コマンドオプションサンプル:shutdown /r


shutdown /r /o /t 0
    121ware.com > サービス&サポート > Q&A > Q&A番号 017878 : http://121ware.com/qasearch/1007/app/servlet/qadoc@QID=014378
shutdown /r /m \\pc2
    How to Restart or Shutdown a Remote Computer : http://activedirectorypro.com/restart-shutdown-remote-computer/
shutdown /r /t 0 come back with
    Can't shutdown or sleep after Version 1709 update - Ars Technica OpenForum : http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php@f=15&t=1406313
shutdown /r /o /f /t 00
    Windows 8 Shutdown.exe command update: Boot Selection Menu and Fast Startup - Unlock For Us : http://blog.unlockforus.org/2012/10/windows-8-shutdownexe-command-update.html
shutdown /r /t 0
    Restart or Shutdown Windows Computer Using CMD and SHUTDOWN Commands from the Command Line | Capitalhead.com : http://capitalhead.com/articles/restart-or-shutdown-windows-computer-using-cmd-and-shutdown-commands-from-the-command-line.aspx
Shutdown /r /f /t 1[/B] to do a hard restart and kill tasks preventing the shutdown process
    Problem with computer shut down command - Newbie Forum - Club Myce - Knowledge is Power : http://club.myce.com/t/problem-with-computer-shut-down-command/311813@page=2
shutdown /r /t 0
    Windows Shutdown Command | Commaster's Blog : http://commaster.net/content/windows-shutdown-command
shutdown /r /t 0
    Remote Restarting a Domain PC - Windows Forum - Spiceworks : http://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/148839-how-to-restart-shutdown-using-cmd
shutdown /r /t 0
    shutdown.exe | Confidential Files! : http://confidentialfiles.wordpress.com/tag/shutdown-exe/
shutdown /r /t 0 /f /d p:4:1 /c "
    shutdown.exe - Server/PC設定メモ : http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Spiral/20140106/1388987251
shutdown /r /f /t 1
    Four ways to remotely reboot a Windows machine | David Vielmetter : http://davidvielmetter.com/tricks/four-ways-to-remotely-reboot-a-windows-machine/
shutdown /r reboots the computer
    Windows shutdown command - The Silicon Underground : http://dfarq.homeip.net/windows-shutdown-command/
shutdown /r /m \\servername /t 60 /c "Reconfiguring myapp.exe" /f /d p:4:1
    shutdown | Microsoft Docs : http://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/shutdown
shutdown /r /d p:4
    SHUTDOWN | dosprompt.info : http://dosprompt.info/commands/shutdown.asp
shutdown /r /t 00
    "Computer Restart" message won't go away? - ESET NOD32 Antivirus - ESET Security Forum : http://forum.eset.com/topic/3728-computer-restart-message-wont-go-away/
shutdown /r /t 0" but the behaviour it's the same
    Solved: RESTARTING INSTEAD OF SHUTTING DOWN - Lenovo Community : http://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-C-E-K-M-N-and-V-Series/RESTARTING-INSTEAD-OF-SHUTTING-DOWN/td-p/3584585
shutdown /r /o /t 0
    Windows 10/8.1の shutdown コマンドのパラメーター - ぼくんちのTV 別館 : http://freesoft.tvbok.com/win8/recovery/windows8_shutdown.html
shutdown /r /t 0
    【Windows8】シャットダウンや再起動のショートカットを作成する方法 | イメージングソリューション : http://imagingsolution.net/program/windows8/make-shortcut-to-shutdown/
shutdown /r /t 0 (
    SUSE Linuxと Windows のシャットダウン、リブート操作(仮想サーバーのメンテナンス) : isLandcenter 非番中 : http://islandcnt.exblog.jp/237825959/
shutdown /r /t 0
    一発でシャットダウンするショートカット(shutdown コマンド・アイコン)(Windows 10・8.1) : http://iwakuni.info/archives/1300
shutdown /r /f
    shutdown command : http://jonlabelle.com/snippets/view/dos/shutdown-command
shutdown /r /t 0 (zero
    What a Government Shutdown Would Mean for You : http://lifehacker.com/create-the-shutdown-tile-thats-missing-from-windows-8-505599879
shutdown /r /f /t 00 and the desktop restarts itself
