外付けHDD : http://nyanshiba.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/07/07/203140