コマンドオプションサンプル:robocopy /ZB


robocopy /ZB オプション

robocopy-fight.aspx Technique Data to copy Time to complete Robocopy /s /copyall /zb /mt:128 95GiB    Технологии работы с дисковыми хранилищами и файловыми системами Windo… : http://www.slideshare.net/Vitalyns/windows-server-2016-2
Robocopy "\\server\share" "D:\Share" /ZB /COPYALL    連載コラム Windows Server活用のススメ|bit-drive : http://www.bit-drive.ne.jp/wm2003/column_01.html
Robocopy "\\SOURCE\Logs" "\\DEST\Logs" /s /zb /r:2 /w:2 /eta /LOG+:\\DEST\\move.log /NP    if statement - Robocopy script to move 7z files but if there are .log files copy those - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22099955/robocopy-script-to-move-7z-files-but-if-there-are-log-files-copy-those
robocopy "c:\Other Pictures" w:\BACKUP-OtherPics /E /ZB /LOG:%_LOG%    Robocopy, purge, and minlad | PC Review : http://www.pcreview.co.uk/threads/robocopy-purge-and-minlad.1468613/
robocopy "C:\Users\" "F:\robocopy\" /XJD /R:0 /XA:SH /E /ZB /XO /XD "Downloads" "AppData" /LOG:robocopy.log /TEE    ROBOCOPY Backup best practices | Virtual Remote Networking : http://virtualremote.net/networking-solutions/robocopy-backup-best-practices/
robocopy "c:\Users\Lamar" "\\grantserver09\Backup\LFowler12" /E /V /XO /XA:H /LOG:"Backup_Log.txt" /FFT /ZB /R:1 /W:1 /tee    my backup script using robocopy Solved - Windows 7 Help Forums : http://www.sevenforums.com/backup-restore/395401-help-robocopy-user-backups.html
robocopy "C:Data" "newserverdata" /E /ZB /X /PURGE /COPYALL /TEE /LOG:C:DaraRobocopy-data-to-newdata.log    Robocopy - Your Robust File Copy : http://www.cardenitservices.co.uk/blog/robocopy-it-support-brighton/
robocopy "D:\Downloads" "E:\Downloads" /mir /zb /copyall /secfix /timfix /dcopy:t /mt:100 /tee /fp /ts /v /x /log:test.txt    Alternatives to Robocopy? : DataHoarder : http://www.reddit.com/r/DataHoarder/comments/7ezc0j/alternatives_to_robocopy/
robocopy "D:\program files\AhsayOBS and AhsayRPS\user" "\\backup-02\E\user" /MIR /ZB /R:3 /V /FP /M /LOG:sync.log /TEE    Ahsay Knowledge Base & Discussion Forum • Only backup files newer than a certain date. : http://forum.ahsay.com/viewtopic.php@t=7406
robocopy "E:\source" "E:\destination" /E /ZB /MOV /COPYALL    Robocopy command: Copy only New / Changed files (Sync both the drive) | IT Blogger Tips : http://itbloggertips.com/2013/05/robocopy-command-copy-only-new-changed-files-sync-both-the-drive/
ROBOCOPY "SOURCE DIR" "DESTINATION DIRECTORY/" /E /ZB /J    Command Line Chapter 6 Robocopy command - YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/watch@v=cHu_rRZeyQU
robocopy "Z:\LocatieA" "D:\LocatieB" /E /V /NP /LOG+:"D:\logbestand.txt" /ZB /R:10 /W:30    Bestands 'migratie' met RoboCopy : http://www.vds-it.nl/software/overig/157-bestands-migratie-met-robocopy
robocopy "Z:\Source" "Y:\Destination" /S /ZB /COPYAT /R:0 /W:0 /FP /NP /LOG+:"Z:\Robocopy.log"     Copying ReadyNAS backup to Another NAS - NETGEAR Communities : http://community.netgear.com/t5/Backing-up-to-your-ReadyNAS/Copying-ReadyNAS-backup-to-Another-NAS/td-p/953637
robocopy /copy:DATO /mir "T:" "Y:" /log:D:\bkup_log\XXXXXX.log /tee /zb /r:3 /w:5    社内SEなキモチ:robocopy ERROR 5でアクセス拒否 : http://blog.livedoor.jp/hiroshot/archives/51713364.html
