Command Sample:sc create

Search command sample in the internet.It is the result.

sc create -- binPath= "cmdlink   Tip: Run process in system account (sc.exe) - Sysinternals Forums - Page 1
sc create --console binPath= "c:link   mysql - Create second instance of mysqld on windows xp - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
sc create "" binpath= ""link    How to delete a windows service
sc create "ColdFusion 10 NWS Server" binPath= "C:\ColdFusion10\nws\bin\coldfusionsvc.exe" displayname= "ColdFusion 10 NWS Server" start= autolink   CF10 Multiserver - Create windows service | Adobe Community
sc create "Consul" binPath= "c:\\consul.exe agent -config-dir c:\\consul.d\someconfig --ui-dir c:\\ui" type= share start= autolink   Running Go executables (Consul, Telegraf, …) as windows services | Ricard Clau
sc create "EmergencyService" binPath= "C:\share\srvc\XYNTService.exe" type= interact type= own start= auto obj= "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService" password= Forget1link   SC CREATE service ... -obj=... -password=... DOES NOT WORK!
sc create "EmergencyService" binPath= "C:\share\srvc\XYNTService.exe" type= interact type= own start= auto obj= .\Uzver password= Forget1link   SC CREATE service ... -obj=... -password=... DOES NOT WORK!
sc create "EmergencyService" binPath= "C:\share\srvc\XYNTService.exe" type= interact type= own start= auto obj= MYCOMPUTER1\Uzver password= Forget1link   SC CREATE service ... -obj=... -password=... DOES NOT WORK!
sc create "EmergencyService" binPath= "C:\share\srvc\XYNTService.exe" type= interact type= own start= auto obj= Uzver password= Forget1link   SC CREATE service ... -obj=... -password=... DOES NOT WORK!
sc create "FLEXLM" binPath= "C:\flexlm\lmgrd.exe -c C:\flexlm\license.txtlink    LMGRD starts and runs in a DOS window, but not as a service [Archive] - Flexera Community Forums
sc create "IBM Domino Server" binpath= "C:\Lotus\Domino\nservice.exe =C:\Lotus\Domino\notes.ini -jc -c" displayname= "IBM Domino Server"link   IBM - Notes Tips and Tricks: Domino Server console missing in Windows Server 2008 - IBM Domino - NotesMail
sc create "Lotus Domino Server" binPath= "C:\Lotus\Domino\nservice.exe =c:\Lotus\Domino\notes.ini -jc -c"link   [SOLVED] Lotus Domino Server Service not starting - Spiceworks
sc create "maria55" binpath= "\"C:link   Create MariaDB Windows Service – Chris on MySQL
SC CREATE "MicrosoftDynamicsNAVWSlink    Create a Second Service
sc create "Minecraft Server" binpath="C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe -jar C:\Server\minecraft.jar"link   Run jar as windows service : sysadmin
sc create "moje" binPath= "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_03\jre\bin\java.exe -jar C:\project\ServiceTest.jar"link   How to start a executable jar as a Windows Service (General Computing forum at Coderanch)
sc create "My Sample Service" binPath= C:\SampleService.exelink   Simple Windows Service in C++ - CodeProject
sc create "MySQL" binpath= "C:\Archivos de programlink    How to delete a windows service
sc create "MySQL" binpath= "C:\Archivos de programa\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\bin\mysqld.exe"link    How to delete a windows service
sc create "PItoPI Service Name" binpath= "C: \Program Files\PIPC\Interfaces\PItoPI\pitopi.exe NewID" depend= "tcpiplink    KB00324 - How do you create a new PI Interface Windows service
sc create "Quest One Identity Manager Service" binPath= "\viNetworkService.exe" start= autolink   Manually installing a JobService (96076)
sc create "Service Name" binpath= "C: \Progam Files\PIPC\Interfaces\Example\Interface.exe ServiceID" depend= "servicename1link    KB00324 - How do you create a new PI Interface Windows service
sc create "solrservice" binPath= "\"C:\Utils\srvany.exe\"" DisplayName= "Solr Server" start= autolink   Running Solr as a service in Windows - FileCloud - FileCloud Support
sc create "Telegraf" binPath= "c:\telegraf\telegraf.exe -config c:\telegraf\telegraf.config" type= share start= autolink   Running Go executables (Consul, Telegraf, …) as windows services | Ricard Clau