    Use the Remote Shutdown Tool to Shutdown, Restart, or Logoff a Local or Networked Computer - MAXIMUMpcguides - Windows Vista tips, tricks, help, and how-to guides — MAXIMUMpcguides – Windows Vista tips, tricks, help, and how-to guides : http://maximumpcguides.com/windows-vista/use-the-remote-shutdown-tool-to-shutdown-restart-or-logoff-a-local-or-networked-computer/
shutdown /r /o /t 0
    シャットダウンができるショートカットを作成する方法 - 道すがら講堂 : http://michisugara.jp/archives/2013/shutdown.html
shutdown /r /t 0
    コマンドラインから素早くWindowsを再起動する方法 | minto.tech : http://minto.tech/windows-saikidou-command/
shutdown /r /t 0
    Windows7を「Windows U U」でシャットダウンする | Multimedia Lab. : http://mtechlab.blogspot.com/2012/01/windows7-shutdown-shortcut.html
shutdown /r /t 0
    EZ-NET: リモート先の Windows 8 をシャットダウンする : Windows 8 の使い方 : http://network.station.ez-net.jp/os/windows8/remote/power.asp
shutdown /r /o /t 0
    レッツ! Windows 8 - セーフモードを呼び出す四つの方法 (3) コマンドラインを利用する方法 | マイナビニュース : http://news.mynavi.jp/article/20120802-letswindows8/3
shutdown /r /t 01
    1115 A system shutdown is in progress | oasysadmin : http://oasysadmin.com/tag/1115-a-system-shutdown-is-in-progress/
shutdown /r /t 0
    Windows8 - 再起動とシャットダウンのショートカットを作成する方法 - PC設定のカルマ : http://pc-karuma.net/windows-8-add-shutdown-reboot-shortcuts/
shutdown /r /f /t 0 /m \\fukuoka
    インフラ情報まとめ Windows Server 2008R2 リモートシャットダウン、再起動(shutdown) : http://pcmemorin.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-1370.html
shutdown /r /t 0"
    Windows 8 をワンクリックでシャットダウンするスクリプトファイルを作成 | でじまみ - 楽天ブログ : http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/mscrtf/diary/201305170000/
shutdown /r /t 0
    Adding Shutdown And Restart To Windows 8.1 Start Screen : http://prajwaldesai.com/adding-shutdown-and-restart-to-windows-8-1-start-screen/
shutdown /r /t 0
    コマンドラインからすばやくWindowsを再起動・シャットダウンする - Qiita : http://qiita.com/rohinomiya/items/7e67ca10656891f8a985
shutdown /r /t 10
    Windows 10 コマンド シャットダウン・再起動 など: Jkun Blog : http://s.jkunblog.com/article/177044025.html
shutdown /r /f /m \\backup. Originally I was getting "Access Denied" but after searching the internet I disabled file sharing on the remote PC and I now get the following error message: "backup: The entered computer name is not ..
    「shutdown /p site:askubuntu.com」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 : http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search@p=shutdown+%2Fi+site%3Asocial.technet.microsoft.com&rkf=1
shutdown /r /t 120 /c "Shutting Down for maintenance" /f /d p:4:1
    Shut down a computer with shutdown /s - Top Windows command-line commands : http://searchenterprisedesktop.techtarget.com/photostory/4500257330/Top-Windows-command-line-commands/4/Shut-down-a-computer-with-shutdown-s
shutdown /r /m \\computername /t 0
    remote - How can I remotly shutdown a windows machine - Server Fault : http://serverfault.com/questions/2391/how-can-i-remotly-shutdown-a-windows-machine
shutdown /r /f
    [Win10] コマンドプロンプトからシャットダウンや再起動をする方法 | エンジニアの休日 : http://shnk38.com/pc/how-to-win/win10-cmd-shutdown-reboot/
shutdown /r /t 0)
     パッチ適用後の再起動においてログイン可能状態になるまで1時間かかるサーバーと数分でログイン可能状態になるサーバーの違いおよびその事象が起こる要因調査方法について : http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/21d39dc7-f76f-4641-9003-51ffe66fa50d/1@forum=windowsserver2008ja
shutdown /r /f /c "Demo of Shutdown" /d up:125:1
    Shutdown - Shutdown the computer - Windows CMD - SS64.com : http://ss64.com/nt/shutdown.html
shutdown /r /m \\computername
    Remotely shutdown a Windows machine - Stack Overflow : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12133262/remotely-shutdown-a-windows-machine
shutdown /r /t 0
    How do you shutdown or restart a Windows computer over a Remote Desktop connection? - Super User : http://superuser.com/questions/128051/how-do-you-shutdown-or-restart-a-windows-computer-over-a-remote-desktop-connecti
shutdown /r /d up:
    shutdownコマンド | 日経 xTECH(クロステック) : http://tech.nikkeibp.co.jp/it/article/COLUMN/20060830/246773/