robocopy /copy:DT /ZB /R:100 /W:2 /is /xjf c:\temp\hosts c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc hosts"    robocopy の secfix について教えてください。 - 「スキップしたファ... - Yahoo!知恵袋 : http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q11166568886@__ysp=InJvYm9jb3B5IC9DT1BZIg==
robocopy /copy:DT /ZB /R:100 /W:2 /is /xjf c:\temp\hosts c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc hosts"    robocopy失敗時のメール送信について - Windows系OS 解決済み| 【OKWAVE】 : http://okwave.jp/qa/q9253395.html
robocopy /copy:DT /ZB /R:100 /W:2 /is /xjf c:\temp\hosts c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc hosts"    質問!ITmedia - VBSで管理者モードのcmdにキーを送るには? : http://qa.itmedia.co.jp/qa9253395.html
robocopy /e /zb /copyall /w:0 /r:0 c:\Users\    talk to myself : http://ramtieger.sakura.ne.jp/p/cgi/diary/201012.html
robocopy /e /zb /copyall /w:0 /r:0 c:\Users\    とあるソニー好きなエンジニアの日記 : http://taiseiko.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_pages/user/iphone/list_comments/index@name=2009-11-01
robocopy /e /zb /move /r:1 /w:1 "    vbscript | Stephen's Space on the Web : http://www.stephenjc.com/tag/vbscript/
robocopy /E /ZB /R:0 /LOG:z:\log.txt /XJD /XJF "c:\" "z:\c\"    Latest topics > robocopyがシンボリックリンクに捕まってしまってうまく動いてくれない→/XJDオプションでうまくいった - outsider reflex : http://piro.sakura.ne.jp/latest/blosxom/system/2009-03-09_robocopy.htm
robocopy /E /ZB /R:3 /LOG:    【Windows】robocopyでバックアップ - かえでBlog : http://kaede.jp/2016/06/27020701.html
Robocopy /s /copyall /zb /mt:128    Storage Replica versus Robocopy: Fight! | Storage at Microsoft : http://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/filecab/2015/07/09/storage-replica-versus-robocopy-fight/
Robocopy /s /copyall /zb /mt:128    TechNet Blogs : http://technet239.rssing.com/chan-4753999/all_p916.html
robocopy /zb /e /log+:C:\robolog.txt F:\Videos G:\Videos     robocopy question - Programming -- Two Plus Two Poker Forums : http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/191/programming/robocopy-question-1671868/
robocopy /ZB /R:0 C:\Users D:\Users    ○○的な気まぐれ日記 » Windows7 SSDで設定したこと : http://mercurial.secret.jp/Whimsical_diary/archives/176
robocopy /zb [source file/folder] [destination]    Moving files from one drive to another using command prompt | CrazyEngineers : http://www.crazyengineers.com/threads/moving-files-from-one-drive-to-another-using-command-prompt.37807/
robocopy /ZB site:social.technet.microsoft.com    「robocopy /ZB site:social.technet.microsoft.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=robocopy+%2FZB+site%3Asocial.technet.microsoft.com&rkf=1
robocopy [source] [destination] /E /ZB /COPY:DAT /DCOPY:T /R:1 /W:5 /V /NFL /NDL /NS /NC /NP /log:"[log-path]" /XD "System Volume Information" "Recycler"    windows - Robocopy: show skipped files and files with an error while copying - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/592596/robocopy-show-skipped-files-and-files-with-an-error-while-copying
robocopy [URL from above]\windows\csc C:\restores\[date] /zb /mir    gajetzki | my home away from home : http://gajetzki.com/blog/retrieving-lost-files-by-using-the-client-side-cache-csc-and-the-windows-previous-versions-feature
ROBOCOPY \\10.x.x.x\sharename E:\Shared-Folders\shrednamematch /E /SEC /zb /a /r:1 /w:1     ROBOCOPY ISSUE WHEN FILES MOVED - Petri IT Knowledgebase Forums : http://www.petri.com/forums/forum/client-operating-systems/windows-7/492501-robocopy-issue-when-files-moved