sc create "Vulnerable Service" binPath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Program Folder\A Subfolder\Executable.exe" start=autolink   Windows Privilege Escalation Methods for Pentesters – Pentest Blog
sc create "YOURSERVICENAME" binpath= "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe\" -sOPTIONALSWITCH" start= autolink   creating a service with sc.exe; how to pass in context parameters - Stack Overflow
sc create %ser% binpath= %SelectedFile% >> Service %ser%.txtlink   Create a Windows service from an EXE file - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community
sc create %ser% binpath= %SelectedFile%link   Create a Windows service from an EXE file - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community
sc create [service_name] binPath= [service_exe]link   Common Outputs for Windows SC Command – Dave Donaldson
sc create link    How to delete a windows service
sc create binpath= "" [option1] [option2] [optionN]link   creating a service with sc.exe; how to pass in context parameters - Stack Overflow
sc create binPath=link   Installing Subversion as a Windows Service - James Kovacs' Weblog
SC CREATE AcDebugSvc binPath= "regedit.exe" type= own type= interactlink   Running RegEdit as SYSTEM — Adam Caudill
sc create asperacentral binPath="C:\Program Files\Aspera\Enterprise Server\bin\asperacentral.exe"link   Manually creating a service in Windows – Aspera Support
sc create asperacentrallink   creating a service with sc.exe; how to pass in context parameters - Stack Overflow
SC CREATE at Columbia College at twestlink   Columbia College
SC CREATE at Columbia Collegelink   Columbia College
sc create BBLEARN-Collab binpath= c:\windows\system32\NewServ.exelink   Troubleshoot the Learn Environment Post Install or Upgrade | Blackboard Help
sc create binPath= "c:link   mysql - Create second instance of mysqld on windows xp - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
sc create BITS binpath=link   Fix Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Missing from Services
sc create BITS DisplayName= "Background Intelligent Transfer Service" binpath= "c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs" Start= delayed-auto depend= EventSystemlink   joystick junkie: Re-create BITS and Windows Update Services for Windows 7
sc create BITS type= share start= delayed-auto binPath=link   Fix Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Missing from Services
sc create BtoEmergencyService binpath= "C:\share\srvc\XYNTService.exe" type= interact type= own start= auto obj= "MyComputer1\uzver" password= "Forget1"link   SC CREATE service ... -obj=... -password=... DOES NOT WORK!
sc create BtoEmergencyService binpath= "C:\share\srvc\XYNTService.exe" type= interact type= ownlink   SC CREATE service ... -obj=... -password=... DOES NOT WORK!
sc create BtoEmergencyService binpath= "C:\share\srvc\XYNTService.exe" type= own start= auto obj= "MyComputer1\uzver" password= "Forget1"link   SC CREATE service ... -obj=... -password=... DOES NOT WORK!
sc create CmdAsSystem type= own type= interact binPath= "cmdlink   Running commands as System account in Windows
sc create CmdAsSystem type= own type= interact binPath=link   How To – Run Under the System Account – Griffon's IT Library
sc create CmdSvc binpath= "cmdlink   Run CMD as LOCAL SYSTEM User | MCB Systems
sc create cmdsvc binpath=link   Two ways to launch a Windows Command Prompt as user SYSTEM
Sc create Command in Windows Server 2008link    Sc create Command in Windows Server 2008
sc create Daemon binPath= "C:Program Files (x86)Windows Resource KitsToolssrvany.exe" DisplayName= "Daemon"link   start powershell script as service on windows server 2008 r2 – gfdsa.log
sc create DeltaCopyservice binPath= c:\Deltacopy\DCService.exe DisplayName= "DeltaCopy Server" type= own start= auto obj= "BackupUser"link   SC CREATE service ... -obj=... -password=... DOES NOT WORK!