shutdown /r /t 0
    How to Quickly Start and Shutdown Windows 8 PC : http://techpp.com/2013/02/04/windows-8-quick-start-shutdown/
shutdown /r /t 0 then press Enter
    How to easily shutdown or restart Windows over Remote Desktop Connection | TinkerTry IT @ Home : http://tinkertry.com/how-to-shutdown-or-restart-windows-over-rdp
shutdown /r /f
    How to Shut Down Windows 10 via Remote Desktop : http://tommynation.com/shut-windows-10-remote-desktop-rdp/
shutdown /r /d u:0:0 /c "shutdown test"
    シャットダウンまでの猶予時間を指定するWindowsコマンドオプション : http://tooljp.com/windows/doc/command/shutdown/html/shutdown-d.html
shutdown /r /t 0
    poweroff【コマンド】とは|「分かりそう」で「分からない」でも「分かった」気になれるIT用語辞典 : http://wa3.i-3-i.info/word13835.html
shutdown /r /t 0
    デスクトップからもスタート画面からもワンタッチ、シャットダウンや再起動のショートカットを作る | Windows8 Room : http://win8room.net/2012/11/24/456.html
shutdown /r /fw
    Boot to UEFI Firmware Settings In Windows 10 : http://winaero.com/blog/boot-uefi-firmware-settings-windows-10/
shutdown /r /t 0
    リモートデスクトップで再起動やシャットダウンを実行する | 社内SEになったクマの話 : http://wingard.jugem.jp/@eid=13
shutdown /r /o /t 0
     第17回 素早い起動を可能にする「高速スタートアップ」:Windows 8レボリューション - @IT : http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/ait/articles/1303/21/news107.html
shutdown /r /o /t 0 command from a Run prompt
    How to access the Advanced Startup Options menu in Windows 8 : http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/advanced-startup-options-menu-in-windows-8/
shutdown /r /o in an elevated CMD prompt to reboot your computer into Advanced Boot options or Recovery console
  : http://www.chicagotech.net/netforums/viewtopic.php@f=3&t=19283&sid=40f95e0e7cd7b909a0aecaf8d793046b
shutdown /r /t 0 to reboot Windows 8 immediately. Click Next to continue
    How to create a shutdown and reboot tile in Windows 8 - CNET : http://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-create-a-shutdown-and-reboot-tile-in-windows-8/
sHUTDOWN /R /m \\ComputerName would work just as well
    Windows Server Shutdown Command Line Switches : http://www.computerperformance.co.uk/Longhorn/server_2008_shutdown_command.htm
shutdown /r /o /t 0
    Windows10でドライバー署名の一時的な無効化方法 – CSD Co., Ltd. 有限会社 シー・エス・ディー : http://www.csd.co.jp/driverinstall/
shutdown /r /t 180
    Schedule Windows server to reboot or shutdown automatically - nixCraft : http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/schedule-windows-server-to-reboot-or-shutdown-automatically.html
shutdown /r /m \\servername /t 60 /c "Reconfiguring myapp.exe" /f /d p:4:1
    Remote Computer Shutdown - Microsoft Windows | DaniWeb : http://www.daniweb.com/hardware-and-software/microsoft-windows/threads/10650/remote-computer-shutdown
shutdown /r "to Restart your windows PC
    How to Shutdown/Power off Windows 10 PC Using CMD - EaseUS : http://www.easeus.com/computer-instruction/shutdown-power-off-windows-10-using-cmd.html
shutdown /r -- Shuts down the computer
    How to use the Windows shutdown command - gHacks Tech News : http://www.ghacks.net/2017/05/22/how-to-use-the-windows-shutdown-command/
shutdown /r /t 1800
    Windowsのシャットダウン タイマーを設定(一定時間後に停止)する方法 : http://www.haruru29.net/blog/how-to-set-shutdown-timer/
shutdown /r and shutdown /gcommands
    What is the Difference Between “shutdown /r” and “shutdown /g” in Windows?  : http://www.howtogeek.com/275739/what-is-the-difference-between-shutdown-r-and-shutdown-g-in-windows/
shutdown /r /f /t 0
    2 Ways to Perform a Full Shutdown in Windows 10 : http://www.isumsoft.com/windows-10/2-ways-to-perform-a-full-shutdown.html
shutdown /r /o /t 0
    【windows 8/8.1】 コマンドを使用してデスクトップに電源ボタンのショートカット作成してみよう! : http://www.japan-secure.com/entry/blog-entry-375.html
shutdown /r /t 0" in the location field