robocopy \\FS01\d \\FS02\d /MIR /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /xd    File server migration using Robocopy | ComputerTechBlog : http://www.computertechblog.com/file-server-migration-using-robocopy/
robocopy \\server\D\username \\server1\company\username /S /E /ZB /MIR /XJD /XJF /SEC     Robocopy error copying data : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/ja-JP/72894548-6873-4c0e-8d0e-383e15d7d3b1/robocopy-error-copying-data@forum=winserversecurity
robocopy \\server\files \\newnas\folder /b /e /zb /w:5 /r:1000     RoboCopy - Windows - Server management : http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2294816
robocopy \\source_server\source_folder D:\target_folder /e /zb /copyall /log:D:\initial_copy.log    How to Migrate From 2003 To 2008 R2 Part 1: File Server | sysBADmin : http://sysbadmin.wordpress.com/2012/09/09/how-to-migrate-your-2003-file-server-to-2008-r2/
robocopy \\source_share\folder \\destination_share\folder /E /V /ZB /R:1 /W:1 /NP /COPYALL /LOG:c:\robocopy.log     Fileserver Migration with robocopy - NetApp Community : http://community.netapp.com/t5/Data-ONTAP-Discussions/Fileserver-Migration-with-robocopy/td-p/118615
robocopy \\SourceServer\Share \\DestinationServer\Share /MIR /ZB /XA:H /W:5    HowTo: Auto synchronise files upon connection to a network : http://blog.davidchristiansen.com/2014/08/howto-auto-synchronise-files-upon-network-connection/
robocopy \\SourceServer\ShareName\\DesinationServer\ShareName /E /ZB /R:3 /W:3 /COPY:DATSOU /MIR /LOG:C:\Logs\Results-ShareName.txt /V /NP    Migrating File Shares from SBS to Windows Server 2016 Essentials Experience – ITProMentor : http://www.itpromentor.com/sbs-2016-files/
Robocopy /ZB /e /sec /copyall /TEE /MT:128 /r:0 /log:C:\copylog.txt    Terry L@u's blog: Using robocopy for file servers migration : http://terrytlslau.tls1.cc/2016/02/using-robocopy-for-file-servers.html
robocopy /E /ZB /XJ /R:1 /W:1 /XF hiberfil.sys pagefile.sys    A useful robocopy command | The Journal of Impossible Things : http://timbertops.co.uk/blog/@p=134
robocopy /XO /ZB /E /FFT /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /NDL /MT:20 /LOG:    How to use Robocopy and RichCopy to Migrate TB of data | mcloudinfo.wordpress.com : http://mcloudinfo.wordpress.com/2014/10/22/how-to-use-robocopy-and-richcopy-to-migrate-tb-of-data/
Robocopy backup mode /zb or /b to copy files the user has no direct access to Copying extended NTFS owner and auditing information /copyall or /copy:datsou In order to use these features    Robocopy | Sasecurity Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia : http://sasecurity.wikia.com/wiki/Robocopy
Robocopy backup mode /zb or /b to copy files the user has no direct access to    RoboMirror : http://robomirror.sourceforge.net/
robocopy C:\ D:\ /mir /xjd /r:1 /w:3 /zb /efsraw /NP /log:c:\tmp\robocopy.txt    Copy_Windows 7 : http://gjullien.fr/copy_windows7.htm
robocopy c:\ f:\ /mir /copy:datso /r:0 /zb /np /tee /log:robocopy.log    Move an entire Windows installation | Windows Problem Solver : http://winhlp.com/node/66
robocopy C:\folder\ Z:\folder_DATE /E /ZB /COPYALL /NP /V /LOG:F:\backup_log.txt    windows server 2008 - Specifying date in robocopy destination folder - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/294391/specifying-date-in-robocopy-destination-folder