sc create DemoService binPath=link   Create a Windows Service - DevOps on Windows
sc create DemoService c:\full\path\to\DemoService.exelink   Create a Windows Service - DevOps on Windows
sc create drdisk type= kernel start= demand binpath= System32\Drivers\drdisk.sys 2>link   Shamoon 2: Return of the Disttrack Wiper - Palo Alto Networks Blog
sc create drdisk type= kernel start= demand binpath=link   Shamoon 2: Return of the Disttrack Wiper - Palo Alto Networks Blog
sc create Dropbox binPath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\srvany.exe" DisplayName= "Dropbox Service" ]link   Installing Dropbox as a service on Windows Server 2008 R2 X64
sc create DropboxService binPath= C:Program Files (x86)Windows Resource KitsToolssrvany.exe DisplayName= "Dropbox Service"link   Running Dropbox as a service on Windows Server 2008 - Jayway
sc create DropboxService binPath=link   Running Dropbox as a service on Windows Server 2008 - Jayway
sc create DropboxSync displayName= "Dropbox Service" start= auto obj= "\" password= "" binPath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\srvany.exe"link   How to run Dropbox as a Windows service – InfoBridge
sc create DynCache binpath= %SystemRoot%\System32\DynCache.exe start= auto type= own DisplayName= "Dynamic Cache Service"link   Troubleshoot high memory (RAM) use due to high Metafile usage on inSync server installed on Windows Server 2003 and 2008 - Druva Documentation
sc create EndecaServer displayname= "Oracle Endeca Server"link   SC Create command syntax
sc create evil binpath= "cmd.exelink   TOP10 ways to boost your privileges in Windows systems – HackMag
SC Create examplelink   SC Create command syntax
sc create GFService binPath= "C:\software\glassfish\lib\appservService.exe \"C:\software\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat start-domain domain1\" \"C:\software\glassfish\bin\asadmin.bat stop-domain domain1\"" start= auto DisplayName= "GFService"link   Java EE tips and tricks.: Creating a Windows Service for Glassfish V2.
sc create gitea start= auto binPath= ""C:\gitea\gitea.exe" web --config "C:\gitea\custom\conf\app.ini""link   Register as a Windows Service - Docs
sc create GoAgent2 binPath= "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Go Agent 2\cruisewrapper.exe\" -s \"C:\Program Files (x86)\Go Agent 2\config\wrapper-agent.conf\""link   Installing mutiple agents on the same host ( Windows) – ThoughtWorks Support
sc create GoAgent2 binPath= "\"C:\Program Files\Go Agent2\cruisewrapper.exe\" -s \"C:\Program Files\Go Agent2\config\wrapper-agent.conf\""link   Multiple Agents on One Machine ‘µ GoCD User Documentation
sc create gogs start= auto binPath= ""C:\gogs\gogs.exe" web --config "C:\gogs\conf\app.ini""link   Command line for install service in windows ‘µ Issue #91 ‘µ gogits/docs ‘µ GitHub
sc create gogs start= auto binPath= "\"C:\gogs\gogs.exe\" web --config \"C:\gogs\conf\app.ini\""link   Command line for install service in windows ‘µ Issue #91 ‘µ gogits/docs ‘µ GitHub
sc create GoogleDriveSync displayName= "Google Drive Service" start= auto obj= "\" password= "" binPath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Drive\srvany.exe"link   Running Google Drive as a Windows service - Myrtec
sc create gpfdist binpath= "path_to_gpfdist.exe -p 8081 -d External\load\files\path -l Log\file\path"link    Running gpfdist as a Windows Service | Pivotal Greenplum Docs
sc create gpfdistN binpath= "path_to_gpfdist.exe -p 8082 -d External\load\files\path -l Log\file\path"link    Running gpfdist as a Windows Service | Pivotal Greenplum Docs
sc create imdisk type= kernel start= auto error= ignore binPath= system32\drivers\imdisk.syslink   Installing imdisk.sys manually using sc.exe - ImDisk -
sc create JenkinsSlave binPath= C:\PathToSlaveHomeDir\jenkins-slave.exe start= auto DisplayName= "Hudson Slave (Jenkins)"link   Installing Jenkins as a Windows service - Jenkins - Jenkins Wiki
sc create LNSUSvc binPath= "C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\SUService.exe" type= own type= interact start= auto error= normal displayName= "Lotus Notes Smart Upgrade Service"link   IBM developerWorks : Lotus : Puttin' on the Bits Blog
sc create mfaktc_01 binPath= wherever\mfaktc-0.20_01.exelink    How to run Prime95 as service in Win7? -
sc create mfaktc_02 binPath= wherever\mfaktc-0.20_02.exelink    How to run Prime95 as service in Win7? -
SC CREATE MicrosoftDynamicsNAVServerlink    Create a Second Service
SC CREATE MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer2009 binpath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60_OLD\NAV 6.0 IN\Service\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe" start= auto obj= "NT Authority\NetworkService" type= own depend= NetTcpPortSharinglink   Saurav Dhyani - Microsoft Dynamics Navision: NAV 2013, NAV 2009 R2, NAV 2009 SP1 & NAV 2009 on Same Machine with Same Ports
SC CREATE MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer2009R2 binpath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60_OLD\NAV 6.0 R2 IN\Service\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe" start= auto obj= "NT Authority\NetworkService" type= own depend= NetTcpPortSharinglink   Saurav Dhyani - Microsoft Dynamics Navision: NAV 2013, NAV 2009 R2, NAV 2009 SP1 & NAV 2009 on Same Machine with Same Ports