    How to Shut Down Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 In Just One Click : http://www.laptopmag.com/articles/how-to-shutdown-windows-8-in-just-one-click
shutdown /r /f /t 30
    「スタートメニュー」だけじゃない! Windowsを再起動する方法あれこれ | ライフハッカー[日本版] : http://www.lifehacker.jp/2015/07/150718reboot_windows.html
shutdown /r /d p:0:0
    Shutdown Command (Examples, Options, Switches, and More) : http://www.lifewire.com/shutdown-command-2618100
shutdown /r /o /t 0
    Windows 8 Consumer Preview の完全なシャットダウン方法 – マキシマ文庫 : http://www.makisima.org/v3/2012/03/02/windows-8-cp-shutdown-full/
shutdown /r /t 0) and check AD database on this DC server. Then check other DC servers in the domain to ensure the restored AD Data has been replicated (repadmin /replicate)
    Windows 2012 Disaster Recovery : http://www.mcmcse.com/microsoft/guides/70-412/disaster_recovery.shtml
shutdown /r - to restart the computer
    How Many Ways to Shut Down and Restart Your Windows 10 Computer | Next of Windows : http://www.nextofwindows.com/how-to-shutdown-or-restart-a-windows-pc-from-remote-desktop-session
shutdown /r /t 0. (That's a zero at the end
    How to create a Windows 8 shutdown tile | PCWorld : http://www.pcworld.com/article/2038647/how-to-create-a-windows-8-shutdown-tile.html
shutdown /r /t 20 /c "You Have 20 Seconds To Save Your Work or 15 Seconds to Double-Click the Continue Button
    Pecos SWW<>Creating a Shutdown/Sleep/Restart or Continue Icon For the Vista (and XP) Desktop : http://www.pecos-softwareworks.com/vista_icons.shtml
shutdown /r /t 60 /d p:4:2
    What's Shutdown Event Tracker on Windows Server 2003? - Petri : http://www.petri.com/whats_shutdown_event_tracker_on_windows_server_2003
shutdown /r /
    How to Perform Power Operations Through the CLI | QualiTest : http://www.qualitestgroup.com/resources/knowledge-center/how-to-guide/perform-power-operations-cli/
shutdown /r /f /d p:4:1
    Do you use "shutdown.com -r -f -t 0", "Start Menu > Restart", or something different to reboot Windows Servers while in via RDP? : sysadmin : http://www.reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/4tqnrg/do_you_use_shutdowncom_r_f_t_0_start_menu_restart/
    Shutdown Computers from Command Line » Robert Borges Blog : http://www.robertborges.us/2013/07/windows/shutdown-computers-from-command-line/
shutdown /r /t 0
    【Windows】リモートデスクトップ先のマシンを再起動、シャットダウンしたい at softelメモ : http://www.softel.co.jp/blogs/tech/archives/3779
shutdown /r /t 3 /m \\PC-2248
     How-to : Pass a username and password to Windows shutdown.exe command. : http://www.squidworks.net/2011/07/how-to-pass-a-username-and-password-to-windows-shutdown-exe-command/
Shutdown /r /c "Hanging Application or service" /t 30
    Restart Windows Server 2003 from the command line - TechRepublic : http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/the-enterprise-cloud/restart-windows-server-2003-from-the-command-line/
shutdown /r /m \servername
    Shut Down or Reboot Remote PC with a Custom Batch File : http://www.tekrevue.com/tip/reboot-remote-pc-batch-file/
shutdown /r /c "Your comment here"
    Add Shut down Context Menu in Windows 10 Windows 10 Tutorials  : http://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/7370-restart-computer-windows-10-a.html
shutdown /r /t 0
    Windows IoT CoreのPower ShellでRaspberry Pi2に接続 : http://www.usagi1975.com/26152046/
shutdown /r /f /t 0
    How to Full Shutdown Windows 10, 8.1 or 8 to extend battery's life or to reinitialize Windows. - wintips.org - Windows Tips & How-tos : http://www.wintips.org/full-shutdown-windows-10-8-1-8/
Shutdown /r /o - Use this combination of switches to restart and display the advanced boot options menu
    Windows 10 tip: Take full control over how your PC shuts down | ZDNet : http://www.zdnet.com/article/windows-10-tip-take-full-control-over-how-your-pc-shuts-down/

shutdown のオプション一覧