robocopy C:\source C:\dest /TEE /LOG+:c:\robolog.txt /MIR /copyall /zb /w:1 /r:2 /xo    Robocopy - How to copy All Files & Folders and Run Command Again and Only Copy Changed Files and Keep Permissions | http://www.itswapshop.com : http://www.itswapshop.com/tutorial/robocopy-how-copy-all-files-folders-and-run-command-again-and-only-copy-changed-files-and
robocopy C:\source C:\dest /TEE /LOG+:c:\robolog.txt /MIR /copyall /zb /w:1 /r:2 /xo    robocopy | http://www.itswapshop.com : http://itswapshop.com/categories/robocopy
robocopy C:\source\folder\path\ D:\destination\folder\path\ /S /E /Z /ZB /R:5 /W:5 /TBD /NP /V /MT:32    How to use Robocopy multi-threaded feature to speed up file copy on Windows 10 • Pureinfotech : http://pureinfotech.com/robocopy-multithreaded-file-copy-windows-10/
robocopy c:\testing d:\testing /e /zb /copyall /dcopy:t /move - this is useful for moving files from a c drive to a d drive    Useful Tools | Geoff Does Stuff : http://www.geoffdoesstuff.com/useful-tools
robocopy C:\WalkerData G:\WalkerData /MIR /ZB /R:3 /V /FP /LOG:D:\sync.log /TEE    How To Use Robocopy To Sync Backup Files In Windows 7? – Walker News : http://www.walkernews.net/2009/11/17/how-to-use-robocopy-to-sync-backup-files-in-windows-7/
robocopy cannot copy open files. But with the /ZB switch it seems to be able to copy open files just fine (haven't tested only the /Z switch). This was tested on Windows 10 running Robocopy as admin. Am i misunderstanding this or is this a hidden bonus    Windows Server 2008 - Wikipedia : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3ARobocopy
robocopy D:\ L:\robocopy_D /ZB /mir /LOG+:"ROBOCOPY LOG.TXT" /NP /TEE /NDL /X /W:1 /R:3    How do you, personally, use Robocopy (or similar?) - Ars Technica OpenForum : http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php@t=362078
robocopy D:\A G:\F /COPY:DATSOU /E /ZB /XO    robocopyでフォルダ自体のコピーは可能ですか - 楽天 みんなで解決!Q&A : http://qanda.rakuten.ne.jp/qa3992200.html@order=DESC&by=datetime
ROBOCOPY d:\data \\fileserver01 /MIR /COPYALL /NP /ZB /W:3 /R:3 /LOG:c:\robocopy.log     ROBOCOPY を使ってデータを同期する方法 | だいたいおっけぇ : http://blog.torigoya.net/2010/10/11/robocopy/
robocopy D:\Old_Data E:\New_Data /E /COPYALL /ZB /R:3 /W:1    Backing up user data - No, I Will Not Fix Your #@$!! Computer | DSLReports Forums : http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r30783458-Robo-Copy-a-directory-maintaining-permissions-and-shares
robocopy D:\Webs\DEVSITE D:\Webs\LIVESITCOM /ZB /E /SEC /XF D:\Webs\DEVSITE\web.config /XF D:\Webs\DEVSITE\app_data\commercebuilder.lic /XF D:\Webs\DEVSITE\app_data\database.config /XF D:\Webs\DEVSITE\app_data\encryption.config /XF D:\Webs\DEVSITE\app_data\ablecommerce.config    Dev Site to Live site - AbleCommerce Wiki : http://wiki.ablecommerce.com/index.php/Dev_Site_to_Live_site
robocopy E: F: /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /TEE /LOG:Robocopy.log    Hyper-V - Incorrect function when trying to move files - Evotec : http://evotec.xyz/hyper-v-incorrect-function-when-trying-to-move-files/
robocopy E:\ H:\ /MIR /DCOPY:T /MON:1 /ZB /LOG+:C:\10.Robocopy-Log\robocopy.log /NP /XD "    robocopyで外付けHDDにデータをミラーリング – お水さんの : http://miz.blue/robocopy_mirroring/
robocopy E:\ M:\ /mir /copyall /r:2 /w:1 /zb /fp /xd    Robocopy –>Logging only differences | Microsoft Technologies Blog : http://syscloudpro.com/2011/04/03/robocopy-logging-only-differences/