SC CREATE MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer2009SP1 binpath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60_OLD\NAV 6.0 SP1 IN\Service\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe" start= auto obj= "NT Authority\NetworkService" type= own depend= NetTcpPortSharinglink   Saurav Dhyani - Microsoft Dynamics Navision: NAV 2013, NAV 2009 R2, NAV 2009 SP1 & NAV 2009 on Same Machine with Same Ports
sc create misfit binPath= wherever\misfit.exelink    How to run Prime95 as service in Win7? -
sc create MountAsSystem type= own type= interact binPath= "cmdlink   Running commands as System account in Windows
sc create Msvcmon binpath= "%binpath%" type= interact type= ownlink   How to run anything as a service | Blogue do Caloni
sc create murmur binPath= "c:\mumble\murmur.exe"link   Mumble / Feature Requests / #650 Option to install as a service (windows)
sc create murmur binPath= "c:\mumble\srvany.exe"link   Mumble / Feature Requests / #650 Option to install as a service (windows)
sc create myDriver type= filesys binpath= C:\myDriver.sys"link   Installing imdisk.sys manually using sc.exe - ImDisk -
sc create MyProgramName binpath= "C:\MyFolder\MyProgram.exe" type= own start= auto DisplayName= "My Sample Program"link   Make a Program Run as a Windows Service on Boot »
sc create MyProgramName binpath= "C:\MyFolder\SRVANY.EXE" type= own start= auto DisplayName= "My Sample Program"link   Make a Program Run as a Windows Service on Boot »
sc create myserv binpath= "tscon 2link   Alexander Korznikov. A bit of security.: Passwordless RDP Session Hijacking Feature All Windows versions
sc create MyService binpath= "\"C:Program Files (x86)My Servicemyservice.exe\"" displayname= "My Service""link   How to: register service with SC command without losing quotes in binpath value | Mike's Blog
sc create myservice binPath= "\\server\share\MyService.exe" DisplayName= "My service" start= delayed-auto depend= LanmanWorkstation obj= .\MYUSER password= MYPASSlink   command line - How to create service from commandline and providing LanmanWorkstation password? - Super User
sc create MyService binPath= "c:\myservice\myservice.exe --port 8080"link   C# Windows Service Startup Arguments
sc create MyService binpath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\My Servicemyservice.exe" displayname= "My Service"link   How to: register service with SC command without losing quotes in binpath value | Mike's Blog
sc create myService binpath= "MeyService.exe arg1 arg2"link   creating a service with sc.exe; how to pass in context parameters - Stack Overflow
sc create MyService binPath= C:\Windows\System32\srvany.exe DisplayName= "My Custom Service" )link • View topic - VirtualBox as a service
SC CREATE MyService binPath=link   SC: Configure Windows Services from the Command Prompt | The Core Technologies Blog
sc create MySQL binPath= "%plesk_dir%\\Databases\\MySQL51\\bin\\mysqld.exe \\"--defaults-file=%plesk_dir%\\Databases\\MySQL\\Data\\my.ini\\" MySQL" start= autolink   Horde webmail error: "Could not instantiate PDO with DSN..." – Plesk Help Center
sc create MySQL start= auto DisplayName= MySQL binPath= c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.1\bin\mysqld.exelink   MySQL :: MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual :: *.*.*.* Starting MySQL as a Windows Service
sc create mysqld2 binPath= c:\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe --defaults-file=c:\mysql\my_XX.inilink   mysql - Create second instance of mysqld on windows xp - Database Administrators Stack Exchange
sc create mysvcname binpath= mysvcpathname.exelink   sc.exe | PC Review
sc create MySystemCmdBox binPath= "C:\windows\system32\cmd.exelink   How to create windows services (Command Line) - AMIS Oracle and Java Blog
sc create MySystemCmdBox binPath=link   How to create windows services (Command Line) - AMIS Oracle and Java Blog
sc create neutron-ovs-agent binPath= "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\bin\OpenStackServiceNeutron.exe\" neutron-hyperv-agent \"C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\Python27\Scripts\neutron-openvswitch-agent.exe\" --config-file \"C:\Program Files (x86)\Cloudbase Solutions\OpenStack\Nova\etc\neutron_ovs_agent.conf\"" type= own start= auto error= ignore depend= Winmgmt displayname= "OpenStack Neutron Open vSwitch Agent Service" obj= LocalSystemlink   Open vSwitch 2.4 on Hyper-V - Part 1 - Cloudbase Solutions
sc create NewService binpath= c:\abc.exe type= share start= auto depend= "+TDI Netbios"link    Sc create Command in Windows Server 2008
sc create NewService binpath=c:\windows\system32\NewServ.exe type=share start=auto depend="+TDI Netbios"link   Sc create
sc create nginxSvc binPath= "C:\Program Files\nginx-1.3.5\service\srvany.exe" start= auto DisplayNamelink    #209 (How to Install nginx as a Service on Windows) nginx
sc create Notepad binpath= "%systemroot%NOTEPAD.EXE" type= interact type= ownlink   How to run anything as a service | Blogue do Caloni
sc create notepad binpath= c:\Windows\notepad.exe obj= ".\user" password= "password"link   SC CREATE service ... -obj=... -password=... DOES NOT WORK!
