コマンドオプションサンプル:shutdown /f


shutdown /f /p
    Easy way to shutdown your PC by Links (Jarvis) - AI-Dot.Net : http://forum.ai-dot.net/viewtopic.php@t=5138
shutdown /f /t 0"
    system exec not executing windows restart properly - Discussion Forums - National Instruments : http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/system-exec-not-executing-windows-restart-properly/td-p/1542570
ShutDown /f /t 0
    Use the Remote Shutdown Tool to Shutdown, Restart, or Logoff a Local or Networked Computer - MAXIMUMpcguides - Windows Vista tips, tricks, help, and how-to guides — MAXIMUMpcguides – Windows Vista tips, tricks, help, and how-to guides : http://maximumpcguides.com/windows-vista/use-the-remote-shutdown-tool-to-shutdown-restart-or-logoff-a-local-or-networked-computer/
shutdown /f /t 0 /r /fw
    Windows: Boot from USB or external device in UEFI modeMichls Tech Blog : http://michlstechblog.info/blog/windows-boot-from-usb-or-external-device-in-uefi-mode/
shutdown /f /r /t 60
    Windows Updateをフルオートで完了するバッチスクリプト - Qiita : http://qiita.com/Marukaziler/items/54bfbf054a372328be3f
shutdown /f /t 10 /r
    command line - How do I shutdown - restart - logoff Windows via a bat file? - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/162304/how-do-i-shutdown-restart-logoff-windows-via-a-bat-file/162305
shutdown /f force the shutdown /t 0 t for time
    Avoid "system will shut down in 10 minutes" using shutdown on windows - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/559736/avoid-system-will-shut-down-in-10-minutes-using-shutdown-on-windows.1
shutdown /f /p - Quick powerdown of a Windows Computer shutdown /f /r /t 0 - Quick reboot of a Windows Computer bypassing any hung or stuck processes or services
    Command Line Magicさんのツイート: "shutdown -h 0 # Stop the auto playing sound that you're hearing, wherever it's coming from. This will also exit your editor." : http://twitter.com/climagic/status/981973210320293889
shutdown /f /s /t 0
    Block reopening of Programs on Windows 10 start - gHacks Tech News : http://www.ghacks.net/2017/10/25/block-reopening-of-programs-on-windows-10-start/
shutdown /f
    shutdown シャットダウン・コマンド : http://www.hir-net.com/soft/win/shutdown.html
shutdown /f /r /
    How to Perform Power Operations Through the CLI | QualiTest : http://www.qualitestgroup.com/resources/knowledge-center/how-to-guide/perform-power-operations-cli/
shutdown /f /s /p /t 0
    Why does my laptop do not shutdown properly? - Quora : http://www.quora.com/What-are-all-the-shortcuts-to-shut-down-a-windows-computer
    Shutdown Computers from Command Line » Robert Borges Blog : http://www.robertborges.us/2013/07/windows/shutdown-computers-from-command-line/
shutdown /f or whatever. Any exe file in the system32 folder can be called without needing the full path thanks to the Path parameter in Windows that defines certain paths to search when you just type a command
    Quick Tip: Easily Shutdown or Restart WITHOUT Installing Updates. | TechPowerUp Forums : http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/quick-tip-easily-shutdown-or-restart-without-installing-updates.205954/

shutdown のオプション一覧