robocopy e:\[source] p:\[destination] /e /z /zb /copy:datsou /purge /XD software /XF priv1.edb /MON:10 /MOT:10 /RH:1930-0800 /log:c:\log.txt    Knowall IT - Private Cloud Computing : http://www.knowall.net/blog/robocopy-for-data-moves-and-backups/
ROBOCOPY G:\ H:\ /MIR /XD "System Volume Information" /R:5 /ZB /MON:1 /MOT:5 /RH:2000-0800    PCのバックアップ(ミラーリング)設定で、ROBOCOPYコマンドがあることに気づきました。:破壊的イノベーションでキャズム越え:オルタナティブ・ブログ : http://blogs.itmedia.co.jp/katabami/2009/08/pcrobocopy-182f.html
robocopy g:\ h:\ /mir /zb /xd "System Volume Information"     Windowsの「robocopy」コマンドでフォルダをバックアップ/同期させる:Tech TIPS - @IT : http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/0704/20/news130.html
robocopy G:\Ramdisk\FirefoxPortable R:\FirefoxPortable /ZB /MIR /XF "parent.lock" /XD "Cache" /LOG:G:\Ramdisk\Log\LoadRAMDisk.log    イツキの爪磨ぎ跡: Win7 x64でRAMDisk + Firefox Portable 3 (完結編) : http://ituki-iii.blogspot.com/2011/05/win7-x64ramdisk-firefox-portable-3.html
ROBOCOPY Q:\ X:\ /S /J /ZB /MIR /DCOPY:DAT /COPY:DATSOU /SECFIX /TIMFIX /MT:48 /R:3 /W:5 /XD: "SYSTEM VOLUME INFORMATION" RECYCLER    Windows: Robocopy all files, share permissions and NTFS security attributes to new servers | Ali Aboosaidi : http://insanelabs.net/windows/windows-robocopy-all-files-share-permissions-and-ntfs-security-attributes-to-new-servers/
RoboCopy R:zS7-R2-W2K8R2-SP13R2DATA C:3R2DATA /e /zb /COPY:DATSO /r:0 /w:0 /xJ    RoboCopy: ERROR 1314 (0x00000522) Copying NTFS Security... - Domain Web Center : http://domainwebcenter.com/forums/topic/robocopy-error-1314-0x00000522-copying-ntfs-security/
robocopy right in Windows distribution. I am using robocopy /MIR /ZB /COPYALL and all to no avail    Robocopy Definition. Crossword Dictionary. : http://crosswords911.com/robocopy.html
robocopy sourcdir destinatindir /e /r:0 /w:0 /xn /log:c:\logs\robocopy.log /TEE /sec /zb /efsraw    Move folder redirects folder containing EFS files : http://www.experts-exchange.com/questions/29001711/Move-folder-redirects-folder-containing-EFS-files.html
robocopy source destination /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /TEE /LOG:Robocopy.log    Use Robocopy to move shares with permissions. – NCOL.NET : http://www.ncol.net/use-robocopy-to-move-shares-with-permissions/
robocopy sourcefolder targetfolder /MIR /ZB /XJ /R:3 /W:1 /log:filename.txt    Adventures with robocopy.exe - risual : http://www.risual.com/2016/05/16/adventures-with-robocopy-exe/
robocopy src dst /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /TEE /LOG:Robocopy.log     robocopy example [windows] : http://blog.radunchev.com/2016/01/01/robocopy-example-windows/
robocopy using /zb pa    robocopy - codesd.com : http://www.codesd.com/tag/robocopy/
robocopy v:\audit u:\audit /E /ZB /EFSRAW /COPYALL /DCOPY:T /V /LOG:robo.txt /TEE    Fix my IT system: Using Robocopy for enhance file transfer and management : http://fixmyitsystem.com/2011/04/
Robocopy will restart failed copies from the beginning of the file. You can override this default behaviour by specifying the /Z switch (or the /ZB switch) which requests restartable copies - with /Z     : http://ima.udg.edu/~marcf/WinXP/robocopy.xhtml
Robocopy will restart failed copies from the beginning of the file. You can override this default behaviour by specifying the /Z switch (or the /ZB switch) which requests restartable copies - with /Z    Doc Robocopy : http://mclaveau.com/gvrac/robo.html