SC create options:link    KB00324 - How do you create a new PI Interface Windows service
SC Create optionslink   SC Create command syntax
sc create OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener [binPath= "C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\BIN\TNSLSNR.exe"]link   AWS RDS and DMS Tips and Best Practice: How to create Oracle database service and listener on Windows 2003 server
sc create pdfcreator start= auto binPath= "C:\Program Files\oldResourceKitTools\srvany.exe" DisplayName= "PDFCreator" obj= DOMAIN\User password= passwordlink   Output Redirection: PDFCreator as a Service
SC CREATE Plex Displayname= "Plex" binpath= "srvstart.exe Plex -c C:PlexService.ini" start= autolink   How to Run Any Program as a Background Service in Windows
sc create PMHADaemon binPath=link   start powershell script as service on windows server 2008 r2 – gfdsa.log
sc create Prime95 binPath= c:\prime95\prime95.exelink    How to run Prime95 as service in Win7? -
sc create QuasselCore binPath= "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools\srvany.exe" DisplayName= "QuasselCore" obj= "NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE"link   QuasselCore As A Service (Windows) - Quassel IRC - Quassel IRC Issue Tracker
sc create RabbitMQ binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\erl5.10.4\erts-5.10.4\bin\erlsrv.exe\""link   000032851 - RSA Security Analytics Legacy Windo... | RSA Link
sc create Redis start= auto DisplayName= Redis binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\Redis\RedisService.exe\" \"C:\Program Files\Redis\redis.conf\""link   How to Run Redis as a Service under Windows | Salt Websites
sc create RSWebSvc type= own start= auto binpath= c:\Path\To\Exe\WebApp.exelink   ServiceApplication - Xojo Documentation
sc create sdfs binPath="\"C:\Program Files\sdfs\mountsdfs.exe\" -v sdfs -m -cp" DisplayName="SDFS Drive" start=autolink   Windows Quickstart Guide – OpenDedup
sc create sdfss binPath="\"C:\Program Files\sdfs\mountsdfs.exe\" -v sdfs_vol1 -m s -cp" DisplayName="SDFS s Drive" start=autolink   Windows Quickstart Guide – OpenDedup
sc create sensu-client start= delayed-auto binPath= c:\opt\sensu\bin\sensu-client.exe DisplayName= "Sensu Client"link   Sensu | Microsoft Windows
sc create service_name binpath=C:\path\to\binary [option1] [option2] [optionN]link   Manually creating a service in Windows – Aspera Support
SC create servicename binpath ="C:\MyWinServices\Test.exe"link   How to add or delete windows services under component services in windows server 2003 or 2008
sc create SERVICENAME binpath= "PATHTOSVRANY.EXE" type= own start= auto DisplayName= "DISPLAYNAME"link   How to run Insync as a service on Windows Server - advanced - Insync Forums â¤
sc create ServiceName binPath= "the path"link   creating a service with sc.exe; how to pass in context parameters - Stack Overflow
sc create servicename binpath=link   dotnetstep: Install window service without using installutil
sc create ServiceTest binpath= "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exelink   Running a program/batch as a service
sc create sesshijack binpath= "cmd.exelink   Alexander Korznikov. A bit of security.: Passwordless RDP Session Hijacking Feature All Windows versions
sc create startSvn binPath= "\"C:\Subversion\bin\svnserve.exe\" --service -r \"C:\SVN_Repository\"" displayname= "MyServer" depend= tcpip start= autolink   creating a service with sc.exe; how to pass in context parameters - Stack Overflow
sc create SVC binpath= "c:\svc.exe"link   dotnetstep: Install window service without using installutil
sc create SvcIntCMD binpath= "cmdlink   Link: How to Launch Interactive (System) Command prompt in Win7 | ITNinja
sc create svn binpath= "\"U:\Server\Subversion\bin\svnserve.exe\" --service -r U:\Server\svn" displayname= "Subversion Server" start= autolink    Creating a Windows service from an exe? - Windows - Server management