Robocopy with the /B or /ZB switches yields the error:    Robocopy: "You do not have the Backup and Restore Files user rights" [Field Notes] – SeanKilleen.com : http://seankilleen.com/2011/10/robocopy-you-do-not-have-the-backup-and-restore-files-user-rights-field-notes/
Robocopy. I like your use with Robocopy but I add /Zb in place of /z and add /s to copy system files. Also add /xx /copyall /secfix /eta /v. Sometimes ad /it /is for tweaked and changed files and /xo to skip older files I want to keep. I    How to do Windows Backups with Robocopy – Tips & Tricks | Michael McKinnon : http://michael.mckinnon.id.au/2011/06/27/how-to-do-windows-backups-with-robocopy-tips/
Robocopy.exe "C:\data" D:\data /E /ZB /R:0 /XJD    Robocopy - ナレッジベース - NNIc-Project Management System ver.2 : http://secure.nanako-net.info/redmine/projects/know-how/wiki/Robocopy
robocopy.exe "C:\share_google" "Z:" /LOG+:C:\robocopy.log /NS /NC /NDL /NFL /S /E /COPY:DAT /ZB /NP /R:0 /W:0 /XD %%X:\    完全にメモ: Googleドライブからネットワーク上のNASへデータ同期させる方法 : http://ksbyksbyks.blogspot.com/2017/01/googlenas.html
robocopy.exe \\serv1\users \\serv2\users/COPYALL /LEV:1 /ZB /V/FP /W:5 /R:5 /LOG:copy.log    Howto: Migrate File Shares, Permissions, and User Profiles Paths in a Windows 2003 Domain : http://thebackroomtech.com/2007/08/28/howto-migrate-file-shares-permissions-and-user-profiles-paths-in-a-windows-2003-domain/
robocopy.exe c:\Users\Morgan g:\ProfileBackup /E /ZB /R:0 /W:0 /XJ /NFL /XD OneDrive    Backing up your Windows profile using Robocopy | Morgan Simonsen's Blog : http://morgansimonsen.com/2009/01/29/backing-up-your-windows-vista7-profile-using-robocopy/
robocopy.exe C:\users\USER\documents X:\weekly\documents /MIR /XA:SH /FFT /TEE /ZB /R:2 /W:5 /LOG+:"C:\weekly.log"    Strange issue with Robocopy - Microsoft: Windows Server 2012 - Tek-Tips : http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm@qid=1780780
ROBOCOPY.exe" "\\FileDATA\Kaisya-DATA" "\\BackUpServer\Kaisya-DATA-NEW" /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /X /V /TS /FP /NP /ETA /LOG+:"D:\LOG\RoboCopyReport%TIMELINE%.log" /TEE    ファイルバックアップ比較お勧め総合スレッド Part7 : http://anago.5ch.net/test/read.cgi/software/1323650265/
robocopy: ... /S /FFT /XO /ZB /R:2 /V /LOG:filename    TCC 13 COPY: specified network name is no longer available. | Take Command : http://jpsoft.com/forums/threads/tcc-13-copy-specified-network-name-is-no-longer-available.7050/
ROBOCOPYcommand with the following switches to copy the data from theCSCfolder into the temp1 folder. Example: ROBOCOPY \[email protected]C /copyall /e /zb /copyall C:temp1    How to recover My Documents files using a System Restore Point - NJ, PA, DE, MD, FL | Beringer Technology Group : http://www.beringer.net/beringerblog/recover-missing-documents-files-using-system-restore-point/
robocopysourcedestination /E /ZB /DCOPY:T /COPYALL /R:1 /W:1 /V /TEE /LOG:Robocopy.log    File server migration when you lack permissions - Windows Server - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/topic/278298-move-shared-folders-and-retain-file-and-share-permissions-with-robocopy
robocopywith the /zb (or /b    xcopy to c:\inetpub\wwwroot fails with “Access denied” | devioblog : http://devio.wordpress.com/2012/01/25/xcopy-to-cinetpubwwwroot-fails-with-access-denied/