sc create svn binpath= "C:\Progralink   Installing Subversion as a Windows Service - James Kovacs' Weblog
sc create svn_repos binpath= "%ProgramFiles%\Subversion\bin\svnserve.exe --service --root %SubversionRepository" displayname= "Subversion Repository" depend= Tcpiplink   Running svnserve as a windows service: long filename problem
sc create svn_repos binpath= "C:\DevSupport\Subversion\bin\svnserve.exe --service --root D:\Repository" displayname= "Subversion Repository" depend= Tcpiplink   Running svnserve as a windows service: long filename problem
sc create svnlink   Installing Subversion as a Windows Service - James Kovacs' Weblog
sc create svnserve binpath= "\"C:\Program Files (x86)\Subversion\bin\svnserve.exe\" --service --root C:\SVNRoot" displayname= "Subversion" depend= tcpip start= auto obj= "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService"link   Problems creating service using sc.exe - Server Fault
sc create svnserve binpath= "\"C:\Program Files\CollabNet Subversion Server\svnserve.exe\" --service -r C:\repositories" displayname= "Subversion Server" depend= Tcpip start= autolink    subversion:
sc create svnserve binpath= "link   Running svnserver as a Windows service - Powered by Kayako Help Desk Software
sc create SVNserve binpath= "c:\Program Files\subversion\bin\svnserve.exe --service --root \"c:\svn_root\"" displayname= "Subversion Repository" depend= Tcpip start= autolink   Subversion/Setting up server under Windows - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
sc create svnserve binpath= "c:\svnserve\svnserve.exe --servicelink   Running svnserver as a Windows service - Powered by Kayako Help Desk Software
sc create svnserve binPath=link   Installing Subversion as a Windows Service - James Kovacs' Weblog
sc create svnservelink   creating a service with sc.exe; how to pass in context parameters - Stack Overflow
sc create SymantecNetworkBootServiceTftp binPath= "C:\Program Files\Altiris\Altiris Agent\Agents\Deployment\SBS\SbsMtftp.exe" DisplayName= "Symantec Network Boot Service (TFTP)"link   DS7.5 NBS Services don't completely install, or are missing, on an NBS Site Server
sc create syncthing_service binpath= "C:\scripts\syncthing-windows\syncthing.exe" type= own start= auto DisplayName= "SyncThing Service"link   Start syncthing in background without shell window / as a Windows service - General - Syncthing Forum
sc create test binPath=link   A guide to configure SAProuter | SAP Blogs
sc create testdrv binPath= c:\testdrv.sys type= kernellink   64-bit Device Driver Development | McDermott Cybersecurity
sc create testsvc binPath= "C:\WindowsService1.exe"link   Using sc.exe - WiX 3.6: A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML [Book]
sc create VirtualServer binPath= "%SystemRoot%\System32\srvany.exe" start= auto DisplayName= "Virtual Server"link • View topic - VirtualBox as a service
sc create vmsvc1 binPath= "c:\progralink • View topic - VirtualBox as a service
sc create webimagemailer binpath= C:\wc\wcmail.exe start= auto displayname=link   SC's Dependency Problems | Management & Mobility content from Windows IT Pro
sc create wuauserv DisplayName= "Windows Update" binpath= "c:\windows\system32\svchost.exe -k netsvcs" Start= delayed-auto depend= RpcSslink   joystick junkie: Re-create BITS and Windows Update Services for Windows 7
sc create wuauserv DisplayName= "Windows Update" binpath= "clink   joystick junkie: Re-create BITS and Windows Update Services for Windows 7
sc create XeroxScan binpath="C:\Programlink   [Guide] How to run Program As Service in Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 | Virtualization blog | Windows 10 | VMware ESXi | How-to's | Microsoft Lync | Windows 8

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